Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Tucker is winning AFP ijbol

Chemo is winning afp 

Leah wanted to be back in with the cool kids group who don't want her behind. She could have worked with Kimo/Rubina to tie the votes than Mak would have voted to keep her. Oh well, Quinn will be happy to see you. She may get AFP player though if Twitter is any indicator.

lol at thinking rubena and kemo would make any type of move and double lol thinking makensy will do something different than what chelsie wants

Did the Zings used to be funnier and more mean or were they always this bad?


Leah wanted to be back in with the cool kids group who don't want her behind. She could have worked with Kimo/Rubina to tie the votes than Mak would have voted to keep her. Oh well, Quinn will be happy to see you. She may get AFP player though if Twitter is any indicator.

lol at thinking rubena and kemo would make any type of move and double lol thinking makensy will do something different than what chelsie wants

They're a vote for her. Which Cam and Chelsie aren't. Rubina has come close to winning HoH a lot. The three of them plus Angela working together is Leah's best and only option to get Cam/Chel out. I think Mak would save Leah if it came down to a tie-breaker. 

Well you are wrong on all accounts lol.

i think leah has a chance to win apf now as people think she was ROBBED

Well you are wrong on all accounts lol.

Don't you have a wife to look for in some eastern European or Asian country?


Well you are wrong on all accounts lol.

Don't you have a wife to look for in some eastern European or Asian country?

Nah. Flying home from out there, so time to kill.

What are your top three favorite countries you've been to TravelSchooler?

What are your top three favorite countries you've been to TravelSchooler?

South Africa, Nigeria, and Jamaica.

What are your top three favorite countries you've been to TravelSchooler?

Kenya, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Namibia, Australia, Croatia, Switzerland. Sorry I like to do things in top 8s.


What are your top three favorite countries you've been to TravelSchooler?

South Africa, Nigeria, and Jamaica.

Nice! I love Jamaica.

What are your top three favorite countries you've been to TravelSchooler?

Kenya, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Namibia, Australia, Croatia, Switzerland. Sorry I like to do things in top 8s.

Oh interesting, nice variety 

Chelsie setting makensy up to be the double eviction target that's so nasty lmaoooo

Chelsie setting makensy up to be the double eviction target that's so nasty lmaoooo


Makensy leaving right behind Leah in the double at the hands of Chelsie would be the most iconic BB moment. It would replace Keesha's Birthday.

If Angela is gonna take out Chelsie I need her to do it at F3 bc I don't want her to do it and then she gets sent out after her and we're stuck with a Kimo & Rubina....

Nvm cam wants Angela to leave in the double :/

My ideal realistic scenario would be:

  • Chelsis wins HoH and blindsides Makensy in the double.
  • Cam wins HoH and takes out Kemo.
  • Angie wins HoH and puts up Chelsie & Cam. Chelsie wins veto and sends Rubina home.
  • Angie wins final HoH and takes Chelsie.
  • Chelsie wins 4-3.
  • Nvm cam wants Angela to leave in the double :/

    What? The idiot just made a deal with her last night. What a waste that would be.

    Chelsie setting makensy up to be the double eviction target that's so nasty lmaoooo

    As she should 

    Angela & Chelsie final 2 votes:

  • Cam: Chelsie
  • Rubina: Chelsie
  • Kimo: Chelsie
  • Makensy: Angela
  • Leah: Angela
  • T'Kor: Chelsie
  • Quinn: Chelsie
  • Shouldn't have targeted T'kor and trash talked your allies all season bye bye Leah 

    Could Angela possibly win AFG? Or be top 3?

    Shouldn't have targeted T'kor and trash talked your allies all season bye bye Leah 

    Still outlasted T'bore.

    Leah > Forgotten'bore

    Shouldn't have targeted T'kor and trash talked your allies all season bye bye Leah 

    T'kor's Karma


    Shouldn't have targeted T'kor and trash talked your allies all season bye bye Leah 

    T'kor's Karma

    No shade but I've forgot about t'khia's existence. Seems like not much has changed from before she was evicted, yes? Smile
