Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I don't like Quinn or Bore'Kor and you guys don't like Tucker. Seems fair, no?

It blows my mind if UK is the world's best troll or the most unaware human on the planet. I joke about Quinn sucking, you meltdown, cry, play victim, we come to an understanding I'm playing, we move on...I think, two hours later I have a different opinion and you start the tantrum all over again. 

It blows my mind that OldSchooler thinks he's the only one that can joke, and that when other people respond to him they're having a meltdown and crying. They cannot take ANY of what they dish out all day "in jest" but keep repeating the same behavior. It's giving mental disabilities. 

Zzz...just stealing my insults and rewording. You aren't joking lol. You just pretend that when you are called out for being a whiney loser. You literally came in my DMs freaking out for like 4 days admitting you aren't joking lol. Just admit you can't handle my sense of humor and keep it moving.

Zzz...just stealing my insults and rewording. You aren't joking lol. You just pretend that when you are called out for being a whiney loser. You literally came in my DMs freaking out for like 4 days admitting you aren't joking lol. Just admit you can't handle my sense of humor and keep it moving.

Again, pot calling kettle black. You're terrible at the one thing you do all the time, which is troll. People don't receive your comments as all in jest joking, because they aren't. It is obvious that you're a miserable ignorant loser who thinks it's funny to spread around their own misery. 

90% of people here get I'm joking. I dont care if your bíțçh äșş doesn't like it, I'm not changing so you might as well move on and stop trying to derail every convo looking for a fight.

Back to Big Brother! I would love if someone they got Joseph out. He annoys me. He might be my 3rd least fav behind Quinn and Boremo.

90% of people here get I'm joking. I dont care if your bíțçh äșş doesn't like it, I'm not changing so you might as well move on and stop trying to derail every convo looking for a fight.

No shade OS but you fight in every thread, lmao.

90% of people here get I'm joking. I dont care if your bíțçh äșş doesn't like it, I'm not changing so you might as well move on and stop trying to derail every convo looking for a fight.

Aww, you mad? You started it stupid b*itch. You're the only person I argue with. Whereas you argue with multiple people on the regular here, lol. If you want concede now then fine.

If Tucker leaves T'Kor's resume skyrockets.

Part of the big flip vote of the season, then possibly taking out the biggest comp threat? Yeah, she becomes the one to watch, but there's still a lot of game left.

Y'all its sunday stop fighting.


90% of people here get I'm joking. I dont care if your bíțçh äșş doesn't like it, I'm not changing so you might as well move on and stop trying to derail every convo looking for a fight.

Aww, you mad? You started it stupid b*itch. You're the only person I argue with. Whereas you argue with multiple people on the regular here, lol. If you want concede now then fine.

Never mad lol. I didn't start. I didn't @ you or quote you. This badâşś side is funny till you start crying victim in 3 post later. You were literally arguing KVM the other day. But yes, you mostly fight with me. You do it for validation from others. I banter with multiple people. I really only argue with you and KVM who are similar. Other people occasionally sneak in for some attention though.

Y'all its sunday stop fighting.

You are right. They are unhinged in every way. It's not even fun. I'll do my best not to engage the rest of my flight. Let's talk BB!

Never mad lol. I didn't start. I didn't @ you or quote you. This badâşś side is funny till you start crying victim in 3 post later. You were literally arguing KVM the other day. But yes, you mostly fight with me. You do it for validation from others. I banter with multiple people. I really only argue with you and KVM who are similar. Other people occasionally sneak in for some attention though.

I know you're slow and have dementia causing you to forget what you write a few moments earlier. But you did @ me where you accused me of being a victim and unaware. Then you also started with me in the Theo thread. Unbelievable that someone can lack THIS much self-awareness. It's nothing about being a bada*s ...literally you start with me, I respond. You say all your comments are joking, but all my comments are me crying. You continue to cry about my comments simply replying to you in-kind... Please explain what validation from others mean? What are they validating on a reality tv message forum? You're KVMLite in the way you always want to pick fights with people and your political ideology. Stay angry little man.

Y'all its sunday stop fighting.

You are right. They are unhinged in every way. It's not even fun. I'll do my best not to engage the rest of my flight. Let's talk BB!

Lol, you'll do your best to not pick at people for a few hours. Such a clown.

The week before Brooklyn was evicted everyone said she had it in the bag to win and she made way less of an error than T'flop has. Yall can root for different people and it's ok. You don't have to meltdown anytime someone doesnt have the same opinion as you.

No tags, quotes, or mentions of names.

Clown, dementia, slow, unaware, bald, skinny; you just use stolen insults. It's weird you were so mad I joked about your IP address matching an old user cause it was stalkerish but yet you are constantly bringing up my looks and very personal things. It's very strange and slightly concerning.

No tags, quotes, or mentions of names.

Lol, you're funny OS. Scroll down to your next comment.

Clown, dementia, slow, unaware, performative, bald, skinny; you just use stolen insults. It's weird you were so mad I joked about your IP address matching an old user cause it was stalkerish but yet you are constantly bringing up my looks and very personal things. It's very strange and slightly concerning.

All true except for the dementia. Maybe short-term memory issues is more accurate. In the Theo thread is saying I don't give off beauty queen vibes not bringing up my looks? You also called me ignorant, close-minded, filthy, ugly, unhinged, whiny loser, and the most hurtful of all, a Trumpie. So stop it VictimSchooler.

Can we just for once be on the same side for 48 hours?

Lol, you're funny OS. Scroll down to your next comment.

Ok. I scrolled. After my BB related comment.

Killah says yall had a meltdown. Silence. No once cares.
You quote my blanket statement and address me personally. You have an "lol" seems like fun, banter. I ignore.
Your sidekick responds to me (but not Killah also). Fair reply to my response though. It's BB related too.
You address me by name with an insult attached after me not engaging and randomly bring Quinn up who I haven't mentioned in several days. Me and Killah being annoyed by his screaming and weirdness isn't meltingdown. Again, I'm called out for it but not Killah...bc everything you do is performative and just an excuse for you to try and start a fight with me. So then, yes I reply and address you personally after twice of you addressing me.

It's so easy to get you riled up. You're so serious for someone who always claims to just be joking. Learn to relax.

All true except for the dementia. Maybe short-term memory issues is more accurate. In the Theo thread is saying I don't give off beauty queen vibes not bringing up my looks? You also called me ignorant, close-minded, filthy, ugly, unhinged, whiny loser, and the most hurtful of all, a Trumpie. So stop it VictimSchooler. Can we just for once be on the same side for 48 hours?

I have zero idea what you look like lol. You randomly called Nicole Bass ugly which was clearly trying to get a reaction from me. I gave you what you wanted. It was clearly a joke considering I have zero idea what your gender, race, body-size, or appearance is. You respond with attacking my actual looks which is weird and stalkerish but also fine because I made a baseless joke about your looks. You trying to fasley out me as though being gay is bad and stereotype sexuality was weird Trumpie behavior though. Behave like a Trumpie and you'll be called a Trumpie. Seems fair to me.

Back to Big Brother! I would love if someone they got Joseph out. He annoys me. He might be my 3rd least fav behind Quinn and Boremo.

Anyways, I agree. Would also love if someone got Joseph out. He's too cocky for the little he's done. Maybe it will be T'Kor or Quinn. 

It's so easy to get you riled up. You're so serious for someone who always claims to just be joking. Learn to relax.

I'm very relaxed. Eating you up is easy and entertaining for me. I always get excited to see which personality shows up in the response. Will it be the victim, the badäśš, the playful jokster, the woke, the Trumpie? I also look forward to which insult you will steal from someone else and use in a 1000% less funny way. 

I have zero idea what you look like lol. You randomly called Nicole Bass ugly which was clearly trying to get a reaction from me. I gave you what you wanted. It was clearly a joke considering I have zero idea what your gender, race, body-size, or appearance is. You respond with attacking my actual looks which is weird and stalkerish but also fine because I made a baseless joke about your looks. You trying to fasley out me as though being gay is bad and stereotype sexuality was weird Trumpie behavior though. Behave like a Trumpie and you'll be called a Trumpie. Seems fair to me.

My comment was like a week old and it wasn't random, it was in response to someone saying Nicole Bass was hanging out with Theo. Again, a TWO WEEKS old. Why did you randomly reply TODAY insulting me? You felt an urge? Weirdo. You also called me a narcissist. But once again that's you projecting. If I talk about a challenger who is never going to see my comments then fine for you to insult Jenny or other people I like. Why are you personally attacking me? I only ever say things to you after you attack me. And the person who regularly talks about Paulie's sexuality has no room to talk. I won't be taking ANY moral advice from you, lol. Don't dish what you can't take next time. Got it.

I'm bored. I stopped reading after the first line. You aren't even fun to mess with. You just want to a Vevmo rival so bad and since you clearly know the history here VERY well, you knew I'm the target to get an easy applause. You might be worse than RodentWarrior.

I'm very relaxed. Eating you up is easy and entertaining for me. I always get excited to see which personality shows up in the response. Will it be the victim, the badäśš, the playful jokster, the woke, the Trumpie? I also look forward to which insult you will steal from someone else and use in a 1000% less funny way. 

Not one person buys that you're relaxed. Just because you're use to looking like a fool on here doesn't mean you ate anyone up.

Anyway. Did the instigator twist have any impact? Have they shown up at all? Any speculation who it is? I've read very few updates but it seems like a flop.

I'm bored. I stopped reading after the first line. You aren't even fun to mess with. You just want to a Vevmo rival so bad and since you clearly know the history here VERY well, you knew I'm the target to get an easy applause. You might be worse than RodentWarrior.

Good! Glad you're bored. Stop replying to me then. You're the one who wants a stupid vevmo beef. Grow up. It's ridiculous how many times people have to repeat the same things to you for it to stick.

Lol. Someone please applaud it so it can feel validated. It needs to think it had an impact.

Lol. Someone please applaud it so it can feel validated. It needs to think it had an impact.

And the clown continues to respond to the person who supposedly bores them and can't take a joke. If anyone needs to feel validated it's the attention-seeking loser that only joy in life is starting stupid arguments with people on vevmo, lol. 
