The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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Comments from cast members like this teetering along the lines of S*icide are why MANDATORY breaks should be put in place. If they keep going down this road one of these days something horrific is going to happen. 

Big advocate for mandatory breaks on this show. They should have learned from the camila stuff

Ashley was like this before she ever did the show. Let's not blame the show. Watch her RW season. Watch Rivals 3, her first season. 

QueenBettina has to be BernasBodyguard, no one else besides RestlessWarrior could be that annoying.

Ashley was like this before she ever did the show. Let's not blame the show. Watch her RW season. Watch Rivals 3, her first season. 

doesnt matter her personality  (never been an Ashley fan, hated her on RW). There should be mandatory breaks no matter who it is. Nobody should be doing nonstop seasons in a row, doing these shows takes a toll mentally and physically.  

QueenBettina has to be BernasBodyguard, no one else besides RestlessWarrior could be that annoying.

Whoever they are they certainly are annoying as hell. Starting to resemble that Devin stalker page and crazy Darrell stan. 

I wonder what the cast will even look like next season. The poisonous team that is Emerald + Fessy will probably be back but a lot of the other vets seem to be taking breaks (some forced, some not). So far, Ashley, Cory, Aneesa, Amanda,  Big T, and maybe CT (depending on the movie he's filming) probably won't be on next season. Who should they call to fill up those spots + some of the spots the rookies took up this season?

Ashley was like this before she ever did the show. Let's not blame the show. Watch her RW season. Watch Rivals 3, her first season. 

Ashley was making borderline suicidal comments before the show ? I don't think so. The blame is both on her for not knowing when to say to NO to these calls and MTV for not knowing when it's time for some people to take a break.

most of these people just need to find a life outside the challenge tbh and production needs to let them. the show is just one big circle that you can never get out of. notice how sane CT is compared to people like Camila/Dee/Cara

josh's "best friends" are his show friends. ashley has no friends. tori records that podcast about the show every single week. nany/kaycee have been together every single second since they left filming. even amanda is caught up in the loop. 


Ashley was like this before she ever did the show. Let's not blame the show. Watch her RW season. Watch Rivals 3, her first season. 

Ashley was making borderline suicidal comments before the show ? I don't think so. The blame is both on her for not knowing when to say to NO to these calls and MTV for not knowing when it's time for some people to take a break.

they need to tighten up casting and give an incentive to take breaks. they've pretty much backed everyone in a corner where they are too scared to say no because production moves onto the next person so quickly. 

Honestly one thing about Aneesa is once the show is done filming she doesn't mention it very much. She actually has friends and a life. 

Tori has the damn nerve after she tweeted that she hates fa**ots



Ashley was like this before she ever did the show. Let's not blame the show. Watch her RW season. Watch Rivals 3, her first season. 

Ashley was making borderline suicidal comments before the show ? I don't think so. The blame is both on her for not knowing when to say to NO to these calls and MTV for not knowing when it's time for some people to take a break.

they need to tighten up casting and give an incentive to take breaks. they've pretty much backed everyone in a corner where they are too scared to say no because production moves onto the next person so quickly. 


most of these people just need to find a life outside the challenge tbh and production needs to let them. the show is just one big circle that you can never get out of. notice how sane CT is compared to people like Camila/Dee/Cara

josh's "best friends" are his show friends. ashley has no friends. tori records that podcast about the show every single week. nany/kaycee have been together every single second since they left filming. even amanda is caught up in the loop. 

Because CT separates his work with his real life every once in a blue moon hangs out with 1 or 2 ppl. But other than that he doesn't does Twitter , podcast or IG not even aftershows just live his life privately. I think that's the big difference from him and the rest including Bananas and Wes.

Honestly one thing about Aneesa is once the show is done filming she doesn't mention it very much. She actually has friends and a life. 

I agree although I'm not her biggest fan I can say the same for Big T. She has a life outside the challenge and actual friends. A lot of these people don't have that. You know imma have to throw my sister in but Amber B is another one. This show isn't their life. 

Honestly one thing about Aneesa is once the show is done filming she doesn't mention it very much. She actually has friends and a life. 


and she knows when to not come back. She's taken breaks between seasons many times. 


most of these people just need to find a life outside the challenge tbh and production needs to let them. the show is just one big circle that you can never get out of. notice how sane CT is compared to people like Camila/Dee/Cara

josh's "best friends" are his show friends. ashley has no friends. tori records that podcast about the show every single week. nany/kaycee have been together every single second since they left filming. even amanda is caught up in the loop. 

Because CT separates his work with his real life every once in a blue moon hangs out with 1 or 2 ppl. But other than that he doesn't does Twitter , podcast or IG not even aftershows just live his life privately. I think that's the big difference from him and the rest including Bananas and Wes.


Didnt CT refuse to have Bananas on his wedding special when producers wanted Banans there? 


Honestly one thing about Aneesa is once the show is done filming she doesn't mention it very much. She actually has friends and a life. 


and she knows when to not come back. She's taken breaks between seasons many times. 

ummm... when was the last time she took a break?

It's so sad what this show has become. From the spy themes, to the terrible cast to the fake storylines that are still just boring maybe it's time to move on and have it cancelled 



most of these people just need to find a life outside the challenge tbh and production needs to let them. the show is just one big circle that you can never get out of. notice how sane CT is compared to people like Camila/Dee/Cara

josh's "best friends" are his show friends. ashley has no friends. tori records that podcast about the show every single week. nany/kaycee have been together every single second since they left filming. even amanda is caught up in the loop. 

Because CT separates his work with his real life every once in a blue moon hangs out with 1 or 2 ppl. But other than that he doesn't does Twitter , podcast or IG not even aftershows just live his life privately. I think that's the big difference from him and the rest including Bananas and Wes.


Didnt CT refuse to have Bananas on his wedding special when producers wanted Banans there? 

No CT said on live that he invited John but due to him filming 1st look outside the country he couldn't go



Honestly one thing about Aneesa is once the show is done filming she doesn't mention it very much. She actually has friends and a life. 


and she knows when to not come back. She's taken breaks between seasons many times. 

ummm... when was the last time she took a break?

She's done 3 in a row, less than most of these vets


most of these people just need to find a life outside the challenge tbh and production needs to let them. the show is just one big circle that you can never get out of. notice how sane CT is compared to people like Camila/Dee/Cara

josh's "best friends" are his show friends. ashley has no friends. tori records that podcast about the show every single week. nany/kaycee have been together every single second since they left filming. even amanda is caught up in the loop. 

Because CT separates his work with his real life every once in a blue moon hangs out with 1 or 2 ppl. But other than that he doesn't does Twitter , podcast or IG not even aftershows just live his life privately. I think that's the big difference from him and the rest including Bananas and Wes.

thats the way to do it tbh. Not that these people can't be close friends or that I know their friendship, but I honestly feel bad the amount of times Josh calls Kaycee, Fessy, and Nany his "best friends in the whole world."

even that producer said on a podcast last year, you wonder how many of these people would be close/dating if you took the challenge out of it

they need to tighten up casting and give an incentive to take breaks. they've pretty much backed everyone in a corner where they are too scared to say no because production moves onto the next person so quickly

Maybe I'm misreading this. What do you mean they need to give them incentives to take breaks? They just need to not call them after 2 or 3 seasons in a row.


they need to tighten up casting and give an incentive to take breaks. they've pretty much backed everyone in a corner where they are too scared to say no because production moves onto the next person so quickly

Maybe I'm misreading this. What do you mean they need to give them incentives to take breaks? They just need to not call them after 2 or 3 seasons in a row.

I meant *tighten up the casting pool which would give people incentives to take breaks

higher chance production forgets about you since they can call anyone they want. Versus before, when there was a feeder show with a handful of people becoming eligible after each season. And from a production perspective, they wouldn't have as many options to pick from, forcing them to come back around to people that took a break. 

Do they really think the american audience cares about unknowns like emy and emmanuel from romania or logan from spain. Even corey lay from 12 dates of christmas was a strange choice even if he provided i guess. They are killing this show. Not to mention they pick and choose who rules are applied too. Josh was allowed to stay after fessy and ashley, emy apparently said some racist things to cory yet they are pushing her to be the next face smh

why are u surprised we saw them actively push camila 

honestly, casting should have only stayed between North America and UK

honestly, casting should have only stayed between North America and UK

the show starting flopping when they started casting from the UK wym?


honestly, casting should have only stayed between North America and UK

the show starting flopping when they started casting from the UK wym?


Vendettas ratings went up even more than Dirty 30



honestly, casting should have only stayed between North America and UK

the show starting flopping when they started casting from the UK wym?


Vendettas ratings went up even more than Dirty 30

Kyle, Kayleigh, Joss, & Melissa are the only good ones from the UK and they was on Vendettas. Everyone else from that country as flopped bad


honestly, casting should have only stayed between North America and UK

the show starting flopping when they started casting from the UK wym?

Yet the best cast members from newer seasons are all from Uk/Internacionals Georgia Theo, Rogan, Ashley C., Turbo. Dee etc.

The show started Flopping long before Vendettas, it had a few good seasons around dirty xxx but it started flopping long before the brits started coming 
