If The Challenge producers are looking at players' past comments that dont reflect the 2020 society they want to portray they should remember this exists on the Internet.
"Just saw the Physically and Mentally Challenged: The 25 Most Unforgettable Challenge Moments special from a few years back. Beth's comments about Diem's cancer are absolutely disgusting. I don't care if she would claim she is playing a character, which is a cop out, its disgusting that those types of thoughts would even enter her head or think it's okay to joke about."
About her cancer? Beth was honest about Diem being fake as a person. What did she specifically say about the cancer? Diem was a fighter and showed amazing strength but she was far from perfect just like most people.
Would Veronica do this show with Julie if Julie is a yes because she just tweeted that she would kill her husband for a life insurance policy regarding what happened back then. lol
Super bummed about Rachel as well as Irulan and Jodi but OMG KATIE!!!!!!! I really thought she would be a no - so freakinge excited to see her again! I really hope nothing changes and she makes it to the final cast <3
I imagine he's VERY unlikely to return because of his awesome job but Kyle Brandt just posted a photo of himself on Instagram and he is in phenomenal shape.
I imagine he's VERY unlikely to return because of his awesome job but Kyle Brandt just posted a photo of himself on Instagram and he is in phenomenal shape.
I imagine he's VERY unlikely to return because of his awesome job but Kyle Brandt just posted a photo of himself on Instagram and he is in phenomenal shape.
He'd be a great host...
Agreed, I watched GMFB for a while and I didn't even realize he had been on RW until i went throught the Where are they now thread. He still references the show from time to time but unfortunately the timing is pretty bad since this is going to be filming during the NFL playoffs
Absolutely. I literally watched through RW Vegas over the weekend and was wondering what happened to those girls.
About her cancer? Beth was honest about Diem being fake as a person. What did she specifically say about the cancer? Diem was a fighter and showed amazing strength but she was far from perfect just like most people.
Would not shock me if this season is more entertianing than the past or future challenge season regardless of ratings
Would Veronica do this show with Julie if Julie is a yes because she just tweeted that she would kill her husband for a life insurance policy regarding what happened back then. lol
Yes! Bring Lacey! Loved her 1 episode in Seasons <3 Plus the Austin cast was solid IMO, I liked that entire cast except Danny.
About time.
I don't care if they have to push Mark Long around in a wheelchair
I can't believe Derrick K hasn't been on more of these recently.....
...yet they have Leroy (zzzzzz) on every season.
After a decade on the show, only "relationship" he's built outside of Kam is with Banana's backside
As of now DON’T expect:
Rachel Robinson
Casey Cooper
Irulan Wilson
Lacey Buehler
Jodi Weatherton
Moving to yes (Keep in mind there is still 3 weeks before sequester things can change):
Katie Doyle
omg katie!!!!!! YAY!
OMG KATIE!!!!! I thought she would ssy no! Sooooo excited to her. Bummed about Irulan though.
Super bummed about Rachel as well as Irulan and Jodi but OMG KATIE!!!!!!! I really thought she would be a no - so freakinge excited to see her again! I really hope nothing changes and she makes it to the final cast <3
These links never work, just screenshot.
Arissa over Irulan is such a miss. Ruthie is boring and overrated.
Katie, hell yes!
Yesss at Katie! I kind of knew she'd be on this.
Sucks no Jodi though, Rachel being a no is a bummer too.
Irulan probably declined.. and yea I can do without Ruthie.
Irulan seemed really into the idea.
Sucks about Irulan. I would have loved a mini Vegas reunion with her, Trishelle, Arissa, and Alton.
Also yay at no Casey or Lacey. They would have been a waste of a spot.
Katie omgggggg!
I wouldn't count Irulan out for the 2nd season (if it happens)
Obviously things can change but Katie even agreeing to this is a huge win
Elite Queen
I imagine he's VERY unlikely to return because of his awesome job but Kyle Brandt just posted a photo of himself on Instagram and he is in phenomenal shape.
Irulan :/......
He'd be a great host...
Agreed, I watched GMFB for a while and I didn't even realize he had been on RW until i went throught the Where are they now thread. He still references the show from time to time but unfortunately the timing is pretty bad since this is going to be filming during the NFL playoffs