The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies- Kaycee Clark

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So far she has gotten 3 confessionals

Kaycee is very pretty. 

So far she has gotten 3 confessionals

Which is fine--it's early--she hasn't won anything or gone into an elimination.  We know she's not going to be the center.  She plays a lowkey game and that's why she won BB and made the finals of TM/DA.  She plays an amazingly safe game.   She's never going to be the focus but we don't need everyone begging for camera time.  She'll probably average 2.5-3.5 confessionals per episode depending on how long she stays.  Not everyone is Tori/Fessy/Nelson and going to get a ton simply by existing lol


So far she has gotten 3 confessionals

Which is fine--it's early--she hasn't won anything or gone into an elimination.  We know she's not going to be the center.  She plays a lowkey game and that's why she won BB and made the finals of TM/DA.  She plays an amazingly safe game.   She's never going to be the focus but we don't need everyone begging for camera time.  She'll probably average 2.5-3.5 confessionals per episode depending on how long she stays.  Not everyone is Tori/Fessy/Nelson and going to get a ton simply by existing lol

she's awful kvm we know you're just sticking yourself in her corner cause no one else is and that's your schtick lol

One of the worst casting decisions this show has ever seen

One of the worst casting decisions this show has ever seen

One of the worst casting decisions this show has ever seen

So far she has gotten 3 confessionals

Which is fine--it's early--she hasn't won anything or gone into an elimination.  We know she's not going to be the center.  She plays a lowkey game and that's why she won BB and made the finals of TM/DA.  She plays an amazingly safe game.   She's never going to be the focus but we don't need everyone begging for camera time.  She'll probably average 2.5-3.5 confessionals per episode depending on how long she stays.  Not everyone is Tori/Fessy/Nelson and going to get a ton simply by existing lol

she's awful kvm we know you're just sticking yourself in her corner cause no one else is and that's your schtick lol

We know I don't watch for drama.  She's a competitor and she's there to win.  That's all I care about honestly.  

And, as much as you or others may hate her you can't argue with winning BB, final TM and final DA.  She plays the game the right way even if it's boring.

Why watch this then if you don't watch for drama? Lol. Watch espn or whatever else there is 


So far she has gotten 3 confessionals

Which is fine--it's early--she hasn't won anything or gone into an elimination.  We know she's not going to be the center.  She plays a lowkey game and that's why she won BB and made the finals of TM/DA.  She plays an amazingly safe game.   She's never going to be the focus but we don't need everyone begging for camera time.  She'll probably average 2.5-3.5 confessionals per episode depending on how long she stays.  Not everyone is Tori/Fessy/Nelson and going to get a ton simply by existing lol

she's awful kvm we know you're just sticking yourself in her corner cause no one else is and that's your schtick lol

We know I don't watch for drama.  She's a competitor and she's there to win.  That's all I care about honestly.  

And, as much as you or others may hate her you can't argue with winning BB, final TM and final DA.  She plays the game the right way even if it's boring.

this is an reality show...

So far she has gotten 3 confessionals

Which is fine--it's early--she hasn't won anything or gone into an elimination.  We know she's not going to be the center.  She plays a lowkey game and that's why she won BB and made the finals of TM/DA.  She plays an amazingly safe game.   She's never going to be the focus but we don't need everyone begging for camera time.  She'll probably average 2.5-3.5 confessionals per episode depending on how long she stays.  Not everyone is Tori/Fessy/Nelson and going to get a ton simply by existing lol

she's awful kvm we know you're just sticking yourself in her corner cause no one else is and that's your schtick lol

We know I don't watch for drama.  She's a competitor and she's there to win.  That's all I care about honestly.  

And, as much as you or others may hate her you can't argue with winning BB, final TM and final DA.  She plays the game the right way even if it's boring.

this is an reality show...

This is a competition show

Please replace Kasey with her ex girlfriend.

Why watch this then if you don't watch for drama? Lol. Watch espn or whatever else there is 

I do--I watch a ton of sports and anything that involves competition.  Survivor, BB and The Challenge.   Or something like The Mole.   If you don't care about competition watch AYTO, EOTB, The Bachelor, Love Island, etc that aren't about competition.

It was designed as a competition show with mostly regular people doing fun missions.It wasn't designed as a sports show and it never will be that cause you'll always have your Big T and Josh's. But we all know you are defending Casey because the masses aren't. It's far too predictable.

Please replace Kasey with her ex girlfriend.

It was designed as a competition show with mostly regular people doing fun missions.It wasn't designed as a sports show and it never will be that cause you'll always have your Big T and Josh's. But we all know you are defending Casey because the masses aren't. It's far too predictable.

Then why don't I defend Josh?  You don't make sense.   I'm indifferent toward Kaycee.  Couldn't care if she was cast or not but she's in no way hurting the show.  Simply by competiting she adds to it.  And if people can't give her credit because she's boring that's on them.   But, yes, it's a competition show as you stated.


It was designed as a competition show with mostly regular people doing fun missions.It wasn't designed as a sports show and it never will be that cause you'll always have your Big T and Josh's. But we all know you are defending Casey because the masses aren't. It's far too predictable.

Then why don't I defend Josh?  You don't make sense.   I'm indifferent toward Kaycee.  Couldn't care if she was cast or not but she's in no way hurting the show.  Simply by competiting she adds to it.  And if people can't give her credit because she's boring that's on them.   But, yes, it's a competition show as you stated.

its a competition show and a reality show centered around personalities. You know damn well none of us support josh for his stupid antics and you know we don't support kaycee for the same reason. They're fake, theyre boring, they have nothing real about them. We get it, you "like to see competitors" I guess but we need firecrackers like Coral, endearing beasts like Landon, trouble-makers like V, etc. People that can compete and have personalities. There is no reason this chair should be on 3 seasons in a row let alone 3 seasons ever. 

Rosie O'Donnell 



It was designed as a competition show with mostly regular people doing fun missions.It wasn't designed as a sports show and it never will be that cause you'll always have your Big T and Josh's. But we all know you are defending Casey because the masses aren't. It's far too predictable.

Then why don't I defend Josh?  You don't make sense.   I'm indifferent toward Kaycee.  Couldn't care if she was cast or not but she's in no way hurting the show.  Simply by competiting she adds to it.  And if people can't give her credit because she's boring that's on them.   But, yes, it's a competition show as you stated.

its a competition show and a reality show centered around personalities. You know damn well none of us support josh for his stupid antics and you know we don't support kaycee for the same reason. They're fake, theyre boring, they have nothing real about them. We get it, you "like to see competitors" I guess but we need firecrackers like Coral, endearing beasts like Landon, trouble-makers like V, etc. People that can compete and have personalities. There is no reason this chair should be on 3 seasons in a row let alone 3 seasons ever. 

Of the vets she's one of the ones I have the least problem with right now. It's not that I love her but the old days are dead.  No one is Coral or Landon. That's why I merely follow out of habit. I'm taking boring Kaycee over fake Amanda, crazy Ashley, useless Big T, can't win Aneesa, boring/not a great competitor Nany any day. Doesn't mean I'm right but that's where I'm at. Kaycee being fake as you claim in the background is fine with me. Infinitely better than Josh. 

I lowkey like her and nany together tbh. She's still boring as hell but maybe that will change 

I yawn just opening this thread 

I wonder if she'll give us another storyline than eating nany's tuna salad.

I wonder if she'll give us another storyline than eating nany's tuna salad.

Hopefully Sky gets fired and someone with competance gets hired and realizes how worthless she is and deletes her number.

I laughed at people commenting how she is already at the bottom of the confessional count

Go girl give us nothing

I bet she wont even be able to correctly contribute to her argument with esther lmao. The same way she had a perfect storyline outlined for her on total madness and she aint do nothing with it either.

Some people just arent TV material and thats okay!

I bet she wont even be able to correctly contribute to her argument with esther lmao. The same way she had a perfect storyline outlined for her on total madness and she aint do nothing with it either.

Some people just arent TV material and thats okay!


Kaycee and Josh have an iconic friendship. 
