The Challenge: Total Chaos - Dee Nguyen controversy

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Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  



I'm not gonna use her mental health or whatever she may be going through personally as an excuse. Dee is complete trash for the comments she made. This is a grown *** woman who clearly knows right from wrong. With that being said, if she is going through something...I hope she seeks help.


exactly like when a non-black person does something outrageous then it's mental illness and instead of rightfully dragging the bad built ***** they give her diagnosis. 

When has anyone used it as excuse on here for her tweets/comments? Nobody has used that to excuse her over it on this entire thread so far?

All that w***aid is that she has been crazy since coming back from filming this season that she is the only cast member from this season that seems to have a hard time separating game and real life which isn't healthy for anyone wellbeing. Since she has been taking things too serious/far because her crazy *** want to fake storylines for 36. Meanwhile everyone else seem to be minding their business and living their real lifes. Instead of dragging the drama from 6 months ago in a daily basis, they seem to be over it and just talk about it during episode days. A lot of us have been dragging her in her thread for this season because every week she got worse and worse on social media looking for some type of validation. A lot of this reality stars are weak mentally and we have seen them taking their lives over the heat from social media so that's why we are saying we hope she gets the help she needs if she needs it.

With that being said the backlash she is getting is fair no one is excusing her over her behavior because clearly she is ignorant and have been saying wild shit since filming like Big T stated. But she needs to disconnect from social media, go away educate herself and learn from this experience. Then actually write a genuine apology not the BS thing she wrote after talking to Wes and production contacted for her comments on social media yesterday out of desperation that this will bite her in the ***.

Uh uh she wouldn't be walking around my house in a bikini doing nothing but smoking weed & snorting coke for 3 months straight. It's time for her to go. 

LOL I wonder if she paid rent 

? PR What are you going on about? Jemm and Wes both tried to chalk this up as a mental illness issue.

If people that follow them see their tweets they can run with that infortmation. I'm pretty sure thats what Lucci's post was about, she said nothing about vevmo lol. 

? PR What are you going on about? Jemm and Wes both tried to chalk this up as a mental illness issue.

If people that follow them see their tweets they can run with that infortmation. I'm pretty sure thats what Lucci's post was about, she said nothing about vevmo lol. 

Lucci never specified it sounded like a general statement. If it wasnt my bad for that essay lmao

Wes made a comment on one of his friends & benefits podcast that living with Dee is like living with a child and is a lot of work. 


Uh uh she wouldn't be walking around my house in a bikini doing nothing but smoking weed & snorting coke for 3 months straight. It's time for her to go. 

I lowkey feel like he is using this as an excuse to get her out because a part of him was over her crap too. There is a saying in Spanish that goes "El muerto y el arrimado a los tres días apestan."


Why can't she go back to Australia?


australia has been really strict due to COVID so for awhile, she couldnt go back. Its my current understanding that as of late, they will allow you to fly to Australia if you live there. However you need to self quarantine for 14 days in a hotel room before going back home. Dee made a comment a week or two ago about how she doesnt want to do the quarantine, how shes scared of flying, and wants to wait until covid is over to go back home. So she can go back home, she just doesnt want to.

she might be waiting awhile LOL

Won't her visa expire? I thought you couldnt visit the states for more than 3 months consecutively and 6 months total in a rolling 12 months on a visitors visa. she might be screwing herself from ever being able to come back here..

Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

Won't her visa expire? I thought you couldnt visit the states for more than 3 months consecutively and 6 months total in a rolling 12 months on a visitors visa. she might be screwing herself from ever being able to come back here..

Thats what Ive been wondering too. I know its usually 6 months, and 1 yr in special cases. Shes been here since late Feb so she still has a bit time left but if she was smart, she would leave sooner than later. 


Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

He won I love money 3. Also was on Megan Wants a Millionaire. He committed murder.



Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

He won I love money 3. Also was on Megan Wants a Millionaire. He committed murder.





Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

He won I love money 3. Also was on Megan Wants a Millionaire. He committed murder.


What is the hilarious in all caps part of the story?



Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

He won I love money 3. Also was on Megan Wants a Millionaire. He committed murder.

that sounds like something Dee crazy *** would do if pushed to the limit

Won't her visa expire? I thought you couldnt visit the states for more than 3 months consecutively and 6 months total in a rolling 12 months on a visitors visa. she might be screwing herself from ever being able to come back here..

I saw Kailahs bf being here for a while but it looks like he left before the 3 months and based on her story they are in the UK now.

I dont understand why Dee decided to stay for that long. I would leave asap to my country as soon I heard the were closing borders and stopping flights. I wouldnt get stuck in country I hardly know without family and real friends.





Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

He won I love money 3. Also was on Megan Wants a Millionaire. He committed murder.


What is the hilarious in all caps part of the story?

what? i didn't even read the story i just think the comparison with that guy to dee is so off base it's funny



Dee is gonna Ryan Jenkins this show.  They need to distance themselves from her crazy *** ASAP.  

what show is he from / what happened??

He won I love money 3. Also was on Megan Wants a Millionaire. He committed murder.

This is what my concern is about with Jenna and Zach.

Dee has to beat jemmeyes *** right?


Its not unearned but why hasnt this happened before? Dee wasnt the first person to be ignorant/racist *coughs* Jordan 

Its not unearned but why hasnt this happened before? Dee wasnt the first person to be ignorant/racist *coughs* Jordan 

facts, i cant believe how many castmembers let his punk *** slide

This is a step in the right direction but I'm just confused where this energy was when they gave Camila half a million dollars and a spot on CvS2 along with other cast members 

Like.. give us the info on Bananas and the elevator situation. This can be a two for one combo 

I am shook  


Damn we really witnessed the fall of Dee. It's crazy because we've all been saying this was going to happening for months now

This is a step in the right direction but I'm just confused where this energy was when they gave Camila half a million dollars and a spot on CvS2 along with other cast members 

Like.. give us the info on Bananas and the elevator situation. This can be a two for one combo 

Because of our current situation just like they did an example out of vinny after the Tonya sue despite bananas ripping Janelle shirts off back on his real world season without being kicked out.

It depends on how society is feeling about at the time with them.

Its not unearned but why hasnt this happened before? Dee wasnt the first person to be ignorant/racist *coughs* Jordan 

jordan could have done the same thing dee did in this moment and the challenge wouldn't bat an eye

Are Jordan,Zach,Bananas etc getting banned too?

Damn we really witnessed the fall of Dee. It's crazy because we've all been saying this was going to happening for months now

She literally could have stayed silent mind her business and none of this would have happenned. But she decide to over do it I think this is worse than paulie last season.

ALl I gotta say is wow. This ***** really killed any type of Goodwill she had in my eyes. Didn't like her yelling at Turbo back on WOTW 1 and from what I saw of WOTW 2 she redeemed herself a bit but now with all this shit that's happened it's pretty much **** that ***** now. 

And Jemmye needs to shut the **** up and stay out of shit. 

Agree with everything i saw a lot of this ******** since WOTW 1. 
