The Challenge: Total Chaos - Dee Nguyen controversy

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honestly they probably parted ways with georgia but on the low because her controversy was also recent, they just probably won't make a statement on it

Recent? Wasn't she 16 or 17 when that pic was taken. It was several years ago when that pic actually was took.  How did it even find the light of day randomly several months ago? Like that was odd. 


She was over 18 & I am pretty sure that person means that scandal is still fresh on people mind because it surface like 7 months ago.

The prospect girls they asked back were problematic *** **** except for boring zahida. Ninja saying the N word on tweets, 3 duis Mattie using N word on tweets, Dee *** and Georgia black face.

But I do agree with this stan account on twitter**********147155457?s=19

lol not stan account lmaooooooooo

PR talm bout stan account ******

You know she reads this!


Now that Dee is out the picture time for either Kam Tori or Kailah to take her place in the hierarchy and move up in the chain becoming the new face of the challenge 

Stan Queen Bayleigh.

Oh I stan her but problem is she's over the challenge otherwise she would've been added to that list 

No one in the history of this show has ever fumbled a bag like Dee has 

She was a guaranteed regular but she let Wes lead her to the gates of hell 

If Wes had been a good mentor, he'd have told her how to act a certain way but instead he let her get crazy. I wonder if he ever sat her down and told her to turn it off every once in a while.

Or maybe some people just couldn't be helped.


Dee is by far one of the dumbest ************* to grace The girl how you get fired on your day off?

Serves her right & it serves MTV right too. I'm waiting on the exposé that gets the whole network up outta here tho...... ☕

Especially when she had secured her spot for future seasons. But she wanted to be the female wes that bad.

That just makes her more of a damn goof. You were GUARENTEED to be a regular on this show and you pissed it all away doing too much. A whole *** clown.



I've had an off feeling of Dee ever since she got into it with Turbo on WOTW1. 

Turbo is just as looney tunes as Dee. That dude has his own seperate issues he needs help with. Just like Dee desperately needs help as well.

You couldve went to Turbo's thread to say that. If he hasnt done or said anything  racist please dont compare him to this thing. Y'all really need to stop comparing shit to racism .. 

How the hell did you get out of my post that  I was comparing Dee's issues as the same things as Turbo severe anger management issues? I clearly said SEPERATE ISSUES. Regardless the WOTW1 rookies were almost all bat shit crazy and problematic in many different ways  as Pink has alluded too.

I'm screaminnng "stan account". Also dead at boring zahida lmaoooo



Now that Dee is out the picture time for either Kam Tori or Kailah to take her place in the hierarchy and move up in the chain becoming the new face of the challenge 

Stan Queen Bayleigh.

Oh I stan her but problem is she's over the challenge otherwise she would've been added to that list 

They scrubbed their IG's of everything challenge related but left the Big Brother stuff up. They going to be back on CBS this summer with the rumors of it being some kind of returnee season?


No one in the history of this show has ever fumbled a bag like Dee has 

She was a guaranteed regular but she let Wes lead her to the gates of hell 

If Wes had been a good mentor, he'd have told her how to act a certain way but instead he let her get crazy. I wonder if he ever sat her down and told her to turn it off every once in a while.

Or maybe some people just couldn't be helped.

I wouldn't be shock if he is the main one that hype her up and told her to play this villain role on social media. She did a bunch of Wes tactics:

1. Acted Cocky and tried to be funny on which she never was

2. Created faked rivalries cough cough bananas/wes cough cough

3. Kept asking for season 36 rookies name to Slide into their DM to create alliances.

He forgot to tell her to have limits.


Which is why I said go to his thread if it doesnt apply here :^)

Never would I thought that this would came down with Dee. She was non-factor on a "Georgie Shore" and now she is the main topic now a these days. 




I've had an off feeling of Dee ever since she got into it with Turbo on WOTW1. 

Turbo is just as looney tunes as Dee. That dude has his own seperate issues he needs help with. Just like Dee desperately needs help as well.

You couldve went to Turbo's thread to say that. If he hasnt done or said anything  racist please dont compare him to this thing. Y'all really need to stop comparing shit to racism .. 

How the hell did you get out of my post that  I was comparing Dee's issues as the same things as Turbo severe anger management issues? I clearly said SEPERATE ISSUES. Regardless the WOTW1 rookies were almost all bat shit crazy and problematic in many different ways  as Pink has alluded too.

That is true. They were all ****** up in some ways but least they weren't useless. Probably the most useful group of newbies to come along honestly(Barring a couple of them).


Now that Dee is out the picture time for either Kam Tori or Kailah to take her place in the hierarchy and move up in the chain becoming the new face of the challenge 

Stan Queen Bayleigh.

Nah bring bay Day!





I've had an off feeling of Dee ever since she got into it with Turbo on WOTW1. 

Turbo is just as looney tunes as Dee. That dude has his own seperate issues he needs help with. Just like Dee desperately needs help as well.

You couldve went to Turbo's thread to say that. If he hasnt done or said anything  racist please dont compare him to this thing. Y'all really need to stop comparing shit to racism .. 

How the hell did you get out of my post that  I was comparing Dee's issues as the same things as Turbo severe anger management issues? I clearly said SEPERATE ISSUES. Regardless the WOTW1 rookies were almost all bat shit crazy and problematic in many different ways  as Pink has alluded too.

That is true. They were all ****** up in some ways but least they weren't useless. Probably the most useful group of newbies to come along honestly(Barring a couple of them).

I still will take my Invasion crew over them. Just wish they would of given more of them the proper push that they deserved. The challenge seems to like the WOTW prospects a lot more than the Invasion crew as they seem to be phasing them out lately and or having them take off multiple seasons and not giving them a starring role on the season like some of the WOTW rookies have been getting lately.

+ they only doing this because it's a hot topic right now and they wanna make an example out of somebody to prove they're not racist like they have been called out on in the past and just recently with Simone.  

We'll see with the upcoming season 36 cast if they're actually evolving or just tryna make a moment. ☕️

Wanted to pop back here to say that this is a great start but they had plenty of opportunities to be ahead of the game by removing people like Camila, Emily, Georgia etc. for racist stuff and Bananas, Zach, Jordan for misogyny and actual sexual ***ault. They need to keep that same energy for when shit isn't a "trend" to truly show progress, so if we hear anything or see anything in Challenge 36 we definitely need to make sure to hold they *** accountable. Period

Wanted to pop back here to say that this is a great start but they had plenty of opportunities to be ahead of the game by removing people like Camila, Emily, Georgia etc. for racist stuff and Bananas, Zach, Jordan for racist stuff + misogyny and actual sexual assault. They need to keep that same energy for when shit isn't a "trend" to truly show progress, so if we hear anything or see anything in Challenge 36 we definitely need to make sure to hold they *** accountable. Period

And if they have any modicum of sense they wouldn't touch the BB21 cast with a ten foot pole unless it's the ones who were treated badly.

MTV ain't swaying me lol let's see what next season, casting for all their shows in general & the content on their channel as a whole is looking like going forward.

Watching her tv is going to be so wierd now. I hope mtv cuts all her parts out after she wins this elimination and she becomes wallpaper till she's eliminated 

honestly they probably parted ways with georgia but on the low because her controversy was also recent, they just probably won't make a statement on it

I was actually getting the impression there was a strong chance she was going to be cast on the next season. The difference between the Georgia thing and this with Dee is that when the Georgia picture surfaced pretty much all the cast, even the POC who where on the cast defended her straight away or accepted and thanked her for her apology before MTV could really react.

As for Dee, the way she has been acting and because she was so desperate to play the villian to remain being asked back  ,there was no one there to defend her because she had burned every bridge. The friends she thought she had distanced themselves asap.


honestly they probably parted ways with georgia but on the low because her controversy was also recent, they just probably won't make a statement on it

I was actually getting the impression there was a strong chance she was going to be cast on the next season. The difference between the Georgia thing and this with Dee is that when the Georgia picture surfaced pretty much all the cast, even the POC who where on the cast defended her straight away or accepted and thanked her for her apology.

As for Dee, the way she has been acting and because she was so desperate to play the villian to remain being asked back  ,there was no one there to defend her because she had burned every bridge. The friends she thought she had distanced themselves asap.

Who? Theo? That was the only one that was cool with her at that time.






I've had an off feeling of Dee ever since she got into it with Turbo on WOTW1. 

Turbo is just as looney tunes as Dee. That dude has his own seperate issues he needs help with. Just like Dee desperately needs help as well.

You couldve went to Turbo's thread to say that. If he hasnt done or said anything  racist please dont compare him to this thing. Y'all really need to stop comparing shit to racism .. 

How the hell did you get out of my post that  I was comparing Dee's issues as the same things as Turbo severe anger management issues? I clearly said SEPERATE ISSUES. Regardless the WOTW1 rookies were almost all bat shit crazy and problematic in many different ways  as Pink has alluded too.

That is true. They were all ****** up in some ways but least they weren't useless. Probably the most useful group of newbies to come along honestly(Barring a couple of them).

I still will take my Invasion crew over them. Just wish they would of given more of them the proper push that they deserved. The challenge seems to like the WOTW prospects a lot more than the Invasion crew as they seem to be phasing them out lately and or having them take off multiple seasons and not giving them a starring role on the season like some of the WOTW rookies have been getting lately.

Oh I meant more on the lines of Bloodlines/FM. Seasons' where newbies would be half the cast. In that sense The Prospects of WOTW 1 was the best IMO.

I want to giveMTV the benefit of a doubt given whats going on, but I truly think they wouldnt have Cancelled Dee if Simone hadnt exposed their ***** and brought attention to all the other racist shit they have done/let slide in the past.

Great article bring up past controversies that MTV should address 

Watching her tv is going to be so wierd now. I hope mtv cuts all her parts out after she wins this elimination and she becomes wallpaper till she's eliminated 

Can they still re- edit the episodes or they are already done. I would assume they finish that before the season starts.

Jemmye is the queen of putting women down including her friends so what is she talking about?! No one irks my nerves like her lol. She is sooo awful.

I still think people are too hard on Georgia, I honestly don't think she knew what she was doing. We had a blackout football game at the school I went to, where you were supposed to just wear all black. Some kids overly committed and painted their bodies and face black. They had no idea why they got suspended until it was explained with the history of blackface. I believe their intentions were pure and they were trying to have fun with the theme. I think Georgia was just being silly with the facepaint at a kids party and didn't know the history, especially with her living in the UK. I think she has learned her lesson and shouldn't be labeled a racist. 

I didnt see any mention of Jordan in there, but i guess they didnt mention it because it was rw?

I didnt see any mention of Jordan in there, but i guess they didnt mention it because it was rw?

