The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 1

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Double agents didn't have any interesting storyline no scandal no anything

General question: What do you guys think was the last good storyline on this show? 

I honestly can't remember anything good that got me hooked in these last seasons.

Ion really care about any of the maufactured storylines on The Challenge tbh. I got back into the show after not watching since the ~2000s when War of the Worlds came on. The cast was good, and full of entertaning folks. The format was solid for the most part. Everybody was playing competitively. Eliminations and dailys were dope.

If anything the Cara/Kyle/Paulie storyline was a turnoff that diminished the season.

Double agents didn't have any interesting storyline no scandal no anything

exactly and with all these DA vets returning there's no storylines to continue so i'm hoping the rookies bring something 

The rookies are gonna carry this season 

You know it was bad when the lady that coordinates the reunion kept saying on the Aneesa podcast according to the recaps that they didn't know what to talk about

Last good storyline I can remember is Kailah and Bear and then before that I will say that Laurel vs her team storyline was pretty damn good. 

Oh ya, def both of these. Though they really robbed us of a season of Laurel with 1. Giving ninja the one Elim she had an advantage in and 2. Making said elim janky af where neither could find that last peg

The rookies are gonna carry this season 

Time will tell lol I wouldn't put the eggs on the basket yet and then be disappointed 

You know it was bad when the lady that coordinates the reunion kept saying on the Aneesa podcast according to the recaps that they didn't know what to talk about

Lmaooo fr. There legit was nothing interesting that happened 

DA has to be top 3 worst seasons ever for me now that I think about it. Format was terrible, and the only thing they have to talk about is Fessy who is just a boring person. Theresa was the only interesting person imo and her storyline was only like 2-3 episodes.  I'd say for me worst seasons rankings would be:

1. Total madness

2 Rivals 3

3. Double agents 

with bloodlines coming in at a close 4th

Last good storyline I can remember is Kailah and Bear and then before that I will say that Laurel vs her team storyline was pretty damn good. 

The only other thing I'll had to your list is probably the rogan/dee storyline from wotw2-tm but that got scraped cause of them editing out dee

DA has to be top 3 worst seasons ever for me now that I think about it. Format was terrible, and the only thing they have to talk about is Fessy who is just a boring person. Theresa was the only interesting person imo and her storyline was only like 2-3 episodes.  I'd say for me worst seasons rankings would be:

1. Total madness

2 Rivals 3

3. Double agents 

with bloodlines coming in at a close 4th

I actually think Total Madness was good until they started to edit out Dee that played a huge part on the remaining episodes.

For me it would be:

1. Rivals 3

2. Double Agents

3. The Duel 2

I don't even think I finished Rivals 3. Total Madness and Rivals 3 are two seasons I have yet to finish. 


DA has to be top 3 worst seasons ever for me now that I think about it. Format was terrible, and the only thing they have to talk about is Fessy who is just a boring person. Theresa was the only interesting person imo and her storyline was only like 2-3 episodes.  I'd say for me worst seasons rankings would be:

1. Total madness

2 Rivals 3

3. Double agents 

with bloodlines coming in at a close 4th

I actually think Total Madness was good until they started to edit out Dee that played a huge part on the remaining episodes.

For me it would be:

1. Rivals 3

2. Double Agents

3. The Duel 2

the duel 2?? Wow that's surprising

i think TM takes the cake for me because 1. The skull twist was terrible. 2. The only interesting storyline was Kailah/Bear 3. The contrived Wes/Bananas thing and their confessionals together (barf) 4. Terrible winners 5. Boring final 6. No memorable elims except maybe Tori/Jenna and CT/Jay 7. The dailies were pointless and all just for theatrical effect 

Rivals 3 was better than Double Agents in my opinion. It was a complete mess but at least there was some fights and entertainment which DA had none of

I believe that losing this many people due to a DQ hurt the overall aspect of DA. I mean good people (on paper) were forced to quit and thus the endgame was realllllllly boring. Plus the gold skull twist with that changing partners guarantees that it wasnt benefitial to play the game agressively.

And i believe you could have easily make Amber winning a really good storyline. But they cut every talk that Darrell/Amber/CT had with/about her, out. 

yeah the beginning of total madness was good and I think it had potential to be great with no skulls 

DA has to be top 3 worst seasons ever for me now that I think about it. Format was terrible, and the only thing they have to talk about is Fessy who is just a boring person. Theresa was the only interesting person imo and her storyline was only like 2-3 episodes.  I'd say for me worst seasons rankings would be:

1. Total madness

2 Rivals 3

3. Double agents 

with bloodlines coming in at a close 4th

I actually think Total Madness was good until they started to edit out Dee that played a huge part on the remaining episodes.

For me it would be:

1. Rivals 3

2. Double Agents

3. The Duel 2

Rivals 3 lacked competition if some of those teams were competitive that season wouldn't have been that bad but I knew Johnny and Sarah were winning the first episode and I wasn't even into spoilers during that time. I can't stand a weak cast with predictable winners. 

Total madness had it's good moments but it's not something i would go back and rewatch it's probably bottom 5-6 but bottom 3 for me gotta be rivals 3, double agents, and bloodlines

Not sure how Tacha and her twitter army of morons will help ratings since hardly any of them are from the US but if they want her trending on Twitter then congrats. 

you got dragged by over 100 Titans last night, that's why you're mad 

I'd like to apologize for my messages earlier. It's been a rough week at work at a new job, after i was unemployed for 6 months and with all the quarantine craziness, so yeah maybe I'm not in the best mental state to be coming here, especially since I haven't even seen a full season other than All Stars since I think Dirty 30, so realistically speaking there's a good chance I don't watch this one, so why get fired up. Again, I'm apologizing and admitting I'm in a vulnerable state so just nice, and I'll do the same, since you're right, people are gonna like different things for different reasons and truthfully nobody owes anybody an explanation.

May you all have a blessed day <3



DA has to be top 3 worst seasons ever for me now that I think about it. Format was terrible, and the only thing they have to talk about is Fessy who is just a boring person. Theresa was the only interesting person imo and her storyline was only like 2-3 episodes.  I'd say for me worst seasons rankings would be:

1. Total madness

2 Rivals 3

3. Double agents 

with bloodlines coming in at a close 4th

I actually think Total Madness was good until they started to edit out Dee that played a huge part on the remaining episodes.

For me it would be:

1. Rivals 3

2. Double Agents

3. The Duel 2

the duel 2?? Wow that's surprising

i think TM takes the cake for me because 1. The skull twist was terrible. 2. The only interesting storyline was Kailah/Bear 3. The contrived Wes/Bananas thing and their confessionals together (barf) 4. Terrible winners 5. Boring final 6. No memorable elims except maybe Tori/Jenna and CT/Jay 7. The dailies were pointless and all just for theatrical effect 

I found the Duel 2 boring after the first episode

Rivals 3 would have been iconic if Dario didn't turn on Cory and Ashley and Cory won 

The Island is up there as being one of the worst as well...

For me it's 1. Rivals 3, 2. Double Agents, 3. Total Madness, 4. Island

General question: What do you guys think was the last good storyline on this show? 

I honestly can't remember anything good that got me hooked in these last seasons.

cara vs laurel wotw2

theo, kyle & bear vs joss & rogan wotw2

kam vs theresa could've ate but kaycee weird *** decided to eliminate her

production would have joss & rogan's numbers burned into their brains if they were hot heads, i'm sayin like they would've been a issue

idc but i lived for kayleigh vs georgia storyline 

production would have joss & rogan's numbers burned into their brains if they were hot heads, i'm sayin like they would've been a issue

I would like joss if he wasn't so emotional and a push over. I wish he would be selfish and do what's best for him

idc but i lived for kayleigh vs georgia storyline 

kayleigh ate getting everyone on uk to turn against georgia, then get her sent home herself in that blindside.

I know a lot of people didn't really like wotw2 when it was airing but the season looking back was actually pretty good.... well at least comparing it to the past two seasons we've got it now looks pretty good

I know a lot of people didn't really like wotw2 when it was airing but the season looking back was actually pretty good.... well at least comparing it to the past two seasons we've got it now looks pretty good

Now what was that format again? 

Production better realizes the perks of a team challenge lol

All we need are two (or better even more) balanced teams..


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