The Challenge: Ride or Dies- Get Rich Or Ride Or Die Tryin’

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Anyone who does throw in Fessy, Tory, Johnny, and Kasey is an absolute idiot and isn't playing to win. Those 4 plus Aneesa are a solid 5 and they aren't breakable. Those 4 can also win most dailies and are all final threats so they are the only smart option.  

crackable is censored? Bacchus you needa chill with these censors.

them being a tight 5 is the exact reason others SHOULD throw them in...

Lol my b, was rushing to type that at a red light. It should say anyone who does NOT throw in...

Listening to the podcast bc it's just Da'Vonne and Anessa and it's so awkward... Aneesa is like mad mad at Jay/Michele and won't let it go. And Da'Vonne keeps trying to stop her and she keeps going

Veronica is such a breath of fresh air <3 I need her to start working out, though come back every season.

Listening to the podcast bc it's just Da'Vonne and Anessa and it's so awkward... Aneesa is like mad mad at Jay/Michele and won't let it go. And Da'Vonne keeps trying to stop her and she keeps going

I tried listening but Aneesa is too unbearable. I know Da'vonne can't stand her *** 

Seems like Aneesa hates Michele/Jay. Which is becoming a pattern... seems like Aneesa hates most people

Aneesa is a miserable slug who will only be remembered as the boring chick who couldn't win a season in 20 years of trying and the chick who took 20 year to get a Bachelor's degree while still working the pole at 40.

Good thing is that whale is apparently injured so we don't have to see her *** flopping for a year at least 

VeronICON getting more confessionals than half these people in her second episode

I thought Veronica was supposed to do something this episode.......

How come there were more drama/fights shown on DA and SLA than this Zzzzeason..

Whoever asked if kim and colleen were allowed to speak german, according to bananas they had to do it in english

ok thanks

Listening to the podcast bc it's just Da'Vonne and Anessa and it's so awkward... Aneesa is like mad mad at Jay/Michele and won't let it go. And Da'Vonne keeps trying to stop her and she keeps going

aneesa is a miserable human being

Aneesa is a miserable slug who will only be remembered as the boring chick who couldn't win a season in 20 years of trying and the chick who took 20 year to get a Bachelor's degree while still working the pole at 40.



Whoever asked if kim and colleen were allowed to speak german, according to bananas they had to do it in english

ok thanks

They don't like people communicating in another language Aneesa used to get scream at for speaking Spanish to Logan same with Josh

They should have thrown in Nany/Bananas Kaycee/Kenny Jordan/Aneesa and Tori/Devin - right? Would have definitely put them towards the top of the target list, but they aren't breaking into that foursome and would be targeted soon enough anyway. What a waste throwing in Kim/Colleen and V/Darrell. Honestly - I know Laurel seems to be friendly with those 4 vet teams but she is at the bottom of the vet group too, and is not even performing well. Weird weird move for Jay/Michele who I thought would be savvier - maybe we do not know the full context of Michele/Laurel situation but seems like a bad bad bad week in power. 



Whoever asked if kim and colleen were allowed to speak german, according to bananas they had to do it in english

ok thanks

They don't like people communicating in another language Aneesa used to get scream at for speaking Spanish to Logan same with Josh

why did they show Josh and Logan speaking Spanish on the show then?

Michele With One L On The Challenge: Ride Or Dies | Out Of Context





Whoever asked if kim and colleen were allowed to speak german, according to bananas they had to do it in english

ok thanks

They don't like people communicating in another language Aneesa used to get scream at for speaking Spanish to Logan same with Josh

why did they show Josh and Logan speaking Spanish on the show then?

only for storyline purposes so that they could seem closer & make them throwing cory in seem like a good move.
