The Challenge: USA 2- Weston Bergmann

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I do agree he gets a bad rap sometimes because he just shows up and people think he's already a snake. But you can't expect people to forget your past and on top of that sit in interviews calling yourself a master manipulator and all this. Like he did this to himself same way people don't find Bananas or Ashley trustworthy and why Cory was always targeted because he always said he wanted to go after the vets.  

You can't expect a clean slate every season when you been doing this for 20 years. 

lmao exactly. Mind you this man just won all stars 3 but is trying to cry as if he hasnt won since The Duel. Like boy didnt you volunteer to go in on AS3? How you hype yourseld up every chance you get then cry wolf like that. I see why him and Johnny became friends.

It's also funny because he's bestie John is the one that makes it a point to tell everyone about how shady and manipulative he is 

I've waited 17 years to see that bubble *** in all its uncensored glory & it did not disappoint. 

His *** used to be bigger when he was roided up allegedly *giggles* but it was still a nice juicy peach Smile

The thing I find annoying is that he's built his whole challenge persona as being the master manipulator, who's constantly pulling strings behind the scenes. Just like he did with Jonna and Michele which got Jonna eliminated prematurely.

And yet when people are finally over his bullshit, he starts to cry and act like he's above all this. Well, dude, YOU were the one who pushed that narrative of yourself. You were the one who said you were playing up a character and now you're upset because they can't tell if you're in character or not?

Pick a struggle and stick with it. And his wife only made herself look bad with the "more thoughts on my Patreon" like girl no one but a dozen of Wes's fans are looking at your Patreon. If you wanna say something, say something. Don't hide behind a paywall. Anyone who pays for Wes's wife's opinion on the USA cast is a loser.

Oop Aspiring with a read! 

Laurel chimes in

Love the backlash Wes is getting for being a whiner. EATING IT UP.



Laurel will always be my MAMA 

Playing victim is back firing on him 

Playing victim is back firing on him 

Bananas and Wes have developed such a victim mentality. The one reason CT will always be better than them.

Love him, but his 'woe is me' act is a tad pathetic.

Laurel loves cara again wow Wow WOW Smile

Laurel didn't lieeeee. 

I remember his wife saying she's never watched the show (at least before they met) because it isn't fair she can see his early 20s, but he can't see hers.

Which... ok I understand objectively even if I think it's dumb. But, what gags me is you're seeing one portion of Wes that everyone isn't privy to/ has seen other sides of. Accept him for who he is now; that's fine, but don't stick your neck out if you're not aware of the man he's portrayed himself to be.

He's getting called out because of the persona he spent years cultivating, like what happened?

Rich in the Midwest I'm crying 

living in the midwest > living in a chithole like NYC Smile

Im just a little confused on what exactly they are all defending him against. *****. Like where is all of this stemming from? I havent seen anyone attack him personally...

this is all completely ridiculous every one involved is in their 30s or more. Grow the hell up. 


Can't believe someone would dare suggest the guy who has been built up as a Machiavellian puppet master for the last 10+ years might have been using manipulation.

All this because the survivor girls clocked his gameplay lol. You would think they attacked him personally from the way he and his shooters acting

Lmao why is everyone acting like hes getting cancelled?! 

Can't believe someone would dare suggest the guy who has been built up as a Machiavellian puppet master for the last 10+ years might have been using manipulation.

im deadass so confused LMAO. 

you'd think he was attacked in  a personal way, like the way he did Davonne. Its just because Desi & Michaela aren't falling for his tricks. Why he always pull victim cards against black women.

Lol what a narcissist. He behaved the vile way he did for years but now wants to play victim? He's ruined his legacy going out like a punk and I love to see it. He went on a CBS show in the minority and threw a fit because they didn't kiss his aśš lol?! Wes has always given lowkey racist, he is embarrassed Desi so elegantly and his oversized ego couldn't handle it lol. 
