The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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Someone go read my should be realistic cast for 41 in the fantasy thread and tell me how iconic it is.

Someone begging for attention again

kvm are you depressed? How is your mental health?

you don't seem as bitter and angry and enraged, you seem downcast and lethargic.

Adam and Zzzteve sent Nany home? You are ******* JOKING. Just when I thought I couldn't hate them anymore!!! This season FLOPPED

enough time has passed

The Challenge USA 1 & 2 > All 4 All-Stars Seasons

USA2 > AS3 > AS2 > AS4 > AS1 > USA1

they really let two fifty year olds beat them Sad

but i guess the competition for the finals was lacking 


It's so crazy how people try and rewrite Dario's history.

I will never buy into the narrative that Dario is boring! HE IS NOT BORING! Haters! 

Gamer confirmed Katie did have drama. The QUEEN stays QUEEN. 

You're implying that if Katie wasn't in drama, that the queen would not stay queen. The queen stays queen whether she's showing up as the Katie that just cashes an appearance check and loses the first elimination round she's put into or she's showing up as the Katie that cusses******* out left and right and also takes******* down in the competition left and right. 

Someone go read my should be realistic cast for 41 in the fantasy thread and tell me how iconic it is.

Someone begging for attention again

kvm are you depressed? How is your mental health?

you don't seem as bitter and angry and enraged, you seem downcast and lethargic.

I'm good--are you okay?

You can't use this as a drag anymore and you KNOW that too ijbol

killakashhh saying "Amber isn't boring! She was in drama" will never NOT be funny. ZERO awareness. 

I wonder if Nany read all my posts about Miami Cubans and decided to hate on Veronica??? But omg Veronica is a SoCal Cuban not a Miami Cuban!! I guess she still Cuban nonetheless lmao but she ain't no Lilianet

Chile, I do not **** with Cubans in general. Bottom of the barrel hispanics. Even more so if they're from Miami

Okay maybe nothing could really be done about getting Adam/Steve out lmaooo

Exactly idiot. You do this every time where you act like you know everything based off of a couple of spoiler updates that I could count with my hand. All you have to do is think for LITERALLY ONE second. Gosh. Idiot. Also, even if they weren't in eliminations, then we STILL wouldn't even know if they were targeted. 


Someone go read my should be realistic cast for 41 in the fantasy thread and tell me how iconic it is.

Someone begging for attention again

kvm are you depressed? How is your mental health?

you don't seem as bitter and angry and enraged, you seem downcast and lethargic.

I'm good--are you okay?

just fine, thanks.


You can't use this as a drag anymore and you KNOW that too ijbol

killakashhh saying "Amber isn't boring! She was in drama" will never NOT be funny. ZERO awareness. 

You were literally just saying how Dario isn't boring. Sit this one out.

I'm good. Hopefully it's true tho bc her confessional count depends on it <3

And Ambore? They're not gonna air 60 confessionals of her saying "I'm píssed about going in, but I'm still gonna fight to stay" and she won't have anything else to say, soooooo........ maybe look in the mirror? 

Why does CML always foam at the mouth at literally everything lmaooo pls 

You were literally just saying how Dario isn't boring. Sit this one out.

Because I don't formulate some arbitrary criteria for what it takes to be boring and then mathematically determine who is boring and who isn't. Dario isn't boring because he's not boring PERIOD! 

Look at all the Amber/Nany stans having nothing to say after it's been confirmed Adam/Steve went in AT LEAST THREE times. It looks like people actually tried to get them out, so that #AmberKarma #NanyKarma bs is a fluke since they weren't the only targets Smile

KVM, you've been on here since the dinosaurs were around, so, in those MILLIONS of seconds, why did you not use ONE of them to learn how to quote a post correctly? Just quote the last thing instead of the whole thing you ******* idiot. Gosh. 

CML I asked you specifically to join me in a tantrum Katie and V losing to Nicnasty in elimination and how it ruined the final. But no, instead you wanna tit for tat with your crush Killah. You are such a phoney.


enough time has passed

The Challenge USA 1 & 2 > All 4 All-Stars Seasons

USA2 > AS3 > AS2 > AS4 > AS1 > USA1

Wow, USA1 is worse than AS1? I'm glad I didn't waste my time watching that season. AS1 was a tough watch once the nostalgia wore off regardless if y'all want to admit it.

KVM's fear of Entrepreneur makes me lol.

KVM, you've been on here since the dinosaurs were around, so, in those MILLIONS of seconds, why did you not use ONE of them to learn how to quote a post correctly? Just quote the last thing instead of the whole thing you ******* idiot. Gosh. 

Scrolling doesn't bother me--you can deal with it

Look at all the Amber/Nany stans having nothing to say after it's been confirmed Adam/Steve went in AT LEAST THREE times. It looks like people actually tried to get them out, so that #AmberKarma #NanyKarma bs is a fluke since they weren't the only targets

I can admit when I'm wrong Smile

CML I asked you specifically to join me in a tantrum Katie and V losing to Nicnasty in elimination and how it ruined the final. But no, instead you wanna tit for tat with your crush Killah. You are such a phoney.

  • Melissa won an elimination.
  • Melissa & Nicole are an iconic duo that I would root for if this wasn't All Stars, so them winning an elimination and making the final makes me happy.
  • ^ But that's only if Katie & Veronica can't make the final; if they were gonna lose to someone, I'm glad it was them.
  • Veronica got her karma for playing the game because Jasmine was playing amazingly on All Stars 4 and she got robbed when Nicole and Veronica were SUPPOSED TO go against each other, so it came full circle! 
  • I can make excuses for Katie, because I consider both Melissa AND Nicole to be beasts, and Veronica also sucks. 
  • I'm glad now I won't have to drag mother Day for not targeting that team with two men 

    Scrolling doesn't bother me--you can deal with it

    I won't, I'll continue crying just like I do with everything that makes me upset.

    This proves that you being an old man doesn't make you qualified to give advice, because I am not taking it. In fact, you can actually take that advice and shove it up your ***! 

    Melissa a beast?

    That kewchie kick she gave Slyvia wasn't all that.

    Nany had ONE job UGH but I'm glad my king Adam Larson won. Smile

    Melissa a beast?

    That kewchie kick she gave Slyvia wasn't all that.

    Melissa is a ****** beast in my opinion! She put up a fight against Sylvia, who weighs 500 pounds more than her. 
