Looks like some ppl don't get any action at home so they're projecting their insecurities onto these women. Couldn't be me tho!
Boy, stop acting like d**k is hard to get, lol. Y'all always say this, be fr
He/she is not wrong with the way some people hyper focus on women being promiscuous on these shows. It's giving exactly what was said.
It's not even true. Men and women are equally bashed. The difference is people defend the girls while we all accept Cory Tony Kyle John etc are whorish
Why is that user obsessed with Nurys' ****** she's not even on this season...
You can address me directly. I can talk about whoever I like, but thanks for your concern.
Didn't remember your username, just read updates on here quite a bit and you bring her up unprovoked quite often. And PR has literally said she will ban anyone not talking about cast members on this season so, while yes, you can talk about whoever you like, i'd advise you to not make yourself look like an obsessed lunatic and stop worrying about who's pen*s is entering who's va**na.
Why is that user obsessed with Nurys' ****** she's not even on this season...
You can address me directly. I can talk about whoever I like, but thanks for your concern.
Didn't remember your username, just read updates on here quite a bit and you bring her up unprovoked quite often. And PR has literally said she will ban anyone not talking about cast members on this season so, while yes, you can talk about whoever you like, i'd advise you to not make yourself look like an obsessed lunatic and stop worrying about who's pen*s is entering who's va**na.
You've supposedly seen me bring her up quite a bit but couldn't remember my username, sure dumba^ss. Where did I bring her up quite a bit in this thread? I mentioned her name once and it was in reference to the slu^t shaming comments about Nany. I don't know who the f***k you are and you don't know me. So don't care for your advice. Once again, thanks for your concern about me being banned and looking like a lunatic, but it's not needed. You can be less worried about me and what I choose to post.
I love Beth realizing she was too good for this shitshow and leaving. She deserves better than to be associated with this SHIT after EVERYTHING she's given to the franchise. I'm still dying to know what Pinky was referring to when she said "Yikes! Beth!"
Exactly! So let's not shame others for getting some!
Naw, I'm going to slu^t shame if I want to. And y'all can go on calling women horses and men.
Weren't you shaming the LI girls in that thread? loool
It's not even true. Men and women are equally bashed. The difference is people defend the girls while we all accept Cory Tony Kyle John etc are whorish
Kellyanne, Ashli, Kimberly, Nany, got Casey pregnant
The guy has a roster.
Cohutta got who pregnant?
When did Cohutta hook up with Kim?
Ashley K followed Da'Vonne
Its a joke from all stars 2 when casey left because she was pregnant. cohutta said it wasn't his
Why is that user obsessed with Nurys' ****** she's not even on this season...
You can address me directly. I can talk about whoever I like, but thanks for your concern.
Didn't remember your username, just read updates on here quite a bit and you bring her up unprovoked quite often. And PR has literally said she will ban anyone not talking about cast members on this season so, while yes, you can talk about whoever you like, i'd advise you to not make yourself look like an obsessed lunatic and stop worrying about who's pen*s is entering who's va**na.
You've supposedly seen me bring her up quite a bit but couldn't remember my username, sure dumba^ss. Where did I bring her up quite a bit in this thread? I mentioned her name once and it was in reference to the slu^t shaming comments about Nany. I don't know who the f***k you are and you don't know me. So don't care for your advice. Once again, thanks for your concern about me being banned and looking like a lunatic, but it's not needed. You can be less worried about me and what I choose to post.
Tbf there's other people that legit talk about people not on AS5 in here on a daily or almost daily. UkLover not one of them, lol
UKLover how are you such a prude when Brits are literally the biggest whöres on the planet.
Lol, are they? Don't take me seriously though.
Who would you be an unhinged, total rabid slüt for? Name them. I need at least 5 names to convince me not to enroll you in a school for nuns.
Theo C and Fessy #1. Joss, even with his small pen. I've always had a sweet spot for Ace too.
I love Beth realizing she was too good for this shitshow and leaving. She deserves better than to be associated with this SHIT after EVERYTHING she's given to the franchise. I'm still dying to know what Pinky was referring to when she said "Yikes! Beth!"
Oh wow Uncle KVM is back <3
Two flops stick together! Birds of a feather you could say
i need the flops to keep sticking together and overthrow the brolics
The people's princess for those who forgot <3
Who is that beauty? Is she on production or some kind of intern?
nurys commented on amber's post! Ride or dies 2 CHAMPS is coming YES YES AND MORE YESSSS!
they would get sent in multiple times