Reality Television: Generic Thread

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Idk if anyone watches Terrace House on Netflix, it's basically the Japanese version of the Real World. Anyway, I've been casually watching the "Boys and Girls in the City" season and it's been alright but I haven't been too invested. I found it a little boring. I would think, "Well maybe the Japanese just aren't as freaking dramatic as our trashy American selves". It's also weird how they're so hyper focused on dating. Like, Yuki and Mizuki basically left the show because they couldn't find a bf/gf, and the first thing they ask when meeting new roommates is who they're interested in. I was like, whatever, Japanese culture is just different, but I began watching it and I wanted to finish it out.

But 18 episodes in and this b itch NATSUMI moves in and I am obsessed. She is starting ALL the drama and it's giving me life. She isn't taking ANYBODY'S s hit and it's exactly what the show needed. I'm finally excited about the show and want to keep watching, not just finish it out of habit. I realized that it might not be that Japanese aren't as dramatic as us, but they've been casting too many chill people. For the guys, Makoto, Uchi, and Arman are some of the most chill people you could ever get and although Yuki had a little bit of drama at the beginning (and Uchi and Arman have their relationship drama with the girls), for the most part none of the guys are interested in engaging in any arguments. For the girls, Yuriko, freaking LOVED her but she was not getting into any fights she was so meek. Mizuki was irrelevant mostly, and Minori can be interesting sometimes (although I actually dislike her) but is afraid of stepping on anyone's toes (IMO they should've cast her sister over her from the scenes we've seen of her sister). And Arisa is lowkey shady af, but she's quiet and non-confrontational. So it's really that they've been casting people who want to avoid confrontation so it's been... boring. But Natsumi is not afraid to speak her mind and when she noticed Minori catching an attitude she was so quick to call her out and I was LIVING. I hope this b itch lasts until the end. She was making so many good points and she was definitely shaking up the house.

Idk if anyone even watches this show (I figure if anyone does they'd be on Vevmo lol) but I just had to express how much I'm glad to have a reason to get invested in this show now.

Love your depiction. I am definitely going to check out this show. 

I'm going to check that out myself.

It sounds mega intriguing. May check it out or at least put it in my queue to watch later! 

Does anyone remember the BBC reality TV show Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands?  It's coming back after a 10-year hiatus.

It's basically a survivor like popularity contest/game with twenty-somethings.

Did this ever air in the US? Did you end up watching the new season? 

@ Bacchus/Graphik/Fab, just be prepared for it to be a little slower compared to American reality shows. The cinematography is GORGEOUS, though. Also, they have these weird scenes a few times an episode where there's a group of commentators who all like... talk about the show? It's really weird and I skip straight past those. But the house dynamics are very interesting and the people are generally intriguing even if they haven't been very confrontational, like I said.

Hmmm this sounds interesting. It’s probably better than the real world at this point lol

Hmmm this sounds interesting. It’s probably better than the real world at this point lol

Almost any other reality show is.

Hmmm this sounds interesting. It’s probably better than the real world at this point lol

Anonymous's picture

I didn't know whether to put this in this thread or the scripted TV thread since it's a mix of both, but did anyone else watch Total Drama on Cartoon Network?

I didn't know whether to put this in this thread or the scripted TV thread since it's a mix of both, but did anyone else watch Total Drama on Cartoon Network?

i only recognize the first 3 seasons. Lol

Anonymous's picture


I didn't know whether to put this in this thread or the scripted TV thread since it's a mix of both, but did anyone else watch Total Drama on Cartoon Network?

i only recognize the first 3 seasons. Lol

Me too. I stopped watching after World Tour when the original cast got phased out.



I didn't know whether to put this in this thread or the scripted TV thread since it's a mix of both, but did anyone else watch Total Drama on Cartoon Network?

i only recognize the first 3 seasons. Lol

Me too. I stopped watching after World Tour when the original cast got phased out.

But yea I loved the show but I hated what they did with Gwens character.

Anonymous's picture




I didn't know whether to put this in this thread or the scripted TV thread since it's a mix of both, but did anyone else watch Total Drama on Cartoon Network?

i only recognize the first 3 seasons. Lol

Me too. I stopped watching after World Tour when the original cast got phased out.

But yea I loved the show but I hated what they did with Gwens character.

Looking back on it, the whole Cody and Sierra relationship on World Tour was so cringey on Sierra's part. She was literally obsessed with him and never left him alone.

This crazy to me! Imagine filming some type of survivor show since February even though while filming they tell you about covi19 you dont know or experience the magnitude of it. Then when you are eliminated 3 months later you see all the craziness that have gone on the Real World while you were away. Her faces watching that compilation video and realizing how crazy it has been:


She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in a position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Survivor should not be filming for 3 months lol That's a long time sheesh..

She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Survivor should not be filming for 3 months lol That's a long time sheesh..

According to wikipedia it started filming February 20 until this week that should be the last in Honduras:

For w.e reason their survivor is live like American big brother. 


She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Survivor should not be filming for 3 months lol That's a long time sheesh..

According to wikipedia it started filming February 20 until this week that should be the last in Honduras:

For w.e reason their survivor is live like American big brother. 

Survivor live would be so damn boring to me. Most of it would just be them sleeping in the shelter or swimming lol



She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Survivor should not be filming for 3 months lol That's a long time sheesh..

According to wikipedia it started filming February 20 until this week that should be the last in Honduras:

For w.e reason their survivor is live like American big brother. 

Survivor live would be so damn boring to me. Most of it would just be them sleeping in the shelter or swimming lol

I dont think it's like live feeds. More like 3-4 edited episodes of the most interesting footage that went down that week one episode being live at the ceremony with an eviction or w.e they called it at the end of that week.

I do know that Spain TV is more wild and they have actually show cast members hookup on it or atleast make sure the audience hear the moans lol




She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Survivor should not be filming for 3 months lol That's a long time sheesh..

According to wikipedia it started filming February 20 until this week that should be the last in Honduras:

For w.e reason their survivor is live like American big brother. 

Survivor live would be so damn boring to me. Most of it would just be them sleeping in the shelter or swimming lol

I dont think it's like live feeds. More like 3-4 edited episodes of the most interesting footage that went down that week one episode being live at the ceremony with an eviction or w.e they called it at the end of that week.

I do know that Spain TV is more wild and they have actually show cast members hookup on it or atleast make sure the audience hear the moans lol

So they're hooking up after three months of not showering? Interesting 





She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Survivor should not be filming for 3 months lol That's a long time sheesh..

According to wikipedia it started filming February 20 until this week that should be the last in Honduras:

For w.e reason their survivor is live like American big brother. 

Survivor live would be so damn boring to me. Most of it would just be them sleeping in the shelter or swimming lol

I dont think it's like live feeds. More like 3-4 edited episodes of the most interesting footage that went down that week one episode being live at the ceremony with an eviction or w.e they called it at the end of that week.

I do know that Spain TV is more wild and they have actually show cast members hookup on it or atleast make sure the audience hear the moans lol

So they're hooking up after three months of not showering? Interesting 

Based on the clips I have seen some they hookup on the island during filming and they show it on the edited episodes way more graphic than here lol


She's overly dramatic, I'm pretty sure her reactions were mostly faked.

Over the top but still if I was in a position like that I would be shook that all that went down in the past 3 months while I was away.

Wym. Her reactions are tame compared to my Grandma when watching primer impact!

Yes, our Survivor is pretty diferent. It usually takes almost three months and there's a live show that's last almost 3and a half hours every thursday. Also a 4 hour debate in Sundays and another kind of live show on Tuesdays, also 4 hours. All in the most watched network and always leads ratings.

And obviously hook-ups are shown. In that case, US TV is very tamed... I really don't undestand why us realitys doesn't show that kind of things. I can agree that thing like this

Are maybe a little bit to much, but idk......

Yes, our Survivor is pretty diferent. It usually takes almost three months and there's a live show that's last almost 3and a half hours every thursday. Also a 4 hour debate in Sundays and another kind of live show on Tuesdays, also 4 hours. All in the most watched network and always leads ratings.

And obviously hook-ups are shown. In that case, US TV is very tamed... I really don't undestand why us realitys doesn't show that kind of things. I can agree that thing like this**********398171136?s=19

Are maybe a little bit to much, but idk......

I didnt know you were from Spain! That's wild 11 hours in 3 days, I dont the have the attention span for that.

Thats one of the clips I saw. They showed her moaning and with her legs spread around his waist. They would lose so many sponsors if they were to show it like that here on cable or like CBS. Europeans are more open mind it in that sense.

I have also seen clips of your temptation island and that one is also ver graphic for this country lol

The US general tv audience is insanely prudish compared to other countries, I learned that several years ago when I left MTV on late and Geordie Shore came on and it was like half the house was getting laid at the same time.


Yes, our Survivor is pretty diferent. It usually takes almost three months and there's a live show that's last almost 3and a half hours every thursday. Also a 4 hour debate in Sundays and another kind of live show on Tuesdays, also 4 hours. All in the most watched network and always leads ratings.

And obviously hook-ups are shown. In that case, US TV is very tamed... I really don't undestand why us realitys doesn't show that kind of things. I can agree that thing like this**********398171136?s=19

Are maybe a little bit to much, but idk......

I didnt know you were from Spain! That's wild 11 hours in 3 days, I dont the have the attention span for that.

Thats one of the clips I saw. They showed her moaning and with her legs spread around his waist. They would lose so many sponsors if they were to show it like that here on cable or like CBS. Europeans are more open mind it in that sense.

I have also seen clips of your temptation island and that one is also ver graphic for this country lol

Me either. I usually can't even finish a live show, it gets boring for me cause it's the same format for everything: Survivor, Big Brother, Temptation Island....

I've seen very graphics thing in prime time in TV, like people seaeching for *** stamps in other peoples bedsheets and things like that, nothing susprises me anymore in our TV. Big Brother used to be wild in that sense... until a rape happend and a lot of sponsors started boicoting the show and now is in hiatus.

Also nudity is more common. If someone gets naked or a nipple flashes usually they dont cover it. Survivor was my first US show and it was a real cultural shock seing blurred buts.

Also another cultural shock, and a thing that keep me put of The Challenge for many years (until Big Brother players jumped in), was the fact that men and women don't compete with one another. I still don't understand why tbh

This crazy to me! Imagine filming some type of survivor show since February even though while filming they tell you about covi19 you dont know or experience the magnitude of it. Then when you are eliminated 3 months later you see all the craziness that have gone on the Real World while you were away. Her faces watching that compilation video and realizing how crazy it has been:**********807464962?s=19**********191891460?s=19


Did you see the clip from April of the housemates in BB Israel being told about Coronavirus.  it was so dramatic omg.  they also told them about Kobe at the same time.

It has subtitles.  watch the whole thing, it's wild! 



This crazy to me! Imagine filming some type of survivor show since February even though while filming they tell you about covi19 you dont know or experience the magnitude of it. Then when you are eliminated 3 months later you see all the craziness that have gone on the Real World while you were away. Her faces watching that compilation video and realizing how crazy it has been:**********807464962?s=19**********191891460?s=19


Did you see the clip from April of the housemates in BB Israel being told about Coronavirus.  it was so dramatic omg.  they also told them about Kobe at the same time.**********063609856

It has subtitles.  watch the whole thing, it's wild! 


Omg such a dramatic way to tell them
