The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 1

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It's seasons like these where Vevmo needs to stick together...


Just kidding it's every ***** for themselves when it starts! #OldVevmo #LetsGetToxic

Queen emy ready to send all your favs home especially the wannabe rapper tori !!

didnt they say emy gave cara? so she definitely bought something in that short week of filming, she has the tea and i cant say the same for a lot of yall favs


How many alts are on location right now 

Pretty sure they send them home not 100% confitmed

Oh ok some of them are pretty unactive on social media tho. 

PR do you know if the girl from the Circle, Chloe ever got a call for the Challenge? Think she was on another reality show too (Too hot to handle)? 

Okay let just have Julia since Jeff faked hope her that she will get a second chance when she get older and now she is 25. 

Julia is way too intelligent to come on here. She's a doctor 

didnt they say emy gave cara? so she definitely bought something in that short week of filming, she has the tea and i cant say the same for a lot of yall favs

I never say that lol When I though she was eliminated I wrote I wouldn't be surprised if she is given a second chance like Big T, Cara and Bananas after they were out first on their first challenge


didnt they say emy gave cara? so she definitely bought something in that short week of filming, she has the tea and i cant say the same for a lot of yall favs

I never say that lol When I though she was eliminated I wrote I wouldn't be surprised if she is given a second chance like Big T, Cara and Bananas after they were out first on their first challenge

casting fav already? yeah, she's gonna be a problem

Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

PR do you know if the girl from the Circle, Chloe ever got a call for the Challenge? Think she was on another reality show too (Too hot to handle)? 

I think 36 filmed around the same time as her Circle season so she wouldn't have been able to do it, and even for 37 she may not have been considered after her first show but for sure should be after this past circle season. PR said in the Circle thread she wouldn't be surprised if Chloe was on 38 since she's similar to Georgia personailty wise, as long as Netflix hasn't/doesn't lock her down in a contract. She was definitely the star of the circle this season though, so she'll probably be back on TV soon

didnt they start the first quarantine april 11th or something and here they are with the game not even started chileee

Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

They couldn't be bothered to do 2 weeks of quarantine so they ended up with 3 weeks instead. Oof!   


Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

Avery/Kayleigh/Sylvia over Tacha

They couldn't be bothered to do 2 weeks of quarantine so they ended up with 3 weeks instead. Oof!   

Whoever got covid could have gotten it in the house or towards the end of the quarantine. Some thing could have happened if they went the full 14 days which isn't even CDC guidelines. A small risk of covid is possible at anytime.



Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

Avery/Kayleigh/Sylvia over Tacha

Absolutely not



Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

Avery/Kayleigh/Sylvia over Tacha

What do they bring to the table that is worth their Apperance check? 

Fernandon from Acapulco Shore would be awesome on this but he got married and his wife is kind of needy she barely lets him go on Acapulco Shore. 

Not sure how Tacha and her twitter army of morons will help ratings since hardly any of them are from the US but if they want her trending on Twitter then congrats. 

Not sure how Tacha and her twitter army of morons will help ratings but if they want her trending on Twitter then congrats. 

More than others with higher Apperance check that doesn't bring anything not even social media engagement 

When Hughie gives us a Shauvon Ruins-esque plastic surgery injury moment >>>




Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

Avery/Kayleigh/Sylvia over Tacha

What do they bring to the table that is worth their Apperance check? 

kayleigh is the full package 

When Hughie gives us a Shauvon Ruins-esque plastic surgery injury moment >>>

"oooooh! My ***!!! I think I popped my *** implant!"




Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

Avery/Kayleigh/Sylvia over Tacha

What do they bring to the table that is worth their Apperance check? 

In Avery's first challenge, she brought relationship drama (which I believe ended up being the catalyst for the iconic Nany/Theresa rivalrly), and she was a good competitor, and she's very pretty. Then she had to go home first in her second one

Not sure how Tacha and her twitter army of morons will help ratings since hardly any of them are from the US but if they want her trending on Twitter then congrats. 

nobody helps ratings, if she's bringing engagement then that automatically makes her more of an important cast member than most those people 





Why do they like casting internationals so much PR?

It's a mixture of stuff! For crew I know they have a lot of people from other countries that they have added throughout the different countries/years and locals because it's cheaper labor. The same will applies to the cast that comes from countries that the official currency isnt dollars and Euros imo.

For example let say they have to make the decision of giving an spot to vets like Averey/Kayleigh/Sylvia vs someone like Tacha. Tacha would be cheaper not only because she is a rookie but because once you make the transformation between currencies they can get away with paying less even though it would be more money in Nigeria. She also would cause more social media engagement than the 3 girls I mentioned combined that aren't fan favorites, hated villains or important characters in any of the seasons they have done. They would get more with paying less.

Avery/Kayleigh/Sylvia over Tacha

What do they bring to the table that is worth their Apperance check? 

In Avery's first challenge, she brought relationship drama (which I believe ended up being the catalyst for the iconic Nany/Theresa rivalrly), and she was a good competitor, and she's very pretty. Then she had to go home first in her second one

In production eyes she isn't worth the money she isn't a fan favorite, she isn't a villain, she doesn't bring engagement and she isn't memorable. Being mad over her ex hooking up with Nany doesn't guarantee her that type of money.

Production dont know what the **** they want... if they clearly cared about engagement they would bring back turbo, nia or even cara 

Production dont know what ******** they want... if they clearly cared about engagement they would bring back turbo, nia or even cara 

Idk if you know but there is something called an insurance that can be too high for 2 out of the 3 ppl you mentioned


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