The Challenge: All Stars (Season 1)- Spoilers Discussion

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yall stay being bothered by faceless CHILDREN on twitter and bring it on a completely unrelated platform. 

idk talk to the kids on twitter what we supposed to do 

right lol

like what are we supposed to do about the 12 year old going around saying "you're cancelled" to random people?

it's like two of them that are new and clearly come from twitter where they got bullied off it or something i guess. sounds like personal problems, but we don't need a live report every time someone is a meanie on twitter 

BB20 showed me that BB Twitter and Twitter in reality tv is a cesspool leave it over there

I'm gonna say it Derrick is hella overrated that man will never win anything without a team ever 

People really complaining that Yes wow! I guess some people are never happy! SMH!

I'm gonna say it Derrick is hella overrated that man will never win anything without a team ever 

Hella overreaction right here lol. The guy only lost an individual final to arguably the best final competitor ever.

I'm gonna say it Derrick is hella overrated that man will never win anything without a team ever 

Well yeah he's dumb af lol if the final was puzzle heavy im sure that'll be shown


I'm gonna say it Derrick is hella overrated that man will never win anything without a team ever 

Hella overreaction right here lol. The guy only lost an individual final to arguably the best final competitor ever.

Lol he is a flop



I'm gonna say it Derrick is hella overrated that man will never win anything without a team ever 

Hella overreaction right here lol. The guy only lost an individual final to arguably the best final competitor ever.

Lol he is a flop


I'm gonna say it Derrick is hella overrated that man will never win anything without a team ever 

Hella overreaction right here lol. The guy only lost an individual final to arguably the best final competitor ever.

Until you realize that was an injured Jordan, flopped on The Duel, lost on FM this man hasn't done anything worthwhile without a team and even then he was the worst guy during The Ruins final. 

Stop complaining about kids on twitter i did the same thing and realized it's annoying if you want to talk about someone saying something you don't like on Twitter there is reply button right there vevmo ain't the place for that

oop let me find out he fell flat on his face, me and deeper WILL be tuning in 

oop let me find out he fell flat on his face, me and deeper WILL be tuning in 

yall stay being bothered by faceless CHILDREN on twitter and bring it on a completely unrelated platform. 

idk talk to the kids on twitter what we supposed to do 

That's just classic stan twitter trope that people use to try to make it seem like their side is morally superior

The Kam stans are a cancer they are doing the same they did to Amber B with Yes for winning. A bunch of online bullies

. that poster reminds me a lot of the people on here lmao 

Tbh I'm really looking forward to seeing Yes win this. People on here are never happy about ANYTHING so no surprsie to see people mad as usual. 


Seems like a great season! Can't imagine the legends they'll be getting back next season knowing the prize is still 500k 

Teck and Jemmye had some type of "hook up"


Teck and Jemmye had some type of "hook up"


Oh no Teck baby what is you doin


Teck and Jemmye had some type of "hook up"


Oh no Teck baby what is you doin


Jemmye is the walking definition " there's somebody for everybody "


Jemmye is the walking definition " there's somebody for everybody "

y'all are meaannnn

Not a fan of that one I'd rather watch LT/anessa

was hoping for a Ruthie/Aneesa hookup

Kind of **** up in a way if you think about it the way they pitch them to a lot of them is that this was more of a laid back and fun show. But once they got there it was basically the exact same with a normal intense final lol

Kind of **** up in a way if you think about it the way they pitch them to a lot of them is that this was more of a laid back and fun show. But once they got there it was basically the exact same with a normal intense final lol

everyone seems happy w the experience unlike double agents so no big deal 

Kind of **** up in a way if you think about it the way they pitch them to a lot of them is that this was more of a laid back and fun show. But once they got there it was basically the exact same with a normal intense final lol

some had to be pissed and thought "I remember why I stopped doing this shit". At least they brought the drama though

Hoping this means we will see him again in the future Smile

I'm so ****** happy Yes won, he's a true OG/old schooler and has a heart of gold

the champ defending his title, can't no one take that away from him <3

Not sure of the big reason he won, but bringing someone who seems like a genius AND is athletic is pretty dumb.

Not sure why Derrick/Darrell/Mark brought him to the end w no eliminations. Seems like a nice guy but yeah  

Any of Laterrain/Syrus/Nehemiah would have been better. Syrus Nehemiah especially since you're familiar with how they play vs. Yes who no one has heard of for 15 years 

Love it when the haters hate


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