Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Wow. I was worried that I would have to fight for OldSchooler for my deserved spot as the #1 Angela stan on Vevmo, but it appears that that won't be necessary. His fake *** has flipped on her once again. But y'know what? I said from day one that I was the OG, and that an OG is irreplaceable... I maintained that, and my pateince was met with long-term benefits, because I ended up being right. 

Angela is winning the game. Only when Grodner is afraid of the stans can you win both AFP and the game.

keep it. It's your signature pic just like mine. I love to pretend it's Taylor from bb and squint harder to remember it's cara

Okay I'm definitely keeping it now. And yes, your Jonna profile picture has been permanently burned into my brain. 

since you rejoined*

Oh my God. **** you. You drive me ******* crazy. CARAMARIALOVER IS MY FIRST AND ONLY ACCOUNT YOU ******* LOSER. Do you have a reason for thinking this absolute BS??????? I'm willing to pull a UKLover and argue with you for consecutive pages because I'm not here for your nonsense! 

I won't argue with you. When you start doing the multiple paragraphs with half of it censored, I'm done. I am not wasting my time trying to decipher your nonsense and delusions. 

I won't argue with you. When you start doing the multiple paragraphs with half of it censored, I'm done. I am not wasting my time trying to decipher your nonsense and delusions. 

I was joking lol. I will always love the irony of someone who doesn't shut the **** up about how everything they say is in jest being so terrible at understanding when people are joking! Still waiting on your reasoning for thinking that this isn't my first account, though, unless you're unable to explain your delusions just like I thought! 

You are acting as dumb as UKlo...nevermind. Just casue I eat you up in my rebuttal doesn't mean it's not in jest. I'm only not jesting when you make defamatory claims but then 5 seconds later I'm over it. I'll start signing my post "(not in jest)" when I'm being serious so you freaks can chill out thinking I'm actually an angry psycho mcgee.

You are acting as dumb as UKlo...nevermind. Just casue I eat you up in my rebuttal doesn't mean it's not in jest. I'm only not jesting when you make defamatory claims but then 5 seconds later I'm over it. I'll start signing my post "(not in jest)" when I'm being serious so you freaks can chill out thinking I'm actually an angry psycho mcgee.

It's hard to tell with you. You are one moody *****. And no you did not eat me up so don't lie on my name you desperate freak. Anyways, my bad! (although the point still stands) 

I'm not moody! I'm always in a good mood lol.

I'm not moody! I'm always in a good mood lol.

I agree tbh even though you're a ***** 

You are acting as dumb as UKlo...nevermind. 

boy stop before you cause 3 pages worth of arguments lmao

I'm not moody! I'm always in a good mood lol.

We both have Angela picture


keep it. It's your signature pic just like mine. I love to pretend it's Taylor from bb and squint harder to remember it's cara

Okay I'm definitely keeping it now. And yes, your Jonna profile picture has been permanently burned into my brain. 

actually nvm change it for a little bit and then go back to this one

Timster which is your favorite Jonna season? Loved her on Rivals & BOTS


I'm not moody! I'm always in a good mood lol.

We both have Angela picture

This is why you are my favorite.

I'm actually more excited to watch this tonight than the Challenge.

Uklover just got ha first L. We will all be tuning into the challenge to watch 4 physical elimination rounds between legendary players. You will be in here alone watching Tucker dominate. Zzzz

Uklover just got ha first L. We will all be tuning into the challenge to watch 4 physical elimination rounds between legendary players. You will be in here alone watching Tucker dominate. Zzzz

Lol, I know spoilers so I know what I will be missing. And I've been watching the Challenge for 20 damn years, lol. Big Brother is fresh to me. Plus my bootleg live tv service isn't always good quality, so since the Challenge lighting is shit, I'd rather wait until tomorrow to watch it online. I'll be in here all alone commenting on BB, but don't worry I'm still peeping y'all commentary on the Challenge thread.

I'll be with my best UKLover watching this.

So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

Someone was just in my DMs complaining about people spoiling the shows in non-spoiler threads.

I'll be with my best UKLover watching this.

Finally a kind comment.

So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

Nah, the eliminations gone be good. There's actually two I forgot I need to tune in for *giggles*, well really one :).


So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

Nah, the eliminations gone be good. There's actually two I forgot I need to tune in for *giggles*, well really one :).

ugh I just know my mom is gonna go down and get her *** murked. 


So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

Nah, the eliminations gone be good. There's actually two I forgot I need to tune in for *giggles*, well really one :).

queen still has you pressed I see Smile



So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

Nah, the eliminations gone be good. There's actually two I forgot I need to tune in for *giggles*, well really one :).

queen still has you pressed I see

Yup. Will never like hoe bag. Just like Cara stay having you pressed. 




So you both basically spoiled the eliminations for episode 2 suck. Thanks a lot. 

Nah, the eliminations gone be good. There's actually two I forgot I need to tune in for *giggles*, well really one :).

queen still has you pressed I see

Yup. Will never like hoe bag. Just like Cara stay having you pressed. 

1) a hoe bag but is in a committed relationship? Ok girl and 2) that crybaby victim will never have me pressed lmaooo but let's not get into it since this is a big brother thread Smile

We can still discuss Cara since she almost tried out for bb15. I remember she posted asking if she should audition but ultimately went to go do something else that day

We can still discuss Cara since she almost tried out for bb15. I remember she posted asking if she should audition but ultimately went to go do something else that day

thank god she wasn't on. She would cried about being bullied while being a grown woman lmaooo

Would Cara have been the first reverse Challenger to start on the Challenge then do BB? Lol that that doesn't happen with Survivor/Big Brother because they're not scraping for views or talent like the Challenge is.

Who I want to see on Big Brother from the Challenge: Kam, Jonna, Nurys, Amanda, Michele
