The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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I get that everyone was warned on not to say certain things, but based off gamers tweet of all the other stuff people said/did in the house, seems like production pick and choose who they would punish. 

I get that everyone was warned on not to say certain things, but based off gamers tweet of all the other stuff people said/did in the house, seems like production pick and choose who they would punish. 


Not to come off bad, but Gamer comes off biased in everything he posts. 

nany tori devin josh kaycee have no remorse whatsoever that they have managed to completely ruin our favorite show by making it a bore fest and they're smug about it like i actually despise them


We really don't need Kaycee, Tori, Devin, Ashley, Emmanuel, Logan, Josh next season like please

I get that everyone was warned on not to say certain things, but based off gamers tweet of all the other stuff people said/did in the house, seems like production pick and choose who they would punish. 

Knowing how Ashley is when she is intoxicated you really think it was just that line "You are gay and we all know" or whatever then she was quiet? She went on a rant crossing the line.

When she is mad and drunk she throws vicious tantrums. That's like believing Josh friends saying that he didn't instigated, when we "know" his ways.


Not to come off bad, but Gamer comes off biased in everything he posts. 

the  post was a screenshot from a message so I assume its from his sources not him though 

As someone said the other day, this shit is literally an example of the Streisand effect lol


I get that everyone was warned on not to say certain things, but based off gamers tweet of all the other stuff people said/did in the house, seems like production pick and choose who they would punish. 

Knowing how Ashley is when she is intoxicated you really think it was just that line "You are gay and we all know" or whatever then she was quiet? 


Thank you PR! That's my point. Her just saying that isn't believable at all! 


We love a good DevinStalker meltdown.

I was laughing at you idiots as I wrote that comment. You're a huge cause of Ashley's exit. Let that sink in.

I've never called Josh gay idiot and I'm also not an Ashley fan or care that she left. So you have no point as usual moron. You are just have your typical freakout any time somone slightly challenges your cult club.


I get that everyone was warned on not to say certain things, but based off gamers tweet of all the other stuff people said/did in the house, seems like production pick and choose who they would punish. 

Knowing how Ashley is when she is intoxicated you really think it was just that line "You are gay and we all know" or whatever then she was quiet? 

i dont know what ashley said since nobody will say anything besides gamer/jay, I am just saying there clearly seems to be a double standard that some are given second chances and some arent. Calling a black man  a lil monkey repeatedly is pretty horrible but I guess because it was an international player, she got a second chance? 



I get that everyone was warned on not to say certain things, but based off gamers tweet of all the other stuff people said/did in the house, seems like production pick and choose who they would punish. 

Knowing how Ashley is when she is intoxicated you really think it was just that line "You are gay and we all know" or whatever then she was quiet? 

i dont know what ashley said since nobody will say anything besides gamer/jay, I am just saying there clearly seems to be a double standard that some are given second chances and some arent. Calling a black man  a lil monkey repeatedly is pretty horrible but I guess because it was an international player, she got a second chance? 

She is very hard to control when she is drunk she gets personal quickly

Emy calling Cory a monkey is very distasteful and her being allowed to stay when Lauren was sent home for something similar is another case of rules not being consistent across the board. 

That on top of the N word video yeah Emy definitely shouldn't be back

Not even Ashley herself is making excuses over what got her sent home she knows she **** up

This is another case of someone doing to many shows in a row and not taking breaks coming back to bite her in the *** in order not to take the game so personal. Josh is going down that path too.

We really don't need Kaycee, Tori, Devin, Ashley, Aneesa, Kyle, Nelson, Emmanuel, Logan, Emy, and Josh next season like please

People like Ashley & Josh need to know when it's time to stop, regroup then come back. It's also production's fault for keep calling them knowing their going down the path they are... mainly Josh

I said Ashley should've took a break after Total Madness and this situation only proves that myself and many others were right. Those challenge calls seem so good in the moment but when your mental health is deteriorating season after season at some point someone needs to stop picking up the phone. Mark my words Josh & Tori will be the next ones that waited too late to take a break. 

When you start planning trips for alliances on future seasons you have officially lost it and need a looooooooong break 



If you are called gay, there should be no reaction but a simple "nope". Gay is not a bad thing so getting upset about it equals one of two things, 1) closeted 2) homophobic. Where am I wrong? You've been on here 24/7 since you made your alt account so don't get high and mighty telling me to get off here lol. Go stalk the cast some more.

First you people come up with a dumb theory that he's gay, now you're saying he's a homophobe. Just say you don't like Josh. You're just making stuff up to use against him. Josh will cry if someone says Big Brother sucks, so why are you acting shocked that he cried when his friend at the time Ashley called him gay with the intent of hurting him? If you people never started a rumour that Josh is gay, Ashley would have never used it as low hanging fruit in her argument against Josh. So really its the dumb section of fans that are at fault for this, so congratulations you played yourself! It's amazing how everything comes full circle hahahahaha!

That rumor was started by his bb and challenge cast members it wasn't just the fans

So this is poetic justice 5 years in the making.

Ahhh so there were multiple ashley incidents this season? Alot of people say nasty personal things though so I'm not sure where the line is drawn in the Challenge world? For example, I personally think bananas mentioning devins dad after he died was a POS move but I know others who wouldnt. I know the world is more sensitive nowadays but saying something like that has always been a shitty move in my book. 

just show it and let the audience decide for themselves. This isnt the disney channel. Reality is ugly. People say horrible things.  They all signed up for reality tv, stop protecting them.

We really don't need Kaycee, Tori, Devin, Ashley, Emmanuel, Logan, Josh next season like please

Someone needs to bully them off the show

just show it and let the audience decide for themselves. This isnt the disney channel. Reality is ugly. People say horrible things.  They all signed up for reality tv, stop protecting them.


We really don't need Kaycee, Tori, Devin, Ashley, Emmanuel, Logan, Josh next season like please

Someone needs to bully them off the show

Or production needs to give a damn about mental health and good tv and give them a permanent break.

I love Nany but she needs to take another 3-4 seasons off. Then come back, she knows production will always cast her. I rather Nany even stop and just go on All Stars ( it that keeps going )

Ahhh so there were multiple ashley incidents this season? Alot of people say nasty personal things though so I'm not sure where the line is drawn in the Challenge world? For example, I personally think bananas mentioning devins dad after he died was a POS move but I know others who wouldnt. I know the world is more sensitive nowadays but saying something like that has always been a shitty move in my book. 

just show it and let the audience decide for themselves. This isnt the disney channel. Reality is ugly. People say horrible things.  They all signed up for reality tv, stop protecting them.

I am just saying that when she is drunk in her feelings over being mad or jealous words vomit comes out of her mouth. But she is also one of those that realizes when she ***** up and take ownership.

Since last year they have talks with all of them about different stuff that will get them removed other than fighting

I love Nany but she needs to take another 3-4 seasons off. Then come back, she knows production will always cast her. I rather Nany even stop and just go on All Stars ( it that keeps going )

Yeah agreed here. Still gonna stan every season she does regardless tho lol


I love Nany but she needs to take another 3-4 seasons off. Then come back, she knows production will always cast her. I rather Nany even stop and just go on All Stars ( it that keeps going )

Yeah agreed here. Still gonna stan every season she does regardless tho lol

Lmao production is gonna have to do a week long seminar where they teach about racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying, etc to their cast  if they want to avoid anyone saying/doing anything offensive or problematic. 


just show it and let the audience decide for themselves. This isnt the disney channel. Reality is ugly. People say horrible things.  They all signed up for reality tv, stop protecting them.

Comments from cast members like this teetering along the lines of S*icide are why MANDATORY breaks should be put in place. If they keep going down this road one of these days something horrific is going to happen. 
