The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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I'm like who is Derrick Henry lol

He flopped once, got a 2nd chance and flopped even harder. There is zero reason he should even be considered again

Who wants to do a draft with me?  Can DM in messages

Who wants to do a draft with me?  Can DM in messages

I will, I did terrible in my normal draft so I need redemption  

Justice for Johnny M!

Justice for Susie!

Justice for Ashley!

Justice for Marlon!

There should be a draft thread

Who wants to do a draft with me?  Can DM in messages

I'm down, or do we still hate each other? Lol

Black queen <3


Who wants to do a draft with me?  Can DM in messages

I'm down, or do we still hate each other? Lol

ok , me, you BB savant, need 1 more 

rules: pick opposite gender each time, i pick first, snake order. each team has 10 people 5 men 5 woman. 

You put Emily in almost any elim from 39 and I don't see her winning them tbh. 

You put Emily in almost any elim from 39 and I don't see her winning them tbh. 

Exactly. She's overrated AF! Laurel & Cara outsold Smile

I hope there's more than 1-2 champs this season. I need a team win.

Black queen <3


Can't wait for Amanda & Nia to fling all the brolic girlies one by one!

Can't wait for Amanda & Nia to fling all the brolic girlies one by one!

amanda and tori will probably be in a tug of war for the numbers on their team and i hope nia/avery/jonna choose amanda's side

im afraid tori will convince her entire team to throw in amanda first as a shield until she gets eliminated

I'm telling yall it's Anthony from Invasion. That's my pick for that final spot.  He would definitely not be on the radar. If not him it's one of the other 2 invasion underdogs that left early Theo or Bruno 

Can't wait for Amanda & Nia to fling all the brolic girlies one by one!

Let's hope Gamer, let's hope.

Lets be real though, tori is the only brolic girl on that team, I think the guys would protect her over amanda anyday.

With 147 post I thought we found out the final male but it's just KVM obsessively fixated on one topic, and PK perfectly trolling his love for Josh.

i wish nia was still toxic cause then we'd get to see her and amanda go at it, legendary tv

What did yall think Tony did to make KVM so obsessed with him?

i wish nia was still toxic cause then we'd get to see her and amanda go at it, legendary tv

No. We are pulling for Nia to join Amanda, Tina, and Katie to cuss out with Vacation Carnies.

What did yall think Tony did to make KVM so obsessed with him?

Tony is gonna bring it this season. I expect him to go far 

Bananas isn't gonna be in the vacation alliance this season. He has way too many connections to ride with them and that sinking ship 

my format guess:

first place team wins immunity, decides who from the last place team goes into elimination.

second place team wins immunity.

third place team has to vote to send one of their teammates into elim.

last place team has to let the first place team decide who goes into elimination.

not to beat a dead horse but making big t, jenny west, and amber b alternates but letting kaycee get a main spot every time is bonkers

Has johnny reilly been ruled out? Same season as jordan... nia and averey are both there for a storyline

my format guess:

first place team wins immunity, decides who from the last place team goes into elimination.

second place team wins immunity.

third place team has to vote to send one of their teammates into elim.

last place team has to let the first place team decide who goes into elimination.


my format guess:

first place team wins immunity, decides who from the last place team goes into elimination.

second place team wins immunity.

third place team has to vote to send one of their teammates into elim.

last place team has to let the first place team decide who goes into elimination.

I don't hate it. Era 1 can just NEVER get 3rd on a girls elimination day. ANYTHING BUT THIRD!
