Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I'll be so annoyed if Cirie came on just to throw her game away for Jared. Like why come and waste a spot if that's the case?

she was a special 17th houseguest - she didn't waste anyone's spot

you realize they made this entire cast to benefit and help cirie, right? Or do you not understand that --

you're a complete idiot. cirie wasn't asked until two-three weeks before sequester. that brain of yours is so so so dumb 

you realize when these casts get finalized you moron? look at the challenge unless you dont follow that. lets not talk about dumb given your track record on aboslutely everything 


CBS has things on a much tighter ship than BMP. Blue's instagram post announcing she was on the show said she's been keeping this secret since March. so look at you. wrong again.

No they don't. CBS has same casting director for Survivor and BB, both shows that change things last second. Take the L as usual 

They countered your point with facts, sounds you take the L as usual.

aww tweedle dee needs tweedle dumb for backup. good try! 

Julie getting dragged to hell and back. Watch this 5 minute interview about her take on her husbands situation. She's been a journalist for decades you would think she's well seasoned at interviews but .... her deflection made her husband look even more guilty and made her look worse for standing by him and using God as a distraction. This interview is SO WEIRD. She should've never wrote a book. She opened up a can of worms for no reason 

At least she went to the Beyoncé concert so I can't drag her too much

This was actually insane. Why would she do these interviews if she wasn't prepared for these questions??

It sounded like she agreed to the interview about her relationship with God and the interviewer went off script. I know God left her and she cursed that lady out when the cameras quit rolling.

Julie gets no sympathy from me

Meme was talking to herself about trying to keep Cameron this week.

I think she's wary of America being so close with Jag, Cory, and Matt (and Blue). Which she should be, let's see what she does this week.

the flip on America train is gaining steam, please let this happen 

If they flip on America then I hope Cam wins. It's what they deserve. 

the flip on America train is gaining steam, please let this happen 

 America is the best part of this season, no 

Eagerly awaiting Jared getting blindsided tomorrow as cirie begs them to evict her.  

currently Jared only thinks cam America are coming after him 


the flip on America train is gaining steam, please let this happen 

 America is the best part of this season, no 


hope they rig it and Cirie wins HoH 

hope they rig it and Cirie wins HoH 

cirie will do better without Jared dragging her down. 


hope they rig it and Cirie wins HoH 

cirie will do better without Jared dragging her down. 

i don't like the gaggle of dweebs that just aligned so no.

Jared is 1000 percent leaving tommorrow and flopping and going home PREJURY *giggles* Smile

Jared is 1000 percent leaving tommorrow and flopping and going home PREJURY *giggles*

Y'all keeping saying he's gonna fail and that hasn't happened yet.

Jared is 1000 percent leaving tommorrow and flopping and going home PREJURY *giggles*

I can see him winning veto or Cirie winning HoH.

I had to stop watching again at the sweaty feet comp. I don't get why they insist on being so cringe and embarrassing. It's not funny, it's just weird. These people are messed up in the head.

I'm prepared to be disappointed tomorrow but we will see.

im expecting a cirie hoh, but also think they are doing a battle back cam vs jared IF jared goes out on the double 

Curious to see what production does to protect Cirie/Jared. We'll either get comps catered to them to survive the double or an instant battle back Jared vs Cam catered to Jared. 

No exit interviews this week, so probably a battle back or 2 evicted people going to stay in house OR never actually getting evicted 

the REAL spoiler person (Sharon) just wrote, "no one is getting evicted and there's a diamond POV in play" 

Production interference lmaoooo

This season is never ending..

This season is dragging lol

there's a strike they are milking this as long as possible 

the REAL spoiler person (Sharon) just wrote, "no one is getting evicted and there's a diamond POV in play" 

that wasn't sharon dummy.

Just have a massive eviction and end it. This is the worst season ever (in my opinion).


the REAL spoiler person (Sharon) just wrote, "no one is getting evicted and there's a diamond POV in play" 

that wasn't sharon dummy.

did this make your week? sad



the REAL spoiler person (Sharon) just wrote, "no one is getting evicted and there's a diamond POV in play" 

that wasn't sharon dummy.

did this make your week? sad

my happiness doesn't come from this website, but yes it made me smile Smile bc it proves yet again that you very rarely know / understand what you're talking about
