Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I miss Quinny. Just put the cameras on the jury house.

Only one black woman has won this show and Twitter is like "ok, that's enough diversity". 

Makensy won HoH. Zzz

I miss Quinny. Just put the cameras on the jury house.

nah we're good.

Makensy won HoH. Zzz


Who knows she may backdoor Chelsie 

Who knows she may backdoor Chelsie 

I doubt Chelsie will order to be backdoored.

Taylor is such a weird b•itch. I hope chelsie wins so we can have a black woman who won using actually strategy and not locking lips with a man when her butt was on the line

Monte Taylor <333


Who knows she may backdoor Chelsie 

I doubt Chelsie will order to be backdoored.


Makensy won HoH. Zzz

Yeah she is absolutely going to be targeted at final 4.

MJ's only shot at redeeming her shit game is to eliminate chelsey this week. will that happen? probably not

I mean IMO Chelsie is the ONLY deserving player left. Y'all want her to go...? So we can get a very below mid winner?

I mean IMO Chelsie is the ONLY deserving player left. Y'all want her to go...? So we can get a very below mid winner?

i want chelsey to win cause she played the best game. i want mj to lose for being a SHEEP and evicting leah. i want cam and kimo to lose for being boring. and i want millenial cringe rubina to lose for being millenial cringe


I mean IMO Chelsie is the ONLY deserving player left. Y'all want her to go...? So we can get a very below mid winner?

i want chelsey to win cause she played the best game. i want mj to lose for being a SHEEP and evicting leah. i want cam and kimo to lose for being boring. and i want millenial cringe rubina to lose for being millenial cringe

Right like what have Cam, Kimo or Rubina done worthy of winning? Makensy is alright but her game does not compare to Chelsie's by a longshot. Overall, this is one of the weakest final 5 ever.

I want to see Chelsie win but I also want to see people recognize that and try to get her out.

I want to see Chelsie win but I also want to see people recognize that and try to get her out.

Nothing wrong with that, would make her win even more impressionable. I think she can do it. Big Brother is not even half the show it was, let me at least see people who show up to play hard actually be rewarded because the show should have been canned a long time ago tbh.

I want Chelsie to win so she can dethrone tayw•hore

Y'all cannot be in here praising Cam but disparaging Taylor.

She's not the most strategic winner, but it's stupid to still act like two years later, she didn't play a "winner's game." That varies season by season, but I think very few winners actually represent what their season is about... and Taylor is one of them.


I want to see Chelsie win but I also want to see people recognize that and try to get her out.

Nothing wrong with that, would make her win even more impressionable. I think she can do it. Big Brother is not even half the show it was, let me at least see people who show up to play hard actually be rewarded because the show should have been canned a long time ago tbh.

a big brother season i'd imagine is stupid cheap to produce and still gets good viewership. so i don't think it will ever get cancelled as long as cable tv is a thing. 

Y'all cannot be in here praising Cam but disparaging Taylor.

She's not the most strategic winner, but it's stupid to still act like two years later, she didn't play a "winner's game." That varies season by season, but I think very few winners actually represent what their season is about... and Taylor is one of them.

taylor is the epitome of 'pretty girl lets hate on her' from the moment she appeared on tv until now. 

I discredit anyone whose win was at the hands of HEAVY production manipulation...Díçķ, Rachel, Jordan, Taylor, and even Dan to an extent all won based on extreme production intervention. If Chelsie wins, it's on her own merit and she's in a class of her own except with D*****k BB16 maybe.

Tayreta•rd is a grifter so there's that 

Cam can't win shit omg I may need to revert back to my Tucker stan era 

No one has been targeting Cam. He's probably throwing it. There's no point for him to win.

This cast kinda annoys me how they don't care when they get nominated. They don't get mad and they don't want revenge. This type of maturity has no place on reality tv.

I discredit anyone whose win was at the hands of HEAVY production manipulation...Díçķ, Rachel, Jordan, Taylor, and even Dan to an extent all won based on extreme production intervention. If Chelsie wins, it's on her own merit and she's in a class of her own except with D*****k BB16 maybe.

Production inference is a bullshit excuse.

She sat there and would break bread with people who would've spat on her if they could. She absolutely had a hand in that. And, convincing Monte she wasn't a threat in the end was impressive. 

Taylor played better than everyone this season but Chelsie. 

It's not a bullsħít excuse. She doesn't win without them getting multiple warnings. If they let it be a true social experiment as it was intended she doesn't make jury.

Taylor played better than everyone this season but Chelsie. 

I think if she came back she would be a force like she was on Reindeer Games but her 24 game was purely based on a group trying to save face. Her social game was terrible which is what got her in the position she was in.

Ameerah, Jasmine, and Alyssa clocked her tea no shade.(I was gonna say Paloma too but she's mentally insane and unstable)

It's not a bullsħít excuse. She doesn't win without them getting multiple warnings. If they let it be a true social experiment as it was intended she doesn't make jury.

Theres a whole lot that happened after that.

And production influences shit in DRs all the time the entire cast would not have caught onto that.

She did repair some relationships with that one blonde girl idk her name, Alyssa, Jasmine, Monte that carried her further.

I don't think you were fully paying attention. Week one was the only "?" Moment but she still beats Paloma in that challenge so she way staying regardless.
