The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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Waiting for gamer to be online to make the update 

Waiting for gamer to be online to make the update 

Hope it's Kyland or Emanuel 

Prayers for the safety of Colleen, Asaf, Nurys, Zara, and Horacio while the rest are purged out.

Prayers for the safety of Colleen, Asaf, Nurys, Berna, Zara, and Horacio while the rest are purged out.

Waiting for gamer to be online to make the update 

This post is unusually chipper. MICHELE is OUT! Dx


Prayers for the safety of Colleen, Asaf, Nurys, Berna, Zara, and Horacio while the rest are purged out.


Praying I get to laugh at Jay's demise. Halfway point is usually the time 

Does this season's format emphasize friendship sufficiently? 

Praying I get to laugh at Jay's demise. Halfway point is usually the time 

He's past the halfway point and set up well, probably with a bit of production protection as well.

So is it going to be Colleen, Ravyn, or Kyland,?

Praying I get to laugh at Jay's demise. Halfway point is usually the time 

If it's Kyland I'm not watching.... dead ***

If it's Kyland I'm not watching.... dead ***

Lol kyland is not likable

I hope it's somebody unexpected 

Emmanuel or Jay is my guess

Emanuel Ed or Olivia OUT please! 

Emmanuel or Jay is my guess

might be bc pink and gamer were sure kekeing on twitter lmao 

Oop gamer said we about to be shook

Finally we got some hype in this spoiler season lol

Nose is out. We won!

Horacio is out Sad

omg please let it be a random purge. i want to be gagged Lol

Dee came in as a merc?! Jk

Horacio is out


Mercenary/Champ Cara Maria Sorbello lost her elimination against Michele

Mercenary/Champ Cara Maria Sorbello lost her elimination against Michele



Mercenary/Champ Cara Maria Sorbello lost her elimination against Michele


lmaoooo now is Cara washed like Laurel & Darrell ?? Lol

only think that would be surprising is Horacio being out or a surprise mercenary.

Jay being out is not surprising, dude always chokes.
