Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Omg, just leave me alone. 

Leave the site and you'll never have to deal with me again <3

Is that why you have such a hard•on for me? You're trying to get me to leave the site? Why?

When UKLover and I used to fight, she would be engaged and bite back. When UKLover and OldSchooler fight, she's just tired of and over his shit. I outplayed OldSchooler, lol! 

CML, we ended our fight like 3 months ago. And it was mostly always a fight for a reason, not just cause you were bored. I'm still here with OS, lol.


Omg, just leave me alone. 

Leave the site and you'll never have to deal with me again <3

Is that why you have such a hard•on for me? You're trying to get me to leave the site? Why?

Until late last night you were one of my favorite users. I thought we moved on from you actually hating me to a playful banter between the 2 of us. Now you are just back to being a miserable hag. But I don't care if you leave or not, you don't bother me. I'm still here having fun, but if I bother you so bad then just leave or ignore me lol.

Until late last night you were one of my favorite users. I thought we moved on from you actually hating me to a playful banter between the 2 of us. Now you are just back to being a miserable hag. But I don't care if you leave or not, you don't bother me. I'm still here having fun, but if I bother you so bad then just leave or ignore me lol.

Do you actually have dementia and just forget that you always attack me FIRST? I'm not leaving. But that doesn't mean you have to engage with me. You're the one that's in desperate need of a forced break from this site. 

I don't bother OS, but he attacks me more than anyone else on this site. Lol, so delusional.

"Attack" lol but claims I play victim? 

UKLover and OS say 1 thing that the other person should IMPROVE on Smile

UKLover and OS say 1 thing that the other person should IMPROVE on

S•TFU lol.

"Attack" lol but claims I play victim? 

Ok, so you do have dementia. OldSchooler, leave me alone.

I don't bother OS, but he attacks me more than anyone else on this site. Lol, so delusional.

I playfully jab at everyone except King Timster. You just respond the most and take it serious so I keep it going. It all in GOOD FUN (for me)! I would DM you and try to work it out so we didn't annoy everyone but then I'd get "attacked" for trying to handle it maturely.


"Attack" lol but claims I play victim? 

Ok, so you do have dementia. OldSchooler, leave me alone.

Where have I ever said I was being attacked in a serious manner?

The flip on Cedric really may happen 

I playfully jab at everyone except King Timster. You just respond the most and take it serious so I keep it going. It all in GOOD FUN (for me)! I would DM you and try to work it out so we didn't annoy everyone but then I'd get "attacked" for trying to handle it maturely.

Clearly I'm not receiving what you call a joke as a joke so maybe stop joking with me. I don't get why that's SO HARD for you. 

UKLover and OS say 1 thing that the other person should IMPROVE on

Wow. You want me to narrow it down to one?! That's hard when they are a catalogue of flaws. I hate the victim-mentality. You are a 30 something year old adult. If you can't handle some internet trolling, then don't log in...but you are no victim. The using social issues as props to tear people down is also gross behavior, but that's most of America so I'll whatever that. The lack of awareness is insane. I'm literally LOLing at everything I say. I have genuinly attacked and hated one person here and I make that very clear that everything I say is in jest, but the weirdo tries to deflect like I'm having the breakdown as they beg me to leave them alone but yet engage in everything I am saying, but also claims they are joking. I want them to be able to be light-hearted and fun and just throw shade back without breaking all the dishes in the house in a rage against everything I say.


UKLover and OS say 1 thing that the other person should IMPROVE on

Wow. You want me to narrow it down to one?! That's hard when they are a catalogue of flaws. I hate the victim-mentality. You are a 30 something year old adult. If you can't handle some internet trolling, then don't log in...but you are no victim. The using social issues as props to tear people down is also gross behavior, but that's most of America so I'll whatever that. The lack of awareness is insane. I'm literally LOLing at everything I say. I have genuinly attacked and hated one person here and I make that very clear that everything I say is in jest, but the weirdo tries to deflect like I'm having the breakdown as they beg me to leave them alone but yet engage in everything I am saying, but also claims they are joking. I want them to be able to be light-hearted and fun and just throw shade back without breaking all the dishes in the house in a rage against everything I say.

Do you think your first few sentences are light-hearted and fun? Are those comments not attacking me as a person? Do you think you know me well enough to make those sort of assessments about my character? Do you think it's up to YOU, someone that I don't know at all, to determine what I should be able to take on the internet.

Why the f•uck can't you just leave me alone?

If it's you not talking to me anymore than yes.

The flip on Cedric really may happen 

Now y'all have me worried. Who would flip on him?

If makensy loses AI she's going home I'm afraid

I'm torn. Cedric is nice to look at and I love his vibe, but I don't want a collective steamroll. Hopefully ruborina gets evicted Smile

Leah would probably vote for Mak too because she's so fake.Tbh, I don't think Mak has played a good game. She's really attempted to make no alliances and was only ever focused on targeting Angela. I wouldn't be upset if she left.

If Cedric goes I fear for Chelsie. 

UKLOVER. I DO NOT know you. I DO NOT KNOW your character. It's the internet. It's not serious. I am messing with you. I did leave you alone when you told me I bothered you and YOU continued to respond to me saying mundane about THE SHOW things. You want the smoke till you pull a Mike Skupin and fall in the fire. You love making digs at my post, which if FINE. I don't care. I think it's funny, but just know I'm going to respond and outplay you. You won't win cause I can't be rattled...except the 2 times I did get rattled lol. I've been doxxed. I've been caught in a pathetic lie and still get dragged for it like a decade later, my appearance, my masculinity gets attacked but I'm still here lol. So if you actually want to be left alone, DO NOT RESPOND TO ME. If you do, I consider it free game for PLAYFUL BANTER and if YOU take it the wrong way that is on YOU.

I NEED Cedric to win that arena. Angela & Tucker are the chaotic, fun stars of the show but Cedric is the most likable hg.

Take all of Cedric's pain and give it to QUINN

I want Tucker to win the wall comp this week and get Quinn out BUT then I need Leah to win. I want her to get in the mix. I like her.

Take all of Cedric's pain and give it to QUINN

King Quinn is staying Smile


Take all of Cedric's pain and give it to QUINN

King Quinn is staying

--on the block next week

I'm torn. Cedric is nice to look at and I love his vibe, but I don't want a collective steamroll. Hopefully ruborina gets evicted

A Rubina eviction is the worst possible outcome of the 3? 

I love being copied Wink
