The Challenge: World Championship - Paramount +

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Taylor from Kid Nation or cancel the whole thing.

Still boggles my mind that one of the top 5 most evil villains in reality tv history was a 10 year old.


Joaquin and Hali are the only WA representation needed.

Hali isn't needed for anything 

Couldn't even make it halfway on an all-stars season where her target was the size of a crouton 

Just wanted to pop in and say I miss you guys. Allstars kept me hype. Don't really have much to say about this show when we don't have nothing else to talk about but speculate and get our hopes up for something that sucks. Just remember CBS tends to cast people from recent seasons and forget old ones. Expect BB20+ and Survivor 35+ and TAR30+ with a small handful of FAN FAVORITE obvious pick characters from the seasons before that. 

I'll give almost anyone a second chance so I wouldn't be mad or happy about Jack or Jackson, but Christmas got her second chance off the pills and was still a racist flop. So why are they even considering her for a third time?

I wish they'd stack this with great female villains like Corinne, Abi, Naonka, Sydney, and Natalie Cole.

Naonka on principal should never be on tv again for what she said about the physically handicapped, Corrinne is a cringey try-hard that was never in the top 6 most relevant faces of her seasons, and I have no Idea who Sydney is. I agree Abi should be considered, she's relevant and she's absolutely clueless. Jerri's still in shape, she'd be my pick over everyone else.

Naonka on principal should never be on tv again for what she said about the physically handicapped, Corrinne is a cringey try-hard that was never in the top 6 most relevant faces of her seasons, and I have no Idea who Sydney is. I agree Abi should be considered, she's relevant and she's absolutely clueless. Jerri's still in shape, she'd be my pick over everyone else. 

So no one whose ever said anything offensive in their life should be on tv? Then cancel it all cause everyone has said foul stuff in their life including you.



Joaquin and Hali are the only WA representation needed.

Hali isn't needed for anything 

Couldn't even make it halfway on an all-stars season where her target was the size of a crouton 

And she was one of the most boring bland personalities both seasons .

Hali slander won't be tolerated. She is top 5 best Survivors EVER.

Hali slander won't be tolerated. She is top 5 best Survivors EVER.

She isn't even top 5 in either of her seasons

Hali slander won't be tolerated. She is top 5 best Survivors EVER.

I didn't consent. 


Hali slander won't be tolerated. She is top 5 best Survivors EVER.

You sure love your boring white women huh?


Hali slander won't be tolerated. She is top 5 best Survivors EVER.

I didn't consent. 




Hali slander won't be tolerated. She is top 5 best Survivors EVER.

You sure love your boring white women huh?

I have a wide variety of favorites.

I love Hali too, lol. Just don't think this is the show for her, but she was one of my favorites both times she played. Maybe because those casts she played with were awful but still.

Gamer confirmed Jackson Michie (BB21 - winner) and Christmas Abbott (BB19 & BB22) were called for The Challenge: CBS. 

I can't imagine after the racism controversy they'll cast Jackson, and i'm praying they don't cast Christmas either!

Jack was the problem.  Nick was a problem.  Jackson and Analyse just went down with the ship IMO.  Jackson honestly would have been a great addition to The Challenge.  

If they're promoting this as a sport Xmas makes a ton of sense


Joaquin and Hali are the only WA representation needed.

Hali isn't needed for anything 

I feel like this could be amazing if they cast the right people for it. But This is CBS and they seem alergic to anything adult regarding their competition shows so not holding breat here.

But with that said I'm still intrigued though.

Pink do you have any news if this will be team/pairs/individual? 

I love Hali too, lol. Just don't think this is the show for her, but she was one of my favorites both times she played. Maybe because those casts she played with were awful but still.

I knew you had taste. I don't think she's thst bad of a player. The first season it wasn't her fault that Sierra was a jealous anti-woman hater. Second season she played she was screwed because Survivor wasn't her life and she didn't attend every charity event and pregame. We were so close to that being her, Sandra, amd Malcolm's season to run.

I feel like this could be amazing if they cast the right people for it. But This is CBS and they seem alergic to anything adult regarding their competition shows so not holding breat here.

But with that said I'm still intrigued though.

Do you guys think they'd cast someone from Survivor 42? I know it hasn’t aired yet but didn’t Cbs do that like twice on returnee seasons of survivor?


I love Hali too, lol. Just don't think this is the show for her, but she was one of my favorites both times she played. Maybe because those casts she played with were awful but still.

I knew you had taste. I don't think she's thst bad of a player. The first season it wasn't her fault that Sierra was a jealous anti-woman hater. Second season she played she was screwed because Survivor wasn't her life and she didn't attend every charity event and pregame. We were so close to that being her, Sandra, amd Malcolm's season to run.

She wasnt screwed, she never deserved a call back let alone a second chance. 

Do you guys think they'd cast someone from Survivor 42? I know it hasn’t aired yet but didn’t Cbs do that like twice on returnee seasons of survivor?

i don't think so. i believe PR said that this was being cast by BMP not CBS so they wouldn't have any footage or knowledge of the s42 cast.

She wasnt screwed, she never deserved a call back let alone a second chance. 

She was supposed to be on Island of Idols instead of Audrey but she got pregnant. Production was very upset because they wanted her to get a win so that she could also be on WAW.

I know I probably have too high expectations, but I'm lowkey more excited for this cast than The Challenge proper casts. At least with this cast most of us will know the majority of them. Considering Survivor, BB, and TAR all cast regular people (like RR/RW) and BMP has footage of all them playing, there really is no excuse for this to not be a good cast. We will see

^^^same but I'm gonna be letdown when the cast is mostly Tough As Nails and Love Island, the two shows I don't watch.

Jack Jackson & Christmas shouldn't be seen again and there's better talent + it's not like they want drama anyways so it doesn't matter

inb4 somebody tries to argue my statement

Jack Jackson & Christmas shouldn't be seen again and there's better talent + it's not like they want drama anyways so it doesn't matter

inb4 somebody tries to argue my statement

There's 100% better talent but we know those names are gonna get ignored.


Naonka on principal should never be on tv again for what she said about the physically handicapped, Corrinne is a cringey try-hard that was never in the top 6 most relevant faces of her seasons, and I have no Idea who Sydney is. I agree Abi should be considered, she's relevant and she's absolutely clueless. Jerri's still in shape, she'd be my pick over everyone else. 

So no one whose ever said anything offensive in their life should be on tv? Then cancel it all cause everyone has said foul stuff in their life including you.

Obviously I don't mind drama, but when Queen V is yelling at Katie, she is JUST attacking Katie. Na'Onka said things about Kelly B that were also harmful to an entire community of people. Same with Jordan and Jemmye, same with Camila & Leroy. If you want to insult someone on a personal level that is fine, but when you comment on race, religion, handicap etc, you're also attacking millions of other people. My sister is severely handicapped, and the fact that Jordan continues to appear on these shows is a slap in the face because it is sending the message that those comments aren't THAT bad. TV plays a huge role is establishing social norms, and Na'Onka made making fun of the physically handicapped become more normalized. 


Jack Jackson & Christmas shouldn't be seen again and there's better talent + it's not like they want drama anyways so it doesn't matter

inb4 somebody tries to argue my statement

There's 100% better talent but we know those names are gonna get ignored.

the cast posted on twitter was decent & likely aside from a few imo but I don't see BMP letting them through 
