How ******* embarr***ing that these grown *** pushing 30+ folks were arguing day in and day out with a teen... yall just as bad as caramarialover LOL
Lmaooooo one time Hauserman joked that if my parents saw my Vevmo activity, then I would be grounded, and I was like... sweetie... I think YOU need to worry about people in YOUR life seeing your Vevmo activity because how ******* embarrassing to be online rivals with a teenager that's 20 years younger than you. I don't hate him anymore, though, those were just my thoughts at the time/I don't mean that as shade
Sweetie, I was talking about in the past. Not now. No offense (or take offense, I'm good either way), but you have really got to sharpen up your reading comprehension skills.
I missed you so much <3 also I will always be the talk of the town on Vevmo because when I leave it's "where's CML" and when I return it's "CML is back!"
OS's vuhgina became heavy flow and he couldn't afford to keep using jumpo tampons so he left vevmo to create a new size so his flow would stop! Too much blood and guts for OS's fasts! Hid prayers are with us on vevmo.
I wonder what reality tv show OldSchooler is filming to make him leave vevmo. We all know he doesn't have a life so it's not that.
I'm shocked that he left, this was his life (no shade, I don't have a life either). I miss him so much, my heart aches from it. He was such a *****, but I loved him no matter what. OldSchooler please come back before I die of boredom without you.
OS's vuhgina became heavy flow and he couldn't afford to keep using jumpo tampons so he left vevmo to create a new size so his flow would stop! Too much blood and guts for OS's fasts! Hid prayers are with us on vevmo.
I laughed so hard at this. There's something wrong with you. How do you even come up with that
OS's vuhgina became heavy flow and he couldn't afford to keep using jumpo tampons so he left vevmo to create a new size so his flow would stop! Too much blood and guts for OS's fasts! Hid prayers are with us on vevmo.
he's gonna come back with a new vuhgina, lipsuction, facelift, and a hair transplant from turkey. just yall wait
OS's vuhgina became heavy flow and he couldn't afford to keep using jumpo tampons so he left vevmo to create a new size so his flow would stop! Too much blood and guts for OS's fasts! Hid prayers are with us on vevmo.
I laughed so hard at this. There's something wrong with you. How do you even come up with that
Sorry the grammar was a little fhuked up I was a little drunk when I wrote this. Lolol and idk.
OS's vuhgina became heavy flow and he couldn't afford to keep using jumpo tampons so he left vevmo to create a new size so his flow would stop! Too much blood and guts for OS's fasts! Hid prayers are with us on vevmo.
he's gonna come back with a new vuhgina, lipsuction, facelift, and a hair transplant from turkey. just yall wait
I need to get the number to his doctor. Maybe I can get some as s implants!
sounds like voter suppression wtf
Look how far me and CML have come from the days we had pages long arguments, lol
I must have missed the memo that we're rivals?
Sweetie, I was talking about in the past. Not now. No offense (or take offense, I'm good either way), but you have really got to sharpen up your reading comprehension skills.
We have never been rivals but
Well it wasn't my intent to start some shit, so I'm sorry if it came across that way. You have a good day.
Okay, you too.
Omg CML is back!
I missed you so much <3 also I will always be the talk of the town on Vevmo because when I leave it's "where's CML" and when I return it's "CML is back!"
OldSchooler, if you're reading this, please come back <3 I miss you dearly
OS's vuhgina became heavy flow and he couldn't afford to keep using jumpo tampons so he left vevmo to create a new size so his flow would stop! Too much blood and guts for OS's fasts!
Hid prayers are with us on vevmo.
I wonder what reality tv show OldSchooler is filming to make him leave vevmo. We all know he doesn't have a life so it's not that.
I'm shocked that he left, this was his life (no shade, I don't have a life either). I miss him so much, my heart aches from it. He was such a *****, but I loved him no matter what. OldSchooler please come back before I die of boredom without you.
I laughed so hard at this. There's something wrong with you. How do you even come up with that
And who is in your profile picture
he's gonna come back with a new vuhgina, lipsuction, facelift, and a hair transplant from turkey. just yall wait
Sorry the grammar was a little fhuked up I was a little drunk when I wrote this. Lolol and idk.
I need to get the number to his doctor. Maybe I can get some as s implants!
Some random instagram influencer guy who I was feeling for like a week. Lol I forgot his name now though but I'm sure I can find him.
Regarding the previous convo, I voted early and prefer it that way now.
what tv show yall think oldschooler is filming?
The Biggest Loser?
Catfish or Blackfish
I think it's a new show. He was cast for diversity reasons to be the short, bald, millennial dork archetype.
The Wideset Vuhgina Club!: Seattle
Maybe hes not filming anything but being held hostage by the Cloud for all the things he has said about her LMAO