The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies- Kaycee Clark

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Tw at Face



Her and Tori are the best active female competitors. Its gonna be very tough to take either down.

Even Obeesa was able to beat Tori in something not favorable to someone so overweight & out of shape.   

DEAD, Obeesa might be my favorite nickname for her.

Laurel would wash her at anything 

I usually am not one to get in with the fat jokes, but Aneesa wears the skimpiest outfits that slice her snatch & that nickname Obeesa is literally hilarious.

Laurel would wash her at anything 


We lost. They really want her to be the new face of the show.

They can't be shocked when the ratings go under 500k again if they wanna cast a bunch of snoozecee's

We lost. They really want her to be the new face of the show.

Well with the most recent 5-6 woman winners being either banned or not asked back who else is left but kaycee?

I hate her

Lock this.


She killed the show, she killed Nany's personality. Why is she not locked up yet? Arrest her!

Man man 

Kaycee is pretty and kind even if she is boring.

I love that Kaycee is loyal to her friends and true to herself.

PK...your shtick here is so random and weird. What an odd way to troll lol.

Kaycee adds exactly what production wants her to add. She's a background character that's a top-tier competitor. If the rest if the casting was better she wouldn't be a problem. Unpopular I know but add people like Laurel and Cooke then we're set. They have to stop with people like Bettina and even Nany. 

She looks like her breath smells like dog do do.

Can she take a damn break! If she is back next season Laurel needs to be there heck even Jenny! 

Kaycee adds exactly what production wants her to add. She's a background character that's a top-tier competitor. If the rest if the casting was better she wouldn't be a problem. Unpopular I know but add people like Laurel and Cooke then we're set. They have to stop with people like Bettina and even Nany. 

If we are just casting boring hulks then the show needs to be 30 min. These dull personalities can't carry 90 minutes. The show thrived when weaklings and average people carried it. Yall are whack for trying to turn this into America Ninja Warrior with puzzles and slowmotion explosions.

Lock this shit

Lol once again I didn't even need to go back a page to see who wrote that.

Jenny dog walked her in a final, Tori & emy both did better than her in the recent final she just got lucky. I wouldn't consider her top tier. 

Ruff Ruff

Kaycee adds exactly what production wants her to add. She's a background character that's a top-tier competitor. If the rest if the casting was better she wouldn't be a problem. Unpopular I know but add people like Laurel and Cooke then we're set. They have to stop with people like Bettina and even Nany. 

If we are just casting boring hulks then the show needs to be 30 min. These dull personalities can't carry 90 minutes. The show thrived when weaklings and average people carried it. Yall are whack for trying to turn this into America Ninja Warrior with puzzles and slowmotion explosions.

90 minutes is way too long regardless of casting but, yes, the show would be better at 30

ANW is awful--it's all about sob stories not competition.

ANW is awful--it's all about sob stories not competition.

And that's exactly what your whack opinions are trying to turn The Challenge into. If you eliminate drama and just fill the with boring meatheads then they have to come up with a new way to invest the audience intonyhe cast and they think that sob stories and pulling at the heart strings is the way to do it.

The face of the challenge 

ANW is awful--it's all about sob stories not competition.

And that's exactly what your whack opinions are trying to turn The Challenge into. If you eliminate drama and just fill the with boring meatheads then they have to come up with a new way to invest the audience intonyhe cast and they think that sob stories and pulling at the heart strings is the way to do it.

No, we already get that--the only drama should be centered around the game

Umm no? Not what the show was or should be. They tried that and it's flopped.

Umm no? Not what the show was or should be. They tried that and it's flopped.

When did they try that?  The drama they show is nonsense usually about Josh 
