The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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Do you guys have predictions on who's out next for the men and women? Im thinking Roni/Yes.

This is usually the time I expect a surprise even if it's mild.   Nehemiah/Kailah.

I think Nia and MJ will be out next. 


Do you guys have predictions on who's out next for the men and women? Im thinking Roni/Yes.

You need to be banned for putting that out into the universe.

LMAO I dont want it to happen but I think its semi-realistic. 

I think Nia and MJ will be out next. 

I doubt it, those 2 are tough to beat in elims based on size alone but I could see them starting to target MJ bc of his S2 win.

? Who cares about having the "best" competitors in the final? That logic is so dumb. First of all this isnt a sport. Second of all, how is watching 40 minutes of who out of Kailah/Kendal/Kellyanne/Jonna can run and climb a mountain the fastest more exciting than several episodes of those girls being put against each other in eliminations?? Why wouldnt you want people like V/Tina around long so they stir the pot, while the strongest girls deliver in exciting elimination matchups? 

You can say it's not a sport all you want--many watch it that way.  Tina adds NOTHING in my mind.  She's boring, she's intolerable and she doesn't try.  Veronica on the other hand adds a lot especially when she cares.   Putting those two together is laughable.  And I don't like watching people like Easy or Aneesa waste a spot in a final.  Hell, many here claim they don't care who wins or they don't even watch the final because of spoilers.  That's the episode I care the most about.  So we're not looking for the same thing.   Again, you're overrating Tina in every aspect especailly drama.

I despise Tina, she's a tryhard that thinks she's much better than she is and she did my fave dirty in Cutthroat, but why lie and say shes boring? She's at least more interesting than half of the girls cast, even if I were to agree that she's overrated. And im not talking about Easy/Aneesa, they are bottom tier competitors and arent interesting at all and they arent comparable to Tina/Veroncia who bring drama. The same way Im not crying about people like Cynthia/Sophia/Melinda not making it far, because they are boring regardless of how they are as competitors.

Its silly for you to watch the entire season and enjoy predictable boots just to watch for an "exciting" 40 minute finale. I think consistent entertainment is much more interesting, meaning watching Nia/Kendal/KellyAnne/Jonna/Kailah/Sylvia target each other and go up against each other in head to head eliminations.

My point isnt that we should want to see all the weak competitors go far and all the strong competitors leave early, I want the entertaining competitors to go far and the boring ones to go early. I despise Kailah and Tina, but they add to the show so I want them to go far. The same way it was obvious who would win Free Agents on the girls side considering Laurel is much better than Nany and Devyn, but they still provided an interesting finale and all 3 were entertaining that season. 

Because I (meaning me) find her boring.  I don't like fake drama.  That group is inevitably going to go after each other anyway but someone shouldn't get a free pass to the final because they're considered a layup which is why i want last place to go in.  

I like people like Kaycee and Slyvia that you believe are boring.  I love Jonna for that exact reason.  I want people there to play the game and ONLY play the game.  Game related drama is great--anything else is irrelevant TO ME.  

And Devyn wasting a spot in that final instead of us getting Theresa is exactly the reason I don't care what people bring other than competition for the final.  Just like Jay/Jenna quitting.  I (again, meaning me) want competition.   Tina can go and hopefully never comes back.


Do you guys have predictions on who's out next for the men and women? Im thinking Roni/Yes.

This is usually the time I expect a surprise even if it's mild.   Nehemiah/Kailah.

Kailah would be a surprising boot. I think Nehemiah definitely isnt though, he's lost some allies in Jemmye/Melinda and is physically one of the weakest men left. Syrus/Tina leaving didnt tell us anything as they would lose eliminations to anyone left, but if Melinda/Laterrian were the boots right before them, Wes' "alliance" could be the target rn, and Nehemiah is a likely casualty of that.

I can see a Roni or Veronica out next but hopefully Kellyanne 

I am sad that Rachel Robinson and Evelyn aren't doing this show. They are some of my favorite winners. 

Because I (meaning me) find her boring.  I don't like fake drama.  That group is inevitably going to go after each other anyway but someone shouldn't get a free pass to the final because they're considered a layup which is why i want last place to go in.  

I like people like Kaycee and Slyvia that you believe are boring.  I love Jonna for that exact reason.  I want people there to play the game and ONLY play the game.  Game related drama is great--anything else is irrelevant TO ME.  

And Devyn wasting a spot in that final instead of us getting Theresa is exactly the reason I don't care what people bring other than competition for the final.  Just like Jay/Jenna quitting.  I (again, meaning me) want competition.   Tina can go and hopefully never comes back.

Yeah but why do you put so much weight on the final? How is 3 strong competitors in the final more interesting than 3-4 strong elimination matchups with strong competitors facing off? Layups making the final isnt an issue because some sort of game-related politics got them there and they wont win the final anyways, the "best competitor" will.

Plus, Veronica isnt even close to the best competitor, but brings a ton of game-related drama. Wouldnt her being in the final make it less interesting for you since she wont have a shot at beating these other girls?


? Who cares about having the "best" competitors in the final? That logic is so dumb. First of all this isnt a sport. Second of all, how is watching 40 minutes of who out of Kailah/Kendal/Kellyanne/Jonna can run and climb a mountain the fastest more exciting than several episodes of those girls being put against each other in eliminations?? Why wouldnt you want people like V/Tina around long so they stir the pot, while the strongest girls deliver in exciting elimination matchups? 

You can say it's not a sport all you want--many watch it that way.  Tina adds NOTHING in my mind.  She's boring, she's intolerable and she doesn't try.  Veronica on the other hand adds a lot especially when she cares.   Putting those two together is laughable.  And I don't like watching people like Easy or Aneesa waste a spot in a final.  Hell, many here claim they don't care who wins or they don't even watch the final because of spoilers.  That's the episode I care the most about.  So we're not looking for the same thing.   Again, you're overrating Tina in every aspect especailly drama.

Ew the final is always the most boring episode of any season. 

I can see a Roni or Veronica out next but hopefully Kellyanne 

I think Kellyanne is the most ideal boot for most people, she's basically the Kaycee of All Stars. Are you basing your predictions of Roni/V off of anything we dont know (alternate info), or just off of the bootlist so far? Im hoping Veronica having Yes/Darrell/Derrick is enough to keep her in.

Anyone know where Veronica stands with Wes and what other people she's done shows with besides Sylvia/Kailah/Roni?

Veronica always either completely flops or makes the final/close to the final every time lol, her going next wouldnt necessarily be an early boot so im hoping her pattern continues and she makes a deep run.

Because I (meaning me) find her boring.  I don't like fake drama.  That group is inevitably going to go after each other anyway but someone shouldn't get a free pass to the final because they're considered a layup which is why i want last place to go in.  

I like people like Kaycee and Slyvia that you believe are boring.  I love Jonna for that exact reason.  I want people there to play the game and ONLY play the game.  Game related drama is great--anything else is irrelevant TO ME.  

And Devyn wasting a spot in that final instead of us getting Theresa is exactly the reason I don't care what people bring other than competition for the final.  Just like Jay/Jenna quitting.  I (again, meaning me) want competition.   Tina can go and hopefully never comes back.

Yeah but why do you put so much weight on the final? How is 3 strong competitors in the final more interesting than 3-4 strong elimination matchups with strong competitors facing off? Layups making the final isnt an issue because some sort of game-related politics got them there and they wont win the final anyways, the "best competitor" will.

Plus, Veronica isnt even close to the best competitor, but brings a ton of game-related drama. Wouldnt her being in the final make it less interesting for you since she wont have a shot at beating these other girls?

Because the ENTIRE show is about getting to the final and running the final.  It's about winning.  We're still going to get matchups in eliminations along the way.  

I don't expect Veronica to make the final.  I'm impressed she's still there.  I hope she pulls off something interesting and goes home right before the final.  Again, people can go in episodes 7-9 if we get 10 and we can still have the best in the final--that's ideal TO ME.

I confused why this is somehow confusing.

Ew the final is always the most boring episode of any season. 

Right--many here agree with this because they don't actually care about the competition and know the outcome

the final is a snooze fest if you know the winner, although WOTW 1's final was pretty entertaining imo probably just because of how torturous it was  

Of course this show is getting cancelled after 3 season lmao. I honestly thought they would've just expanded outside the rw/rr/fm cast but I'm glad they stopped while they were ahead. That said, they just need to move the ideas they had for this to the main show. 

Thinking about how Theresa provides all sorts of drama and is still a great competitor ugh, I miss her.

So how is this going to work with uneven guys/girls? Either Tina should come back or they do a Male ONLY elimination. 

I hope Tina comes back, it gives Veronica wiggle room.

Kellyanne's a snooze these days but she deserves the money out of the women the most for having the worst luck on the seasons she chose to be apart of

Ashli Robson just posted halloween pics on her story, looks like she won't be the one replacing Jimmy Sad

Kellyanne's a snooze these days but she deserves the money out of the women the most for having the worst luck on the seasons she chose to be apart of

It was her choice to do those seasons so she doesn't 

Does tina actually bring drama or is she just loud? Because I mostly just see the latter 


I mean I really dont think diversity is the biggest issue. Just pay for Theresa & Cooke, and have Brandon/Averey/Marlon/Latoya on who would do it for anything (and they'd bring more to the table than people like Melinda anyways) and keep casting some rotation of Jasmine/Tina/Roni/Jonna/Darrell/Yes/Latterian/Janelle/Ayanna/Nehemiah/Alton/Jisela/Aneesa etc, its not that hard. Revisit people who only played once that had potential like Ayiia, Noor, etc.

Im sure there are other issues like PR said, but I wouldnt consider diversity a big one.

Theresa declined she is getting paid Cor the amount of shows she did and the weeks this films often she accepts. Cooke has declined 2/3 because her husband doesn't want her to leave since he hard time during season 1 when she left as an alternate plus she only did 1 challenge she isn't getting the same amount as others that are more relevant.

So Cooke's Husband is a child? Lord...Why do women get with men like this

I can see a Roni or Veronica out next but hopefully Kellyanne 

nah **** those girls, team Kellyanne 

I'm scared for Roni after seeing Tina is gone.


I can see a Roni or Veronica out next but hopefully Kellyanne 

nah **** those girls, team Kellyanne 

Why do you stan bores? You're always backing up KVM's delusions on here.

Tina is BACK! She's replacing Jimmy and my sources say she hit up the gym at the hotel while she was out and is coming back READY for revenge!

I can see a Roni or Veronica out next but hopefully Kellyanne 

nah **** those girls, team Kellyanne 

Why do you stan bores? You're always backing up KVM's delusions on here.

What is boring to you may not be boring to others...



I can see a Roni or Veronica out next but hopefully Kellyanne 

nah **** those girls, team Kellyanne 

Why do you stan bores? You're always backing up KVM's delusions on here.

I don't stan anyone tbh. Kellyanne was my favorite cast member when I was younger so I root for her. She is pretty boring but I dont really mind. Veronica has gotten on my nerves and I don't care who roni is .
