Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Guesses on the cast:

  • A white surfer guy with long hair.
  • A younger white guy with a ridiculous long beard.
  • A 30-40 year old white male from the south with a ridiculous nickname.
  • A nerdy white guy with curly hair who is a super fan.
  • A very flamboyant gay black man.
  • A young, entertetic young black man.
  • An older Indian man who is awkward.
  • A half asian-half white frat boy type.
  • A supposed to be hot blonde that is just average from the midwest.
  • A beautiful young black girl.
  • A white non-binary, born female Nakomis look alike.
  • A cool pretty girl next door from the south who gets along better with guys and has brown hair.
  • A young hot half-latina.
  • A mid 30 year old with a weird job and funky hairstyle.
  • An older black church lady.
  • A younger nerdy black BB superfan type girl.
  • You are missing the butch lesbian and the immigrant recruit who doesn't get the game.

    Please don't reactivate this thread. We are all boycotting the premiere week so it's easier to forget this show exists. If we hear good things then we can all tune in together. 

    Why are we boycotting? lol save that list OS I'd bet 75% of that is right 

    we need them to complete the series and finally get their latina female winner!

    we need them to complete the series and finally get their latina female winner!

    josh Martinez already won.


    I'M SO ******* EXCITED FOR THIS 

    I'M SO ******* EXCITED FOR THIS 


    then let's do a DRAFT dumb ***** so you can finally win LOSER


    I'M SO ******* EXCITED FOR THIS 


    then let's do a DRAFT dumb ***** so you can finally win LOSER

    ill participate



    I'M SO ******* EXCITED FOR THIS 


    then let's do a DRAFT dumb ***** so you can finally win LOSER

    ill participate

    umm does anyone know if that no life killakash watches big brother as well? that way we can split up the 16 houseguests evenly!

    umm does anyone know if that no life killakash watches big brother as well? that way we can split up the 16 houseguests evenly!

    Tell him to watch it and he will. He has the time.

    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

    Big Brother 12- Enzo

    Big Brother 16- Amber B.

    Big Brother 17- Da'Vonne, Liz, Julia, Jozea

    Big Brother 18- Da'Vonne, Natalie N, Paulie, Victor

    Big Brother 19- Josh

    Big Brother 20- Kaycee, Bayleigh, Fessy, Tyler, Angela

    Big Brother 21- Tommy, Analyse

    Big Brother 22- Tyler, Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Enzo

    Big Brother 23- Xavier, Alyssa L., Azah, Tiffany, Kyland

    Big Brother 24- Monte, Alyssa S., Ameerah

    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

    1. Da'vonne bb17 & bb18 2. Bayleigh bb20


    Damn, Davonne has been on a lot. Had no idea BB 20 had so many challengers.

    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

    I wouldn't waste your time watching any of them. Watch 6, 10, 8, 11, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7 then quit.


    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

    I wouldn't waste your time watching any of them. Watch 6, 10, 8, 11, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7 then quit.

    I liked bb9.... Sheila was iconic.



    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

    I wouldn't waste your time watching any of them. Watch 6, 10, 8, 11, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7 then quit.

    I liked bb9.... Sheila was iconic.

    BB9 just left a bad taste in my mouth. Josh and Chelsia are the 2 most vile humans ever. Josh telling that girl she should hang herself just like her dad did and NO ONE said anything still makes me blood boil. I would have gotten physical, even if I hated Amanda. Then the way they blantantly rigged it against Sharon was one of the grossest moments in tv history, besides the above mentioned. The way they bullied that special needs girl Natalie was so messed up to. Then there was Jen trying to throw her real life boyfriend under the bus by telling everyone he was racist. That season was a MESS!

    Yeah it had some low points, but I was entertained by my girl Sheila. She reminded me of Queen Jen Johnson... her meltdown over being paired with what's his face )who got arrested afterwards) and her fight with Allison are highlights for me 

    Shelia was great. The old ladies always provide, while the old men always flop but yet year after year they kept pushing creepy weird old men.

    Which Challenger from BB seasons are the best to watch first? I haven't seen any.

  • BB12 (Enzo): boring, don't watch it. But it has a good start 
  • BB16 (Amber): this sucks, don't watch it 
  • BB17 (Da'Vonne, Julia, Liz): this is one of the two that you should DEFINITELY watch. It's so good. 
  • BB18 (Da'Vonne, Jozea, Natalie, Paulie, Victor): this one is good! 
  • BB19 (Josh): THE WORST season of ALL TIME. DO NOT watch it. 
  • BB20 (Angela, Bayleigh, Fessy, Kaycee, Swaggy C, Tyler): this is inconsistent, but when it's good, it's GOOOOOOD 
  • BB21 (Analyse, David, Tommy): there are some notable good things about it, but overall not good and just toxic and nasty (in a bad way) 
  • BB22 (Da'Vonne, David, Enzo, Tyler): one of THE WORST seasons and one of the worst things to ever happen to reality TV ever, one of the most boring seasons of reality TV I have EVER SEEN. Don't watch it. 
  • BB23 (Alyssa L., Azah, Derek, Kyland, Tiffany, Xavier): overall boring, but there are certain redeeming qualities that help it. I wouldn't start with this one, I'm only able to enjoy it due to extenuating circumstances. 
  • BB24 (Alyssa S., Ameerah, Monte): this one is soooooo good, watch it! 
  • Sooooooo, watch BB17, BB18, BB20, or BB24 if you wanna watch a good season with Challengers on it. BB17 and BB24 are especially good. 

    ^ Not you telling me the season with my Josh on it is the worst of all time, LOL wow

    ^ Not you telling me the season with my Josh on it is the worst of all time, LOL wow

    It truly is though. That's not even shade towards Josh. It's so bad unless you are into cringe cults.

    Still remember laughing my *** off when annoying goat Josh beat ***** *** Paul

    Didn't someone say , "if Paul told y'all to bark you would probably bark" and then his cult started barking lol?

    Are y'all gonna talk about the same shit for 20 years

    unpopular opinion but bb19 is actually really good on binge, it just was terrible to live through. But the Drama was THERE

    Watch BB12 and then once Rachel leaves skip to finale night. 

    unpopular opinion but bb19 is actually really good on binge, it just was terrible to live through. But the Drama was THERE

    100% false, just cause ppl shout doesnt make a show good
