The Challenge: USA 2- Weston Bergmann

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Good riddance... you won't be missed by me.

Wes is not funny at all


Wes is not funny at all

He was a few years ago but then it because forced and his shtick which made him intolerable. He didn't know when to bow out and ruined his legacy.

And stay gone

Good riddance... you won't be missed by me.

And stay gone

When he made his return on Ruins, the way that he would yell at the people he was mad about Kelly Anne vs Ev being nominated for elinination is just so laughable because he can't control his temper tantum while screaming at Bananas and Kenny was looking at the camera doing a strongman pose with a goofy face look is just gold.  Goodbye Wes and thanks for the memories!

Wes will be back...not saying he should be but he's still youngish and loves it. 

Wes will be back...not saying he should be but he's still youngish and loves it. 


It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would assume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

Johanna <3


It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

I remember when the job was to select a band for the label.  Options were Hellogoodbye, Halifax and another band I can't remember.  Lacey did not like Hellogoodbye and even though I didn't agree, years later I finally agreed with her.  Most of the rest of the roomies were either with Hellogoodbye or the other band....


It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

Maybe that is also why I liked the Denver season since the arguments of Davis vs Stephen and Tyrie, Jenn and Tyrie, and Brooke's crazy rant has all the making of at least two Jerry Springer episodes.


It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

I like that Lacey still keeps up with reality tv.



It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

Maybe that is also why I liked the Denver season since the arguments of Davis vs Stephen and Tyrie, Jenn and Tyrie, and Brooke's crazy rant has all the making of at least two Jerry Springer episodes.

Denver was good in hindsight but I was bored watching it as it aired. Was definitely excited to see Brooke on the challenge, though I knew she wouldn't last...


Wes is not funny at all

He was a few years ago but then it because forced and his shtick which made him intolerable. He didn't know when to bow out and ruined his legacy.

He became as thin-skinned as Bananas. He even developed the same schtick (i.e. making fun of yourself a bit in confessionals but definitely loving the smell of your own sh at).

He was a confessional gangster this season and did nothing in the game other than mess with Cassidy for some reason.

He's been a disappointment in everything post WOTW1.

I was a never a team Wes guy or anything like that but I always respected what he brought, but I agree he wasn't the same Wes once he returned in WOTW he became a caricature of himself, shutting down Josh's attempt at a fake rivalry was his only good moment. He became a tryhard in confessionals with forced lines but didn't back that up in person. As I type sounds like me on this site lol.

lol he's not retiring 

Y'all think that a future Rivals with Wes paired with Danny would help the latter win at least once?  As long as Wes doesn't try to sabotage Danny like in Fresh Meat 2 and maybe see if Danny has worked out enough to match Wes' current power level.  IT'S OVER 9000!

Y'all think that a future Rivals with Wes paired with Danny would help the latter win at least once?  As long as Wes doesn't try to sabotage Danny like in Fresh Meat 2 and maybe see if Danny has worked out enough to match Wes' current power level.  IT'S OVER 9000!

I don't think there's anyone who could make Danny win. I don't think he was ever as bad as his elimination record made him seem, just painfully average for how athletic he appeared 

Icon he better come back. GOAT male player of the challenge IMO in terms of character (along with his wins and everything else) 

He retired after the duel... see how that turned out...

He's giving Mark Long energy in the least flattering way possible.

he looks good with blonde hair on the top of his head, shave off the red beard and he looks 27

Btw he ain't even 40 yet sksk


It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

Rachel Moyal is a ******* legendary champion. Ntm on my queen.



It saddens me that ***** Wes is for better or worse the only RW Austin representative we have had for the most part.  All the rest have either retired or just had the unfortunate bit of not being called back.  The whole RW Austin season was more of a Danny show so one would ***ume he would carry the mantle of RW Austin leader for Challenges.

The whole RW Austin cast except Lacey was a trash *** cast that had no business being on any TV show other than maybe a short segment on Jerry Springer. And that's a giant maybe. Whack *** shitty cast~

Rachel Moyal is a ******* legendary champion. Ntm on my queen.

By legendary you mean "one of the worst"?
