The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

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Not to make it personal, but thats what Kam and Leroy get for both leaving to be without their baby. Its one thing if one parent leaves, but both leaving with a child that young. Shameful.

Get off Vevmo and log into the Buy Buy Baby to complain over someone else's parenting style.       If you are going to be it on a relevant site

I wonder what nicole is gonna use her 250k winnings on? Smile

Yall kam haters know kam is gonna come back on 39 and win the real show and not this bullshit spinoff Smile

Um someone called Kam "ghetto" the other day and now people are talking about them abandoning their kids...Yes it's very suspcious 

Ghetto was a poor choice of words, although it can be used to accurately describe some people without any racial connotation, it was suspect as Kam is in no way ghetto. 

But the bizarre baby comments can't be described as racist, you're just reaching there

I'm still catching up but who said that's what they get for leaving their baby? That's real bold

Kam ain't gonna be back for a while after this. I'll just consume whatever she'll be feeding me I guess Sad

I'm glad Leroy left, he's a loser and boring I don't ever need him back. Steve leaving is so sad though

Wait, that problematic account still here?

Not to make it personal, but thats what Kam and Leroy get for both leaving to be without their baby. Its one thing if one parent leaves, but both leaving with a child that young. Shameful.

Found it, ChallengeFan23 you can shut ALLLL the way the **** up.

I don't even **** with Leroy like that but naw this ain't it

the lens you guys have had on Kam and Leroy and just really how weird some of you have been can't go unnoticed. 

i really don't care what you call it because i'm not trying to argue with KVM over the words that come out of my mouth but to any normal person just reading you guys comments.

something is loose in whatever brains you all think you have 


Does anyone think it's TOO coincidental that Kam/Leroy left back to back?? I hope they didn't have to leave or something


Who left first: Leroy or Steve? Or did both leave the same night

Power Rankings:

11. Flora

10. Veronica

9. Ryan

8. Nicole

7. Derek

6. Ace

5. Averey

4. Jay

3. Adam

2. Laurel

1. Cara

Does anyone think it's TOO coincidental that Kam/Leroy left back to back?? I hope they didn't have to leave or something

it makes sense. If you make a move to get somebody out, you might as well get out their partner too. 

It's the casual racism for me.....

what's new in this fan base? 98% of the fan base praise the most horrible Yt people who have personalities of high schoolers (the girls mainly)

It's sad.  The guys have boring stale personalities and "jokes" that only a certain demographic would enjoy (example: Brad, Devin,CT,Johnny,Wes).


That thing is left untouched with a star Sad

Cara this, Tori that

Are these your queens??  

No flavor, no taste, mixed with a little bit of racism. Just nasty 

oh yall rowdy today huh

You don't know where she grew up from but still ignorantly called her ghetto? Ok

Y'all can drag Leroy bc he's a forever loser but we're not going to drag kam at all.

so is it being from the ghetto or is it acting ghetto? do you even know what you're trying to say lol there's zero tact in your game.

it's actually more wild you're a real poster and not just a burner. 

and when we call out microqgressions & backhanded comments with racial undertones yall want to say that we're "pulling the race card"…yeah okay…

Anyway let's hope they end up showing the Ayanna vs. Kam/Leroy/Brandon/Janelle beef. I want multiple, full length segments. Give us an entire episode and a half of the thing if you need to. C'mon, c'mon people!~ ****** produce something of quality and substance for once.

Banning people

Flora looks like she's in great shape I think she actually has a chance in that final 

Banning people

Thank you queen

The only reason I will drag Kam is if she lost to Flora.

The rest of the girls are good in eliminations;

Veronica can beat anyone in carnvial, strategy & puzzles; Cara Maria and Laurel has won every variation of an elimination; Averey won an endurance/physical elimination, won a balance/communication elimination (albeit it was more on Reiley) and did amazing in a physical/man-handle elimination against Nia who is half a foot taller; Nicole is currently undefeated in eliminations and the one elimination she won she did amazing in

Power Rankings:

11. Flora

10. Veronica

9. Ryan

8. Nicole

7. Derek

6. Ace

5. Averey

4. Jay

3. Adam

2. Laurel

1. Cara

Love how people keep posting these useless power rankings all the time with Flora in last place and goddess keeps making it to the next round.  

Goddess stays Goddess 

Okay now that Leroy's out if Averey doesn't win I want it to be Jay, Ryan, or Nicole because if I can't be happy I want chaos 
