The Challenge: All Stars - Season 3 (Spoilers Discussion)

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Cynthia was in a worse position than Jisela because a lot of them just did 2 or 1 season together this year. While for season 1 everyone was on a similar spot except for Darrell and Aneesa.

This is why Dan was an important casting decision over Tyler.

Why so she'd have someone to sit next to on the ride home? Because that's about all dan would have done.


But but but, what would be worse? Dan going home first, or Dan not getting on at all. None of the guys would have his back here except perhaps Syrus and mayybe like Mark or Derrick would try to help a bit. I choose to believe they are saving him so he can have a slightly better shot lol

Dan will never have a shot to win unless it's a team final. He only has a shot to go far with his social game. Mainly he saves us from Tyler. It gives him and Cynthia a needed number since they are on the outside. It completely changes the dynamics in the house? Cynthia might still go home first but now we have more interesting dynamics with at least one person fighting for her. It's a better storyline and he nakes 1000x better tv than Johnny's Rivals 1 partner.

It would big T and shawn guy from war of the world 1 all over again lol


It would big T and shawn guy from war of the world 1 all over again lol



Cynthia might still go home first but now we have more interesting dynamics with at least one person fighting for her. It's a better storyline and he makes 1000x better tv than Johnny's Rivals 1 partner.





Gamer said Kailah and Wes are front runners to win. this season is ruined if that happens

Sometimes I wonder how many brain cells do you have 

 Clearly Gamer looked into a crystal ball and knows who wins the season. We should just not even bother following along at this point. 

lmao you were the one who got run off the reddit board trash bag 

dont try me 

LMAO glad you remembered me





Glad you finally found a board where you can hide in the corner 

You have to give it to production they know how to fk up a show in record timing LOL

I totally understand the way that people here feel about what's happening to All-Stars. Frankly, All-Stars should be about Mark's vision: a bunch of reality tv show Has-Beens come back to see if they've still got it and try and win some money. It should be light-hearted and relatively focused on drama and nostalgia over competition. Like Season 1 mostly was. That's why it was so successful.

The fact of the matter is that the main show is an abject trainwreck. Skye and whoever else is making the decisions over there is putting their pet favorites on over and over again with one or two other fun rookies and a bunch of minimum-wage immigrants who have no idea what the heck is going on. They are all cannon fodder and we never see any of them again because they'll all go home early and are all one-dimensional. So we have a bunch of vets that are mostly disliked if not outright despised and a bunch of cannon fodder.

So Mark brings the Paramount people a golden platter of an opportunity and the showrunners are now using it as a junior varisty springboard to the main show. There's no reason for Sylvia or Kailah or Nia to be on here. Give them an extra $5k and put them on the main show.

Of course a bunch of athletic early 30 something are going to whip the 40 somethings butts. The 40 somethings are not all Tom Brady.

Anonymous's picture

I totally understand the way that people here feel about what's happening to All-Stars. Frankly, All-Stars should be about Mark's vision: a bunch of reality tv show Has-Beens come back to see if they've still got it and try and win some money. It should be light-hearted and relatively focused on drama and nostalgia over competition. Like Season 1 mostly was. That's why it was so successful.

The fact of the matter is that the main show is an abject trainwreck. Skye and whoever else is making the decisions over there is putting their pet favorites on over and over again with one or two other fun rookies and a bunch of minimum-wage immigrants who have no idea what the heck is going on. They are all cannon fodder and we never see any of them again because they'll all go home early and are all one-dimensional. So we have a bunch of vets that are mostly disliked if not outright despised and a bunch of cannon fodder.

So Mark brings the Paramount people a golden platter of an opportunity and the showrunners are now using it as a junior varisty springboard to the main show. There's no reason for Sylvia or Kailah or Nia to be on here. Give them an extra $5k and put them on the main show.

Of course a bunch of athletic early 30 something are going to whip the 40 somethings butts. The 40 somethings are not all Tom Brady.

You and your essays 

I totally understand the way that people here feel about what's happening to All-Stars. Frankly, All-Stars should be about Mark's vision: a bunch of reality tv show Has-Beens come back to see if they've still got it and try and win some money. It should be light-hearted and relatively focused on drama and nostalgia over competition. Like Season 1 mostly was. That's why it was so successful.

The fact of the matter is that the main show is an abject trainwreck. Skye and whoever else is making the decisions over there is putting their pet favorites on over and over again with one or two other fun rookies and a bunch of minimum-wage immigrants who have no idea what the heck is going on. They are all cannon fodder and we never see any of them again because they'll all go home early and are all one-dimensional. So we have a bunch of vets that are mostly disliked if not outright despised and a bunch of cannon fodder.

So Mark brings the Paramount people a golden platter of an opportunity and the showrunners are now using it as a junior varisty springboard to the main show. There's no reason for Sylvia or Kailah or Nia to be on here. Give them an extra $5k and put them on the main show.

Of course a bunch of athletic early 30 something are going to whip the 40 somethings butts. The 40 somethings are not all Tom Brady.

now what is this? LMAO

Alright, I think it's time everyone goes to bed. Lol

taking my *** to bed rn

Gamers saying AS2 was boring af

Before this all happened, I remember we were asking if this season was good but he'd never really give a straight answer and say something like "it was a different vibe", so in all reality, it probably was boring 

Trashelle also said AS2 was boring AF on the Mike Lewis podcast. I thought she was just being a hater and from the spoilers I read it seemed like it would be a good season. But from the previews m I'm seeing so far I'm not really excited about it. If they edit out all of Ayanna's behavior & the drama I can see it being a boring season. 

Not surprised at all that Cynthia went home. I saw this coming but I'm just glad we get to see her again for one episode in 2021. A few months ago I was googling her trying to find any traces of her and couldn't find anything, so I'll at least get to see her again. I have a special place in my heart for the Miami cast, it was my first and favorite season. I especially love Cynthia. She was so real and funny at 23 but she's well into her 40s now. Who knows what she's like. She was afraid to do most of the missions on Road Rules All Stars so she's no athlete. Her going home first is the most obvious thing ever. Now let them come for Roni next. I can't wait for her to start surprising people and slinging those female dogs one by one. Starting with Wes' alliance, imagine Roni slinging Melinda and kailah's behinds? I would live. Hopefully Wes is the first boot on the male's side. 

Darrell/Mark/Derrick/Yes/Kendal/Jonna/Veronica/Tina could easily be an alliance.  And maybe Kailah is smart enough to reach out to Darrell since they did multiple seasons together.

0 chance that's an actual alliance as Kendal's not gonna work with anyone there outside of Darrell before working with Nehemiah, KellyAne, and Laterrian.  Granted the Brad + Wes thing makes all of that complicated, but she's closer to those 3 than anyone there besides Darrell.

Was Cynthia a loss? I don't remember anything about her lol

Cynthia got voted out on Battle of the Sexes 2 in one of the only missions the girls actually won.  The bulk of the house wanted Angela to get voted out, since she was the worst girl on the team and backed out of being a captain, but Robin and Ruthie weren't happy that Cynthia flat out said "I'm never gonna be a leader if I don't have to be" so they sent her home for not being a team player.  That attitude is exactly how Arissa made the final over Ruthie, Tina, Robin, etc.

You and your essays 

lol I don't write THAT many. I guess I could've condensed it by a few sentences...

300 new posts were not necessary for a cynthia boot

300 new posts were not necessary for a cynthia boot

300 new posts were not necessary for a cynthia boot

no idea why people are so shocked over cynthia being out first..

so funny how everyone on twitter was hyping the heII out of this cast last week but as soon as there's one predicatable *** elimination that Gamer dislikes the season is over

Gamer and some people with the dramatics are cracking me up. Oh my god! The season is ruined and the world is caving in after one elimination that happens to be the most predictable ever! Love Cynthia though. Let's hope for a Miami Homecoming...

And doesn't Wes find out who is on the cast and make pre-determined alliances for, um, EVERY damn challenge he does?  

Hopefully he sets his enemies Jordan and Derrick up to get eliminated, which is a plus for me. 


We keep sleeping on Wes but he's probably in his best shape since the ruins

Y'all was really crying over this late af on a Saturday


Anyway, I like Cynthia and yea maybe there shouldn't be so many returnees but her being first boot isn't shocking.

Its still too early IMO to see how the dynamics truly are. Also funny because I remember a lot of you either A) said you didn't even know half of the AS1 cast and 2) called it boring etc

But y'all here, every cast reveal to complain. Rinse and repeat.

Happy Sunday doe

no idea why people are so shocked over cynthia being out first..

People aren't shocked, just discussing the flaw in the casting and expressing disappointment. This spin-off was designed for people like Cynthia.

so funny how everyone on twitter was hyping the heII out of this cast last week but as soon as there's one predicatable *** elimination that Gamer dislikes the season is over

It was the Beth being a *******, addition of Sylvia and Tyler, Dan as an alt, then Cynthia as the first boot combo that did it for me.

I cannot wait for these folks to throw a tantrum when nia is eliminated lmaoooo. 

Anonymous's picture

I am sorry but Gamer and Jay are so toxic all they do is ***** when they don't get their way then try to manipulate the fan base to feel the same way they do. Its bizarre that a lot of the fan base just adopt their opinions and cry for attention as facts every single time knowing that both are problematic racist manipulators.

I am sorry but Gamer and Jay are so toxic all they do is ***** when they don't get their way then try to manipulate the fan base to feel the same way they do. Its bizarre that a lot of the fan base just adopt their opinions and cry for attention as facts every single time knowing that both are problematic racist manipulators.

Watch out for that Wes, Nehemiah, Melinda, Brad, Kailah, and Sylvia squad.


I am sorry but Gamer and Jay are so toxic all they do is ***** when they don't get their way then try to manipulate the fan base to feel the same way they do. Its bizarre that a lot of the fan base just adopt their opinions and cry for attention as facts every single time knowing that both are problematic racist manipulators.

You just know Jordan's in there like "Let's get the old fat girls out first so we're not partnered with them in the final." and lapdog Derrick is nodding his head profusely with his tongue hanging out.
