The Challenge: War of The Worlds II - Turabi "Turbo" Camkiran

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Turbo is still daddy and should have kicked Jordan in the face like that statue.

Also ppl saying they would confront him in here lmao I have to laugh.

LOL "cultural barrier."  The dude's from Turkey, not Uranus.  Kicking statues and karate-ing in circles isn't some sacred cultural practice.  I personally couldn't care less if he does it, but this effort to pretend you're worldly is hilarious. 

I literally wasn’t talking about him kicking statues but go off

Cultural barrier is a legit reason as to why a lot lf the shit he does is weird or bothers some of these people LMAO. Being aggressive isn’t, but I guess that’s the immediate reaction he has when feeling disrespected.


In the scenario that is being described it sounds like Turbo shouldn’t be on this show, it’s a tv show trying to get viewers. If he’s worried about honor and killing people for betrayals, that is yikes lol. I hope he’s not

Turbo is still daddy and should have kicked Jordan in the face like that statue.

Also ppl saying they would confront him in here lmao I have to laugh.

did jordan's bank account get hacked yet

Best rookie from last season as a competitor, entertainment and likable 

Do you think there is any chance Turbo is brought back for another season (hopefully 36)?

Legendary King. I hope he gets on another season. 

I want to have his babies. 

I don’t think he did anything to warrant not bringing him back so hopefully he’s on 36

truly one of their most inspired casting choices.... i loved when wotw1 was announced and all his stans were spamming turkish flags on everychallenge post and the ig s of the other castmembers too

I don’t think he did anything to warrant not bringing him back so hopefully he’s on 36

So he can get himself kicked off again after someone takes his water bottle or some shit 



I don’t think he did anything to warrant not bringing him back so hopefully he’s on 36

So he can get himself kicked off again after someone takes his water bottle or some shit 

yall want people who are actually want the smoke and then complain when you get it like ???




I don’t think he did anything to warrant not bringing him back so hopefully he’s on 36

So he can get himself kicked off again after someone takes his water bottle or some shit 

yall want people who are actually want the smoke and then complain when you get it like ???


Does he have any nudes?




I don’t think he did anything to warrant not bringing him back so hopefully he’s on 36

So he can get himself kicked off again after someone takes his water bottle or some shit 



Just don't take his water, it ain't complicated!!!!

Just don't take his water, it ain't complicated!!!!

Don't disrespect and run your mouth and come at him (3 times Jordan did that) and expect nothing to happen. Jordan thought he could play Turbo out like he did Paulie. Turbo doesn't want to be you Jordan. Shut your mouth Jordan.

Your lion presence is surely missed King. I see they tried to duplicate you by casting that flop asaf but no one can and will ever compare.

Your lion presence is surely missed King.

I miss Turbo and I don't think what he did was that bad. They let CT and Camila get away with worse for like 10 seasons but aight

I miss Turbo and I don't think what he did was that bad. They let CT and Camila get away with worse for like 10 seasons but aight

CT yeah, but Camila?

CT yeah, but Camila?

i mean she stole productions golf cart, then called every black person the N word 

that was at the very end though, she hasn't been brought back. And I don't recall her calling every black person the N word either
