Absolutely no chance she's on this. She's like 4 months post-op and an ACL repair at her age will take up to a year to heal. Plus she just got married. Desi's also 35 so I imagine she wants to settle down and have children soon. We might see her once more, but it won't be 41.
They will never do another Fresh Meat, Null. Bloodlines made damn sure they won't put more than three or so people that haven't been on tv before on a season. I'm shocked we even got Ravyn and Moriah on 38.
They would be fine for another few years just to pick the cream of the crop from Survivor and a few choice picks from Big Brother. People act like the prospects from those shows have been weak the past few years outside of Michele and Kyland but Chris Underwood, Cassidy, Desi, Michaela, Tyson, and Angela Rummans could/should all be semi-regulars, if not all vets. Even weaker players like the Alyssas, Tyler, Monte, and Chanelle could find a niche in the rotation.
We need a few Amanda type players that can start drama BUT also compete. Just from Survivor, I'll keep saying it: Sydney from Survivor 41 is a perfect fit. Bratty, snarky, shit starter, and athletic. Dee from 45, too. Venus from 46 would be massively fun too because she does not give a damn what anyone thinks. But she would last about as long as Amanda does these days.
You also need some workhorses who aren't afraid to go against the grain: Alec from 37 and Cole from 35 are great picks.
You also need younger, cutesy hookup potential. I think Reilly from BB25 and Lauren O'Connell from Survivor 38 are perfect for that.
And then you need a couple of wildcards: Q from 46 and Kaleb from 45 are perfect for The Challenge.
Every single person I mentioned is between 25 and 31 years old, so they could be on the show for five+ years, if they work out.
I honestly think over the next couple of seasons they should throw six or so rookies from Survivor and a couple from Big Brother and hope four stick each season. If you can get a solid CBS rotation of ten to twelve vets from 41 to 43, you'll have a much better chance to make it to 50.
it's possible to find authentic younger rookies similar to how the OG's were. but casting needs to look in the right places, AKA places that aren't in social media influencing or randos from across the globe who don't even know what's going on. also, they need to only be casting people below 25. i know people think that gen z is completely PC, fake, and watered down when it comes to media entertainment, but I promise that isn't the case when you actually go out in the real world.
production also needs to give up on trying to find a global audience and stick to just North American demographics.most of the countries where they've been casting rookies from don't even have easy access to The Challenge episodes. Casting from the UK is fine but anything besides that really doesn't make a difference in ratings by a significant margin. Did they really think that hundreds of thousands of Germans would tune in to see Colleen? Like..
tl:dr - get these millenial cringe b¡t¢hḗs OUT and start scouting for normal, working class gen z people if you want this show to last another decade
I don't think the entire generation is fake. I think the ones willing to make this show their life for the next X number of years. People can't be authentic now because they won't have a career afterwards so we get what we get. Those already established aren't going to hurt their image further. It is what it is.
gen z is broke as hell. after seeing what wes is tweeting, those appearence checks seem very nice.. i bet a lot of people within the right target demographics would be willing to do it
They will never do another Fresh Meat, Null. Bloodlines made damn sure they won't put more than three or so people that haven't been on tv before on a season. I'm shocked we even got Ravyn and Moriah on 38.
They would be fine for another few years just to pick the cream of the crop from Survivor and a few choice picks from Big Brother. People act like the prospects from those shows have been weak the past few years outside of Michele and Kyland but Chris Underwood, Cassidy, Desi, Michaela, Tyson, and Angela Rummans could/should all be semi-regulars, if not all vets. Even weaker players like the Alyssas, Tyler, Monte, and Chanelle could find a niche in the rotation.
We need a few Amanda type players that can start drama BUT also compete. Just from Survivor, I'll keep saying it: Sydney from Survivor 41 is a perfect fit. Bratty, snarky, shit starter, and athletic. Dee from 45, too. Venus from 46 would be massively fun too because she does not give a damn what anyone thinks. But she would last about as long as Amanda does these days.
You also need some workhorses who aren't afraid to go against the grain: Alec from 37 and Cole from 35 are great picks.
You also need younger, cutesy hookup potential. I think Reilly from BB25 and Lauren O'Connell from Survivor 38 are perfect for that.
And then you need a couple of wildcards: Q from 46 and Kaleb from 45 are perfect for The Challenge.
Every single person I mentioned is between 25 and 31 years old, so they could be on the show for five+ years, if they work out.
I honestly think over the next couple of seasons they should throw six or so rookies from Survivor and a couple from Big Brother and hope four stick each season. If you can get a solid CBS rotation of ten to twelve vets from 41 to 43, you'll have a much better chance to make it to 50.
pulling from cbs is hit or miss because we've gotten a lot of great challengers from them who have provided a lot, but it also is making the show more sterile, with people like michele and kaycee making these past few seasons a boring, watered down friendship show. natalie negrotti literally game in getting the press to take photos of her and bananas out for dinner for their fake relationship, and ever since then the storylines and drama on this show have felt so manufactored. that being said, you are right that if they pick carefully, they can get a really nice new generation of the challenge, i just don't trust them to do so.
they need to bring back whoever was casting for are you the one, with the exception of a few, they really knew how to pick auditioners that would make amazing tv
they need to bring back whoever was casting for are you the one, with the exception of a few, they really knew how to pick auditioners that would make amazing tv
they need to bring back whoever was casting for are you the one, with the exception of a few, they really knew how to pick auditioners that would make amazing tv
in my opinion
hits: adam, brittany, simone, briana, hunter, nelson, amanda, britni, kam, nurys, amber (i don't like all of these people but they did provide one way or another)
misses: tori, devin, asaf, christina, nate, and a few other flops who didn't last more than one season anyways. idk i feel like they did a decent job
They will never do another Fresh Meat, Null. Bloodlines made damn sure they won't put more than three or so people that haven't been on tv before on a season. I'm shocked we even got Ravyn and Moriah on 38.
They would be fine for another few years just to pick the cream of the crop from Survivor and a few choice picks from Big Brother. People act like the prospects from those shows have been weak the past few years outside of Michele and Kyland but Chris Underwood, Cassidy, Desi, Michaela, Tyson, and Angela Rummans could/should all be semi-regulars, if not all vets. Even weaker players like the Alyssas, Tyler, Monte, and Chanelle could find a niche in the rotation.
We need a few Amanda type players that can start drama BUT also compete. Just from Survivor, I'll keep saying it: Sydney from Survivor 41 is a perfect fit. Bratty, snarky, shit starter, and athletic. Dee from 45, too. Venus from 46 would be massively fun too because she does not give a damn what anyone thinks. But she would last about as long as Amanda does these days.
You also need some workhorses who aren't afraid to go against the grain: Alec from 37 and Cole from 35 are great picks.
You also need younger, cutesy hookup potential. I think Reilly from BB25 and Lauren O'Connell from Survivor 38 are perfect for that.
And then you need a couple of wildcards: Q from 46 and Kaleb from 45 are perfect for The Challenge.
Every single person I mentioned is between 25 and 31 years old, so they could be on the show for five+ years, if they work out.
I honestly think over the next couple of seasons they should throw six or so rookies from Survivor and a couple from Big Brother and hope four stick each season. If you can get a solid CBS rotation of ten to twelve vets from 41 to 43, you'll have a much better chance to make it to 50.
Agreed. I wish they still had CBS The Challenge
Also I think Lauren OConnell is married if not then dating someone.
I feel like 41 will be a mix of the vets from 40 that are still willing and wanted (Tori, Devin, Bananas, Amanda, etc), a few random returns of people who either were on All-Stars 5 or in the mix for 40 but didn't get on, and rookies from CBS and International shows no ones watched
Gamer might be trolling but he said half the 40 cast won't return. Ooof.
That's not surprising at all. A lot of them were surprising that they agreed to shoot for that long anyway.
"Not returning", I would assume would mean for the flagship. Because I have to imagine nearly all of the oldheads would be in the rotation for All Stars 6/7, if they get picked up.
There's no way I get to 20 in imaging who won't return to the flaghship. For the women, I only see Katie as an All Stars only player. Maybe Jodi, Rachel, and Aviv because they have kids, but they all seem very likely to return to the show in some capacity. The next rung I'd have Amanda, Averey, Jenny, Jonna, Tina, Kellyanne, and Emily, again I could see all seven back again on an upcoming season with like a 90% certainty. Everyone else (Cara, Laurel, Tori, Aneesa, Michele, Olivia, Nurys, Kaycee, Nia) is a near 100% lock to return.
For the men, sure Brandon, Mark, and Derrick probably won't be back on the flagship. Ryan as well. Horacio also sounds like he's done. Maybe Jordan as well. Brad, Derek, and Nehemiah may be relegated to All Stars. Paulie might get dropped. Everyone else (CT, Bananas, Cory, Devin, Tony, Leroy, Darrell, Tony, Theo, Kyland) seems almost 100% guaranteed to return.
I can barely get to five or six as "yeah, they're done for sure". Maybe 10-12 on the flagship.
If they start casting international rookies again after it has been FACTUALLY PROVEN that it was a failure (considering the only international cast members on 40 are 2 brits) I swear to god
There's no way I get to 20 in imaging who won't return to the flaghship. For the women, I only see Katie as an All Stars only player. Maybe Jodi, Rachel, and Aviv because they have kids, but they all seem very likely to return to the show in some capacity. The next rung I'd have Amanda, Averey, Jenny, Jonna, Tina, Kellyanne, and Emily, again I could see all seven back again on an upcoming season with like a 90% certainty. Everyone else (Cara, Laurel, Tori, Aneesa, Michele, Olivia, Nurys, Kaycee, Nia) is a near 100% lock to return.
For the men, sure Brandon, Mark, and Derrick probably won't be back on the flagship. Ryan as well. Horacio also sounds like he's done. Maybe Jordan as well. Brad, Derek, and Nehemiah may be relegated to All Stars. Paulie might get dropped. Everyone else (CT, Bananas, Cory, Devin, Tony, Leroy, Darrell, Tony, Theo, Kyland) seems almost 100% guaranteed to return.
I can barely get to five or six as "yeah, they're done for sure". Maybe 10-12 on the flagship.
I think Ryan is probably one of the more likely people to do a flagship show. I don't know how everyone feels about returning but Cory's actions aren't indicating someone production should want to cast--same with Jordan. Devin and Kyland are the only two I feel confident for the men will return to the flagship on your list for the guys--for the women only Cara, Tori, Michele, Olivia and Nurys. I'm not even sure about Kaycee but that may depend on Nany.
"Not returning", I would assume would mean for the flagship. Because I have to imagine nearly all of the oldheads would be in the rotation for All Stars 6/7, if they get picked up.
given how as5 was casted, can we even say the oldheads would be casted on potential future All Stars season? I dont have that confidence
Absolutely no chance she's on this. She's like 4 months post-op and an ACL repair at her age will take up to a year to heal. Plus she just got married. Desi's also 35 so I imagine she wants to settle down and have children soon. We might see her once more, but it won't be 41.
They will never do another Fresh Meat, Null. Bloodlines made damn sure they won't put more than three or so people that haven't been on tv before on a season. I'm shocked we even got Ravyn and Moriah on 38.
They would be fine for another few years just to pick the cream of the crop from Survivor and a few choice picks from Big Brother. People act like the prospects from those shows have been weak the past few years outside of Michele and Kyland but Chris Underwood, Cassidy, Desi, Michaela, Tyson, and Angela Rummans could/should all be semi-regulars, if not all vets. Even weaker players like the Alyssas, Tyler, Monte, and Chanelle could find a niche in the rotation.
We need a few Amanda type players that can start drama BUT also compete. Just from Survivor, I'll keep saying it: Sydney from Survivor 41 is a perfect fit. Bratty, snarky, shit starter, and athletic. Dee from 45, too. Venus from 46 would be massively fun too because she does not give a damn what anyone thinks. But she would last about as long as Amanda does these days.
You also need some workhorses who aren't afraid to go against the grain: Alec from 37 and Cole from 35 are great picks.
You also need younger, cutesy hookup potential. I think Reilly from BB25 and Lauren O'Connell from Survivor 38 are perfect for that.
And then you need a couple of wildcards: Q from 46 and Kaleb from 45 are perfect for The Challenge.
Every single person I mentioned is between 25 and 31 years old, so they could be on the show for five+ years, if they work out.
I honestly think over the next couple of seasons they should throw six or so rookies from Survivor and a couple from Big Brother and hope four stick each season. If you can get a solid CBS rotation of ten to twelve vets from 41 to 43, you'll have a much better chance to make it to 50.
gen z is broke as hell. after seeing what wes is tweeting, those appearence checks seem very nice.. i bet a lot of people within the right target demographics would be willing to do it
pulling from cbs is hit or miss because we've gotten a lot of great challengers from them who have provided a lot, but it also is making the show more sterile, with people like michele and kaycee making these past few seasons a boring, watered down friendship show. natalie negrotti literally game in getting the press to take photos of her and bananas out for dinner for their fake relationship, and ever since then the storylines and drama on this show have felt so manufactored. that being said, you are right that if they pick carefully, they can get a really nice new generation of the challenge, i just don't trust them to do so.
they need to bring back whoever was casting for are you the one, with the exception of a few, they really knew how to pick auditioners that would make amazing tv
Gamer might be trolling but he said half the 40 cast won't return. Ooof.
in my opinion
hits: adam, brittany, simone, briana, hunter, nelson, amanda, britni, kam, nurys, amber (i don't like all of these people but they did provide one way or another)
misses: tori, devin, asaf, christina, nate, and a few other flops who didn't last more than one season anyways. idk i feel like they did a decent job
God, Asaf sucks. I really hope we never see him again.
We knew that already. That half is 95% of era 1 & 2 and a couple others who over delivered for productions taste.
They need to do something soon as a lot of the cast is over 40 or pushing 40 at this point. These folks can't keep carrying the challenge forever
I think to compete in the 40s era of The Challenge you should have to be in yours 40s. That would be cool, yes?
he is horrible in literally every way
Would not be surprised if we get a half rookies half vets sorta mix
Agreed. I wish they still had CBS The Challenge
Also I think Lauren OConnell is married if not then dating someone.
Ready to bore us to dead a thrid season in a row
Love Asaf (with short hair). Love Desi too.
That's not surprising at all. A lot of them were surprising that they agreed to shoot for that long anyway.
I feel like 41 will be a mix of the vets from 40 that are still willing and wanted (Tori, Devin, Bananas, Amanda, etc), a few random returns of people who either were on All-Stars 5 or in the mix for 40 but didn't get on, and rookies from CBS and International shows no ones watched
"Not returning", I would assume would mean for the flagship. Because I have to imagine nearly all of the oldheads would be in the rotation for All Stars 6/7, if they get picked up.
There's no way I get to 20 in imaging who won't return to the flaghship. For the women, I only see Katie as an All Stars only player. Maybe Jodi, Rachel, and Aviv because they have kids, but they all seem very likely to return to the show in some capacity. The next rung I'd have Amanda, Averey, Jenny, Jonna, Tina, Kellyanne, and Emily, again I could see all seven back again on an upcoming season with like a 90% certainty. Everyone else (Cara, Laurel, Tori, Aneesa, Michele, Olivia, Nurys, Kaycee, Nia) is a near 100% lock to return.
For the men, sure Brandon, Mark, and Derrick probably won't be back on the flagship. Ryan as well. Horacio also sounds like he's done. Maybe Jordan as well. Brad, Derek, and Nehemiah may be relegated to All Stars. Paulie might get dropped. Everyone else (CT, Bananas, Cory, Devin, Tony, Leroy, Darrell, Tony, Theo, Kyland) seems almost 100% guaranteed to return.
I can barely get to five or six as "yeah, they're done for sure". Maybe 10-12 on the flagship.
Does Nury's have enough sway with production to get her bestie Diandra on the show finally?
If they start casting international rookies again after it has been FACTUALLY PROVEN that it was a failure (considering the only international cast members on 40 are 2 brits) I swear to god
I think Ryan is probably one of the more likely people to do a flagship show. I don't know how everyone feels about returning but Cory's actions aren't indicating someone production should want to cast--same with Jordan. Devin and Kyland are the only two I feel confident for the men will return to the flagship on your list for the guys--for the women only Cara, Tori, Michele, Olivia and Nurys. I'm not even sure about Kaycee but that may depend on Nany.
Ordinary millennials in larger numbers are way more authentic and interesting than gen z could ever dream of; the youngest of us are 31-29.
Challenge 41: Battle of the OGs. Must be 41 and above to participate. What was old is new again.
given how as5 was casted, can we even say the oldheads would be casted on potential future All Stars season? I dont have that confidence
PinkPink is this still filming next month? or was it pushed?