The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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Is quarantine still a thing or should we expect filming to start any day now? 

Well we know what era OS is rooting for lol

whatever the format is i just hope it's not where the percieved weakest member or the most disliked member gets voted in every time, that's not fun to watch and it means all the boring people will skate to the end


my format guess:

first place team wins immunity, decides who from the last place team goes into elimination.

second place team wins immunity.

third place team has to vote to send one of their teammates into elim.

last place team has to let the first place team decide who goes into elimination.

This was the idea I had in my head.

I love the era 1 girls but they are perfect for my era 3 girls, especially Amanda, to beat in elimination sorry 

i hope they use the red carpet as an opportunity to take good cast photos where they're actually wearing nice outfits

Same, but Id settle for pics of them being allowed to smile atp

Well we know what era OS is rooting for lol

I have favorites from all eras in K-BLAND ART HAT-K, but at the end of the day I'm operation protect "DAT TALK" at ALL cost.

i hope they use the red carpet as an opportunity to take good cast photos where they're actually wearing nice outfits

They won't. They'll be in their uniforms trying to look tough but really just look they got yelled at during their yoga class at the YMCA.

Brandon, Averey, Nurys, Rachel, Horacio, Nia and Kellyanne love yall and pulling for you all as well but you have officially been dropped from the acronym and we are now cheering for team DAT TALK!

What did yall think Tony did to make KVM so obsessed with him?

Says the person who made a fat photoshop of a woman they refuse to spell their name correctly

Have y'all seen that clip of Tory and Aneesa at a basketball game on the court awkwardly standing there and waving while nobody has any idea who they are? It makes me laugh every time

I love the era 1 girls but they are perfect for my era 3 girls, especially Amanda, to beat in elimination sorry 

Hopefully Amanda gets Aneesa in Reverse Tug O War 

Theresa tweeted she had to get spinal surgery from her Nia Hall Brawl.


What did yall think Tony did to make KVM so obsessed with him?

Says the person who made a fat photoshop of a woman they refuse to spell their name correctly

Vicky killed my fav show, what'ch you mean?

What 4 of each era WITHOUT being biased do you think makes it to the final? 



What did yall think Tony did to make KVM so obsessed with him?

Says the person who made a fat photoshop of a woman they refuse to spell their name correctly

Vicky killed my fav show, what'ch you mean?


What 4 of each era WITHOUT being biased do you think makes it to the final? 

Era 1: CT, Darrell, Rachel, Brad

Era 2: Laurel, Schromm, John, Brandon

Era 3: Tory, Devon, Jordan, Cory

Era 4: Kayzzz, Jenny, Theo, Horacio

What 4 of each era WITHOUT being biased do you think makes it to the final? 

CT Jodi Rachel Darrell

John Emily Brandon Laurel

Depends on the 5th guy Jordan Tori Leroy Jonna/Nia

Horacio Nurys Kaycee probably Josh lol but hopefully Theo

What they should do...the winning team gets 1.5M.  All ten get 50k regardless of who makes the final.  Those that complete the final split the remaining 1M


I love the era 1 girls but they are perfect for my era 3 girls, especially Amanda, to beat in elimination sorry 

Hopefully Amanda gets Aneesa in Reverse Tug O War 

that's so unfair and  you saw how that ended up for Amber...

Hopefully Aneesa gets some type of running/endurancd elimination against Aviv

Hopefully Aneesa gets some type of running/endurancd elimination against Aviv

Also good with that.  

Nehemiah over Brandon in era 2 in my opinion 

Nehemiah over Brandon in era 2 in my opinion 

Nehemiah might have a tough road

What 4 of each era WITHOUT being biased do you think makes it to the final? 

CT Darrell Derrick Rachel - (all girls get eliminated and Rachel sole woman left)

Laurel Cara Aviv Nehemiah - (Bananas bad luck continues and gets eliminated early)

Cory Devin Jonna Nia - (Mark sends both Leroy and Tony home before being eliminated right before final by Theo)

Jenny Kaycee Kyland Theo - (Horacio eliminated by Derrick or Darrell in some version of pole wrestle)


KVM it's 10:30. Go to bed and let the kids have some fun.

What 4 of each era WITHOUT being biased do you think makes it to the final? 

Era 1: Darrell, CT, Rachel, Aneesa/Jodi

Era 2: Laurel, Emily, Johnny Bananas, Brandon/Nehemiah

Era 3: Jonna, Tori, Cory, Leroy (this depends on who the fifth Era 3 male is)

Era 4: Jenny, Michele/Kaycee, Theo, Horacio

who wants to be in draft? we need 1 more otherwise we will just do 3 people 

who wants to be in draft? we need 1 more otherwise we will just do 3 people 

who are the 3...?
