Don't think it's true....they are friends in real life.....
Most castmembers love Veronica
There are just a bunch of Veronica haters on this site - she's one of the OG Queens <3 half the haters are ageists and their opinions don't matter in the least lol
No she is a misserable witch that holds grudges about stuff that happenned like 20 years ago.
You realize most people hold some kind of grudge forever, right? I love that people act superior to her for that. Veronica isn't required to forgive anyone for anything. Nor are you. Nor am I. She can be pissed for another 20 or 40 years if she wants.
Okay I still think she is miserable ***** that all she does is complaint about crap and old beef.
She hates people she knew personally. You don't even know her and you hate her. So who are you to talk about her holding grudges?
Don't think it's true....they are friends in real life.....
Most castmembers love Veronica
There are just a bunch of Veronica haters on this site - she's one of the OG Queens <3 half the haters are ageists and their opinions don't matter in the least lol
No she is a misserable witch that holds grudges about stuff that happenned like 20 years ago.
You realize most people hold some kind of grudge forever, right? I love that people act superior to her for that. Veronica isn't required to forgive anyone for anything. Nor are you. Nor am I. She can be pissed for another 20 or 40 years if she wants.
Okay I still think she is miserable ***** that all she does is complaint about crap and old beef.
She hates people she knew personally. You don't even know her and you hate her. So who are you to talk about her holding grudges?
I wish they contacted Jake (Road Rules: Islands) for this! I've always thought he was super interesting and funny but he was very much the original Isaac. Those guys don't make for good competition because they're more there for the party aspect so I feel Jake would be great for this.
I think Christina is one of those people who would like to pretend she was never on it. Her and Susie are still friends and she's never done an interview with her. That should tel you something.
Happy New Year everyone!
Excited to have the first (of hopefully multiple) OG Challenges this year <3 So freaking stoked for this!
Happy New Year.
Am I the only one who wants to see Julie Stoffer?
No, I would love to see Julie but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I think or hope most want to see her
Yeah, I think she's at the top of most fans list.
hopefully this new year starts with Elka being added to the list.
She hates people she knew personally. You don't even know her and you hate her. So who are you to talk about her holding grudges?
I think there are many of us lol - she one of the top OG's I really do wasnt to see <3
that would an amazing way to start 2021!!!!
Great point
I want Kameelah and Elka.
katie doyle hjahaha im sold.
Not at all. I would love it if she was on this.
I'm watching some of the original Vegas and am so happy for both Arissa and Trishelle, Arissa is so awesome!
Pinkrose hasn't post since 2020 can we get an update today? I have sent her like 5 private messages asking for her *** to give us something
it ain't her obligation to give you spoilers
Lmao, pink aint taking your shit. You gonna end up banned by tonight. She aint owe no one shit, calm down.
The joke flew right over your head
I wish they contacted Jake (Road Rules: Islands) for this! I've always thought he was super interesting and funny but he was very much the original Isaac. Those guys don't make for good competition because they're more there for the party aspect so I feel Jake would be great for this.
Are they going with just people who have already done a Challenge? or are they looking at people from OG seasons who never apeared?
Julie from OG NY would be amazing and fun to see - bring along Heather B & Becky too.
Anne W still looks amazing and is one of my favs from back in the day - was she contacted? Genesis too....
there are just so many amazing people - I'm over excited lol
It may be a joke but sadly there's people that act like that
Tami Roman would be an iconic get
It's not a joke I need an update
I guess you didnt't get any visitors at the elderly home today. But we agree on something for the second time ever, I-...
Jake from RR Islands was hilarious. Get me the old hag clique from Sexes, Christina & Anne. Loved them.
I think Christina is one of those people who would like to pretend she was never on it. Her and Susie are still friends and she's never done an interview with her. That should tel you something.
omg Tami PLSSSS
Where is Pinkrose ***?