where she throws chairs, is racist, uses the n word, pushed emily to do blackface, drunkingly zombie walks into the pool, does her lame drunk camilinator every season, throws bags on the ground and tells the crew to pick them up, attempts to throw dumbbells around, yeah, i think she's done worse
that was at the very end though, she hasn't been brought back. And I don't recall her calling every black person the N word either
she did so on cutthroat to brandon, nelson on invasion/dirty 30, and leroy on dirty 30. not on tv as they edited it out cause they didn't want that drama, but the cast has confirmed it
He'll be back. Let's not forget that people like Kailah, Cory, Nelson, etc were given 2-3 season breaks for violence / ******* them off.
What do you mean by this?
Kailah and Cory were both held off two seasons for violence when they're clearly regulars at this point. Think they got stricter from Dirty 30 to Final Reckoning lol. Nelson was held off 2 seasons for going on EOTB UK without telling them.
KING turbo 2 season ban is now officially over. Can't wait until the hes back on our screens for 37 and karma for jordan bc hes now officially banned. Hahahahha turbo always wins at the end!
KING turbo 2 season ban is now officially over. Can't wait until the hes back on our screens for 37 and karma for jordan bc hes now officially banned. Hahahahha turbo always wins at the end!
The fact that a foreign turkish guy is and was the best male rookie in terms of competition and drama in like ten years, is just sooo niceee to see. Hope he returns. He has just to much potential still.
What do you all say about Jordan's declaration on WOTW 2 that Turbo only won the WOTW 1 final because he was not there. Do you think he's right?
I think Jordan is one of the only people that could possibly beat him in a final. But if they went head to head in something physical I can see Turbo taking him out.
What do you all say about Jordan's declaration on WOTW 2 that Turbo only won the WOTW 1 final because he was not there. Do you think he's right?
Turbo said he won the hardest final ever and Jordan countered with some like 'would have been a lot harder if I was there.' Which is absolutely true, Jordan's the best final runner in history, but I don't think he's run a final even close to 50km or whatever it was so who knows how long his body can last for in heat like that
where she throws chairs, is racist, uses the n word, pushed emily to do blackface, drunkingly zombie walks into the pool, does her lame drunk camilinator every season, throws bags on the ground and tells the crew to pick them up, attempts to throw dumbbells around, yeah, i think she's done worse
she did so on cutthroat to brandon, nelson on invasion/dirty 30, and leroy on dirty 30. not on tv as they edited it out cause they didn't want that drama, but the cast has confirmed it
Knew about leroy, had no idea about the others. What happened
Brandon has been surprising cool towards her since if true.
I miss him already
It explains their mini arguement on BOTS
2 hit legend will be missed. *** u tori and mtv/bmp
So Tori's the reason Turbo is banned?
He'll be back. Let's not forget that people like Kailah, Cory, Nelson, etc were given 2-3 season breaks for violence / ******* them off.
I dont know if Nelson can fit that category. He only got physical on season 30 (to where he was DQd) and he was right back on season 31.
What do you mean by this?
I heard Nelson made production mad by going on the unaired season of Ex on the Beach UK and that's why he wasn't on both War of the Worlds
Kailah and Cory were both held off two seasons for violence when they're clearly regulars at this point. Think they got stricter from Dirty 30 to Final Reckoning lol. Nelson was held off 2 seasons for going on EOTB UK without telling them.
He is so hot
KING turbo 2 season ban is now officially over. Can't wait until the hes back on our screens for 37 and karma for jordan bc hes now officially banned. Hahahahha turbo always wins at the end!
Whoop whoop
The fact that a foreign turkish guy is and was the best male rookie in terms of competition and drama in like ten years, is just sooo niceee to see. Hope he returns. He has just to much potential still.
We need him to return so he and nam can be the cutest and best alliance ever!!!
omg, i hope he's okay. NOT HIM, he's literally the nicest guy ever. I have never seen him be rude to anyone, omg.
i wanna sniff his hairy chest
I miss daddy Turbo
Has he ever had a girlfriend lol. Ive never seen someone post on Vevmo on anyone who he's seeing
What do you all say about Jordan's declaration on WOTW 2 that Turbo only won the WOTW 1 final because he was not there. Do you think he's right?
I think Jordan is one of the only people that could possibly beat him in a final. But if they went head to head in something physical I can see Turbo taking him out.
turbo leaves jordan in the dust
Turbo said he won the hardest final ever and Jordan countered with some like 'would have been a lot harder if I was there.' Which is absolutely true, Jordan's the best final runner in history, but I don't think he's run a final even close to 50km or whatever it was so who knows how long his body can last for in heat like that