The Challenge: World Championship - Paramount +

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Btw why are some people on the mtv challenge mad that there will be no Mtv people on the CBS show lol. They aren't happy as is with their million tired challenge seasons they already done?

Because CBS took over their show?

Lol cbs actually gets millions of viewers at least. The challenge needed a major overhaul anyways bc spies lies and no eyes watching was not it.

also aint this cbs spinoff airing on cbs or on paramount streaming only?

I recommend for any Na'Onka haters to watch RHAP's with T-Bird, you'll get to see another side of Nay and understand all of it. I genuinely don't think Nay is a bad person and the podcast gave me a different perspective on her.

I don't mind her getting physical to get the clue, thats fine, it was the confessional afterwards; "next time I'll knock off her damn leg". Canceled for me after that. She could have called Kelly a ***** or a crybaby or whatever and it would have been fine, mentioning the handicap in that way is disturbing.

I wonder which amazing race people are on this. That show is like the ugly stepsister it's always getting ignored lol

And yet somehow it wins all those Emmys, I don't get it

Btw why are some people on the mtv challenge mad that there will be no Mtv people on the CBS show lol. They aren't happy as is with their million tired challenge seasons they already done?

They need to shut up. They got the main show they can stink up constantly. Plus it's not like any of them are gonna add anything interesting to this any damn ways, They just gonna sit around and let whoever's the main competitor/strategist walk to the end and win. 


A Veronica stan trashing someone else's inappropriate behavior lol. All credibility just went out the window.

EXCLUSIVE: apparently this is a leaked screenshot of BMP having a zoom call with the mtv cast today...

Where is the cast names tho lol?

i am confused but exicted ?? and confused 

A Veronica stan trashing someone else's inappropriate behavior lol. All credibility just went out the window.

I'm honestly beginning to worry about you. Veronica attacks INDIVIDUALS. Na'Onka attacks a COMMUNITY of handicapped people. Attack an individua and l I won't say boo, make a comment that targets a greater community there is a huge issue. You can't be this dim. I believe in you.


I recommend for any Na'Onka haters to watch RHAP's with T-Bird, you'll get to see another side of Nay and understand all of it. I genuinely don't think Nay is a bad person and the podcast gave me a different perspective on her.

I don't mind her getting physical to get the clue, thats fine, it was the confessional afterwards; "next time I'll knock off her damn leg". Canceled for me after that. She could have called Kelly a ***** or a crybaby or whatever and it would have been fine, mentioning the handicap in that way is disturbing.

no one cried when Johnny told Jordan he would be missing more than a hand when hes done with him lolz


A Veronica stan trashing someone else's inappropriate behavior lol. All credibility just went out the window.

I'm honestly beginning to worry about you. Veronica attacks INDIVIDUALS. Na'Onka attacks a COMMUNITY of handicapped people. Attack an individua and l I won't say boo, make a comment that targets a greater community there is a huge issue. You can't be this dim. I believe in you.

She attacked mental illness, old people, and large people. I doubt 90% of amputees were offended by that. People make fun of Jordan's hand on here often....never seen you cry about that.



A Veronica stan trashing someone else's inappropriate behavior lol. All credibility just went out the window.

I'm honestly beginning to worry about you. Veronica attacks INDIVIDUALS. Na'Onka attacks a COMMUNITY of handicapped people. Attack an individua and l I won't say boo, make a comment that targets a greater community there is a huge issue. You can't be this dim. I believe in you.

She attacked mental illness, old people, and large people. I doubt 90% of amputees were offended by that. People make fun of Jordan's hand on here often....never seen you cry about that.

You can't pick and choose when you want to talk about people's controversial comments from the past and when you don't


Btw why are some people on the mtv challenge mad that there will be no Mtv people on the CBS show lol. They aren't happy as is with their million tired challenge seasons they already done?

Because CBS took over their show?

Lol cbs actually gets millions of viewers at least. The challenge needed a major overhaul anyways bc spies lies and no eyes watching was not it.

Who asked "why are some people on the mtv challenge mad that there will be no MTV people on the CBS show"--this should be obvious

You can't pick and choose when you want to talk about people's controversial comments from the past and when you don't

You realize you do that all the time, right?



A Veronica stan trashing someone else's inappropriate behavior lol. All credibility just went out the window.

I'm honestly beginning to worry about you. Veronica attacks INDIVIDUALS. Na'Onka attacks a COMMUNITY of handicapped people. Attack an individua and l I won't say boo, make a comment that targets a greater community there is a huge issue. You can't be this dim. I believe in you.

She attacked mental illness, old people, and large people. I doubt 90% of amputees were offended by that. People make fun of Jordan's hand on here often....never seen you cry about that.

I do take your points but there are tiers to these things. Making a crack about a girl's prosthetic leg is not on the same level as Veronica dissing Beth when she tried to cause trouble imo. And trust me Veronica has done things that make me cringe, I've said this over and over. Jordan I claim as my own personal double standard and i'm aware of this. I can't stomach that man. Alright I'm exhausted for tonight, but glad we got our quarterly bicker out of the way lol


You can't pick and choose when you want to talk about people's controversial comments from the past and when you don't

You realize you do that all the time, right?



You can't pick and choose when you want to talk about people's controversial comments from the past and when you don't

You realize you do that all the time, right?





You can't pick and choose when you want to talk about people's controversial comments from the past and when you don't

You realize you do that all the time, right?



Please give examples, because I can't remember a time when I've dismissed someone's controversial comments

This cast is probably All Stars 3 level good but PR never heard of any of them so she isnt hyping tbh 

Ugh is this why Derrick is getting "fit". 

Imagine Derrick, Cody AND Paulie all on this. Can Paulie please post a crazy instagram story again? 

I randomly had a dream of this cast. It was BAD y'all. A bunch of random nobodies. No surprises or interesting people.

Good thing my dreams never come true!

ok but Wendell finna win .. my guy built for a final.

ok but Wendell finna win .. my guy built for a final.

ok but Wendell finna win .. my guy built for a final.

Love Wendell. But he is kinda lanky. One hall brawl or even a push me type of elimination and i don't like his chances. 


ok but Wendell finna win .. my guy built for a final.

Love Wendell. But he is kinda lanky. One hall brawl or even a push me type of elimination and i don't like his chances. 

Yes won All Stars 1.

Ugh is this why Derrick is getting "fit". 

Imagine Derrick, Cody AND Paulie all on this. Can Paulie please post a crazy instagram story again? 

I just saw that whale order 3 Big Macs, 4 large fries, 2 mcflurries and 3 large cokes at the McDonalds down the street from me. I guess that's getting "fit"? 


ok but Wendell finna win .. my guy built for a final.

Love Wendell. But he is kinda lanky. One hall brawl or even a push me type of elimination and i don't like his chances. 

Ok...but that's like 2-3 eliminations? He wouldn't be in every elimination and if he did it could be against that Christian kid. Y'all always try to argue this like every elimination is gonna be Hall Brawl against CT.


Ugh is this why Derrick is getting "fit". 

Imagine Derrick, Cody AND Paulie all on this. Can Paulie please post a crazy instagram story again? 

I just saw that whale order 3 Big Macs, 4 large fries, 2 mcflurries and 3 large cokes at the McDonalds down the street from me. I guess that's getting "fit"? 

For him yes. You must have missed that the cokes were diet cokes. 

Give me Earl instead of Wendell, but for male black survivor winners goes

