Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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So t'kor noms are probably MJ, Leah, and Cam

T'Kor <3 I am so proud of her for winning HoH!

T'snore T'Kor's HOH will either improve or ruin the trajectory of the season

I was rooting for cam...but whatever... he might survive this week...

T'snore T'Kor's HOH will either improve or ruin the trajectory of the season

Ruin it. She already said Tucker, Kimo, Chelsie, Rubina are safe.

 Brooklyn should have stayed. Now feeds will be boring.

Queen T'kor rises mmmhmmm

T'bore won HOH. Peacekeeper won this round.

YESSSS T'Queen!!!! #MmmmHmmmm! That means Quinn and Chelsie are safe. My guess is noms will be Leah, Mak, and Cam. She better not let Tucker tell her what to do.


But not in the same way Josh Martinez likes to be gagged with a small white ****.

Ew, we don't need to know what happens in your bedroom.

They should have waited to see who won HoH before planning a 2-hour episode. The most boring human making the most boring move cannot carry a 2-hour episode?

Seriously the 2 hour episode píşşes me off with nothing happening. It's going to be a long aşś veto with them explaining every move to us like we are blind. Stupid segments with no substance. There's literally going to be no strategy this week? I can't with tv producers.

sad about brooklyn but whatever. tkor won HOH and im sooooo curious how she's gonna play it 

They should have waited to see who won HoH before planning a 2-hour episode. The most boring human making the most boring move cannot carry a 2-hour episode?

You mad mmhmm

sad about brooklyn but whatever. tkor won HOH and im sooooo curious how she's gonna play it 

What are you curious about? She'll put Mak and Leah with a pawn, with a being a volunteer.


They should have waited to see who won HoH before planning a 2-hour episode. The most boring human making the most boring move cannot carry a 2-hour episode?

You mad mmhmm

Correct. I want to be entertained. 


Hopefully someone can combine clips of t'kor's mmhmms throughout the week so I can play it to help me fall asleep

Manifesting T'Kor making a power move and nominating Tucker, Rubina, and Joseph.

Manifesting T'Kor making a power move and nominating Tucker, Rubina, and Joseph.

While you are manifesting unrealistic things, manifest me some hair and a few extra inches.

Manifesting T'Kor making a power move and nominating Tucker, Rubina, and Joseph.

While you are manifesting unrealistic things, manifest me some hair and a few extra inches.

Lol. My manifesting powers aren't THAT powerful. You're going to have to ask CosmicDiva to summon demons to help with both. Or fly to Turkey on your next international trip. Kyle knows a good doctor.

Tucker volunteering to go on the block again smh

Cam really isn't a threat. He's barely playing the game.

Cam is really gonna borcee is way to the final 2 seats

Cam is really gonna borcee is way to the final 2 seats



Cam is really gonna borcee is way to the final 2 seats


epically boring

Ykw if Tucker goes home oh well. I'm tired of these b•itches volunteering themselves. Bore'kor lowkey wants him out.

I don't watch live feed so I never understood y'all constantly complaining about Tkors mhms. So I went out of my way to find a video of her talking to Tucker live feeds, and I turned up the volume. As he spoke she kept saying mhm. It made me laugh, but it's not as obvious as y'all make it out to be. It was a very quiet mhm. I would've missed it if I didn't turn the sound up

I don't watch live feed so I never understood y'all constantly complaining about Tkors mhms. So I went out of my way to find a video of her talking to Tucker live feeds, and I turned up the volume. As he spoke she kept saying mhm. It made me laugh, but it's not as obvious as y'all make it out to be. It was a very quiet mhm. I would've missed it if I didn't turn the sound up

lmao send me this video. Only watched feeds for like 2 mins ever in my time watching this show and turned it off. I mainly read

T'Kor being HoH is probably my favorite thing that has happened this season.

T'Kor sending Tucker home would be obvious, but the best move thus far.
