The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

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The Challenge: All Stars 4 - Spoilers Discussion

It's time!

It's time!

Cant wait for your complains for the ones I am revealing for now lol


It's time!

Cant wait for your complains for the ones I am revealing for now lol

Ryan, Nicole Z, Laurel, Jizzman coming lol

In before the heartbreak. 

In before the reverse Vevmo's bootlist when our favorites go home first.

In before that one glimour of hope when someone we hate goes home episode 3 but everyone else we hate makes the finale.

In before 

^^^so true lol, might as well go ahead and congratulate Nicole Z on her win. 

Just hoping for one of Landon Coral or Elka but prepares for none. 

I am holding on some names because Inhave heard them on prior seasons but something had happened to them

I am holding on some names because Inhave heard them on prior seasons but something had happened to them

Stop. Teasing. Coral.


Lock thread has update it 

 Wow loving some of these OG names! Honestly never though Adam Larson would do these with the rumors and its hard to find anything about him in recent years on line.

zanatta... really though ::eyeroll:: 

I'm fine with all of them except for Nicole's ugly ***!

I'm pleasantly surprised

OMG FLORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ugh I thought Zanatta was a troll ;(

They want that Laurel and Nicole beef I can see

Loving  the Down Under lil reunion with kefla and chadwick

Yassss at Kefla and Chadwick. Where's Holly B at?

So here for the mean girls reunion. Flora needs her #1 ally Beth

Lowkey I don't even want Tony because now I have to hear KVM ***** about him all season 

yeah Kefla and Chadwick is wild lol what a throwback 

Screaming so hard at Flora and Chadwick sjsksksk. Neeeeed Adam L to come rail meeee!!

Wow. The guys side is wild. Flora?!?! Wow. Shocked. Of course Nicole and Laurel ruin it but wow overall!



Me when i got to the Avery portion of the events 

They better not make Flora an alt.....

Genesis and Syrus are listed as alts

Y'all finally getting Averey back. How many years have you been begging for her to probably disappoint?

Glad queens Ayanna and Janelle are back ofc.

Averey deserves a chance at redemption.

They better not turn this into the L Word cuz of Nicole Z and Laurel

The girls need to target Laurel asap and then Rachel

They want lesbian drama huh? Casting two pairs of exes?

Why is Genesis and alternate? Ugh

Averey period!!
