Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Okay now it's getting weird....

It says doesnt exist?

somebody selling Cedric's nudes. Yikes

Any lawyers on here? Can I sue for people selling my husband's nudes without consent?

Now, those fans need to be put down because how do you have access to them, and why are you selling them?

And, whoever is buying that should be held liable idgaf about the law because neither do they.

Any lawyers on here? Can I sue for people selling my husband's nudes without consent?

It says straight babe

Lmaoooo omg I was on live feeds during the whole Angela at crazy eyes argument/conversation! WILD lmaoooo

Cracked queen Angela! LEGEND!

I need matt to stay omg 

Quick! Someone figure out how we can get Matt/Angela/Makensy to stay in the house as long as possible.

#TeamAngela. I don't like Matt anymore, he seems like a cocky douc^he. But I need them all to stay for more drama.

I did something I swore for 24 years I wouldn't do...I watched the feeds for an hour last night. For the longest time I just thought it was creepy and like voyageur to watch people eat and sleep. But they were talking game and strategy, so it didn't feel weird watching. When I filmed my show, the most disappointing part was how so much of the best moment got edited out due to time and storytelling so it's cool to watch the feeds and see the unedited version and how things really played out.

I feel bad for Matt. Angela is an unhinged old lady who can't handle the game. Yeah, he might be cocky and sloppy but to call him crazy eyes in front of the house and accuse him of aggressively threatening her is too much. I'm happy about it because it's highly entertaining but I feel bad for him as a person and player. I hope he wins veto.

She's not a crazy unhinged old lady just because she's standing up for herself. Clearly she has balls and CAN handle the game.

I did something I swore for 24 years I wouldn't do...I watched the feeds for an hour last night. For the longest time I just thought it was creepy and like voyageur to watch people eat and sleep. But they were talking game and strategy, so it didn't feel weird watching. When I filmed my show, the most disappointing part was how so much of the best moment got edited out due to time and storytelling so it's cool to watch the feeds and see the unedited version and how things really played out.

You were on a TV show?

I want kimo evicted. He's an extra and nobody will move if he's evicted #JustMyOpinion

I feel bad for Matt. Angela is an unhinged old lady who can't handle the game. Yeah, he might be cocky and sloppy but to call him crazy eyes in front of the house and accuse him of aggressively threatening her is too much. I'm happy about it because it's highly entertaining but I feel bad for him as a person and player. I hope he wins veto.

You are such a hypocrite omg... these people are PLAYING A GAME you should not "feel bad" for a player because he got caught saying he wants to target the current HOH

I thought you of all people would understand that people should be allowed to get loud at each other without it being an "attack"

I genuinely think Matt is just clueless and cocky. I don't find him malicious. That's my himbo husband <3

I don't feel bad for Angela yelling at him tho bc this is the drama that we need Smile


I did something I swore for 24 years I wouldn't do...I watched the feeds for an hour last night. For the longest time I just thought it was creepy and like voyageur to watch people eat and sleep. But they were talking game and strategy, so it didn't feel weird watching. When I filmed my show, the most disappointing part was how so much of the best moment got edited out due to time and storytelling so it's cool to watch the feeds and see the unedited version and how things really played out.

You were on a TV show?

he just wants attention, he Won't say what show it is.

Just look for a show with a bald, skinny effeminate man on it and there you go.

that was embarassing.


TEAM MATT IDGAF! He's not this bad guy that Angela is trying to make him out to be! Even if he was, we need a villain! But I think he's just a little slow. If noms stay the same evict Kimo! He's boring and doesn't do shit.

What does effeminate mean lol?

Angela was unhinged. It was mean. It's good tv and I love it but it was over the top and too much.

Lol at GoldenRing and Entrepreneur

Kenny is such a good person, must be a bald person thing.

Lol at GoldenRing and Entrepreneur

You get aroused at any insult towards me, it's weird lol.

Poor Matt is crying. Angela is a DEMON.


Lol at GoldenRing and Entrepreneur

You get aroused at any insult towards me, it's weird lol.

Saying "lol" is getting aroused? You're an easy target because you usually take things in stride. And you spent months jack^ing off to trolling me. Don't fkcn start OS. We're not backtracking.



Lol at GoldenRing and Entrepreneur

You get aroused at any insult towards me, it's weird lol.

Saying "lol" is getting aroused? You're an easy target but you usually takevthings in stride. And you spent months jack^ing off to trolling me. Don't fkcn start OS. We're not backtracking.

I think the insults towards me is funny. I just think your enjoyment of the littlest insult towards me is weird lol. But I'm not bothered by it. I love getting a reaction.
