Are You The One?: Come One Come All (Season 8)

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Is this the first ever gender fluid dating show? They should have pushed this way more outside of MTV with that tagline. This show is history being made and in society LGBT is "cool" now. ***** Eye and Rupaul are huge (and proves people will watch LGBT shows) they should have been targeting those audiences. 

i cant believe queer is censored 

they actually did advertise on grindr. but it was a single pop-up and one of those where you immediately X out bc you don't give a **** (like the "hey if you pay for grindr you'll get these things")

people already know what they’re getting when they decide to watch queer eye/drag race. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen on fb and IG comments like “you have ruined a good show, i won’t be watching” homophobia is still alive and well some just do a better job of hiding it 

Starting to feel bad for Justin in every preview. Max really is being annoying about the whole thing

I know it's not supposed to be funny, but I'm SCREAMING at the new preview and Max just flatly telling Justin "no," after asking if their connection will continue. He just can't win lmaooooo.

I can't relate to Max's situation but I'm sure a lot of other ppl can relate to those feelings he's going thru at this point and, and obviously he opens up and gives Justin a chance, so I'm not too mad at him for being messy atm. Regardless of if they're a no match or a perfect match (I think they're the latter), it'll be interesting how they story plays out. 

Their interactions are deadass like when you’re in high school and you some boy keeps giving you hints but never acts on them.

The thing about Max tho is he’s literally on a gay dating show tho. There’s no outside judgement so he needs to just leap

Their interactions are deadass like when you’re in high school and you some boy keeps giving you hints but never acts on them.

The thing about Max tho is he’s literally on a gay dating show tho. There’s no outside judgement so he needs to just leap

Maybe he's just hesistant cause it'll be on TV and seen by his "straight life" Ohio people? Also didn't he say he only recently came out a couple years before getting on the show? Probably adds on to his uncomfortableness about the whole thing idk

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this conflict gets resolved by the end of this upcoming ep tho judging by the fact that they're shown making out and being all lovey dovey multiple times in the trailers. SEMI-SPOILERS but one scene in particular is them kissing at the glitter party or whatever it is, and I believe that's next week based of the episode description so yeah.


Their interactions are deadass like when you’re in high school and you some boy keeps giving you hints but never acts on them.

The thing about Max tho is he’s literally on a gay dating show tho. There’s no outside judgement so he needs to just leap

Maybe he's just hesistant cause it'll be on TV and seen by his "straight life" Ohio people? Also didn't he say he only recently came out a couple years before getting on the show? Probably adds on to his uncomfortableness about the whole thing idk

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this conflict gets resolved by the end of this upcoming ep tho judging by the fact that they're shown making out and being all lovey dovey multiple times in the trailers. SEMI-SPOILERS but one scene in particular is them kissing at the glitter party or whatever it is, and I believe that's next week based of the episode description so yeah.

yeah I think he’ll push through it because they clearly have chemistry. It just hits home to me because I’ve been in a similar situation to Justin with trade who I knew was down but he just was hesistant of what every one else thought 

yeah I think he’ll push through it because they clearly have chemistry. It just hits home to me because I’ve been in a similar situation to Justin with trade who I knew was down but he just was hesistant of what every one else thought 

I could see how that would get annoying omg. But I guess that's why this season is important cause it opens people who never dealt with experiences like this' eyes to this as well as give relatable scenarios to those who went thru it/going thru it.

Starting to feel bad for Justin in every preview. Max really is being annoying about the whole thing

I'm dissapointed. Max came off like a weird ****

There is a reason this hasn't been done successfully before.  People watch shows they can relate to on some level, even if it is a fantasy.  With a show like this, ~96% of the population is going to have a hard time relating.  Sure, some of that 96% could still be interested, but your odds are WAY lower of finding success with that being the case.  Also beyond that, about 80% of the country (including 65% of Gen Z) find some level of discomfort in watching homosexual relationships (recent GLAAD survey).  No matter how you feel about that youself, it still is a highly limiting factor for a TV shows success.

Where are you getting this 96%??

Where are you getting this 96%??

lol at 96% of the population being straight who they fooling 


Where are you getting this 96%??

lol at 96% of the population being straight who they fooling 

lmao right? half of that is gay. the other half of the remaining half is questioning or open.

There is a reason this hasn't been done successfully before.  People watch shows they can relate to on some level, even if it is a fantasy.  With a show like this, ~96% of the population is going to have a hard time relating.  Sure, some of that 96% could still be interested, but your odds are WAY lower of finding success with that being the case.  Also beyond that, about 80% of the country (including 65% of Gen Z) find some level of discomfort in watching homosexual relationships (recent GLAAD survey).  No matter how you feel about that youself, it still is a highly limiting factor for a TV shows success.

False! People don't watch shows that they feel they can relate to, people watch shows that they find entertaining. The most popular shows like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, etc. the average person can't relate to those shows on any kind of level. It's more being entertained and following the story. Part of the reason the ratings on this weren't that good was 1. AYTO was already tanking in ratings prior to this season and 2. People are prejudice. However, I don't think that survey means anything. Sure, TV  and lots of people  have a history of not wanting certain groups of people properly represented or just represented on TV shows or films specifically groups like people of color, LGBT people, etc. so regardless having anything that's not straight and white is literally a limit to a show's success but the most successful shows right now are shows with more diverse casts, shows centered around people of color or even shows with strong LGBT representation. GLEE a show with lots of LGBT characters and storylines  and basically centered around it, yet was one of the most successful shows for years and don't forget how popular Rupaul's Drag Race is.

I personally do think homophobia had a part to certain people not tuning in, but straight conservative people specifically the white ones always think whenever a show or movie does something revolving a certain race or group they find it pandering. It's the same reason why remakes that make white characters black, fail (ex. The Honeymooners remake) or remakes that make the male characters female instead  fail and gets negative reviews (ex. Ghostbusters Remake). AYTO was originally a straight show and when they saw it was centered around LGBT people for a season, they viewed it as something pandering which sadly triggers these people. I'm not justifying their judgements because these are also the same type of people who whine about Black Panther for having an all black cast. Also the ads for this season didn't help either, they basically tried to sexualize bisexuality when promoting the show saying "do you like threesomes" I can see people being turned off and taking it as forced which sucks because the season isn't bad.

so Max said he didn't even know what ******** is, since he grew up in Columbus. but that doesn't make any sense.... Columbus has a great LGBTQ+ scene. Nina West is from there and she's a national legend.

that censored word is bi

Did any of you guys watched this?

I caught the last half hour. Wasnt interesting as last weekd. Basit/jonathan situation annoyed me because I felt like neither of them were comprehending what the other was saying. cant wait for next week tho

I actually thought it was a quality episode

Max's struggle with acceptance and Justin "curving" him for now >> looking forward to seeing their storyline progress.

Jonathan is delusional and superficial as **** but him and Basit both struggling with rejection in their own little desperate way is super REAL. I look forward to seeing their development too.

lowkey cannot stand gays like Jonathan tbh

Jonathan is annoying AF. Like ***** even Stevie Wonder could see that Justin is not at all into you. Just bc you want to **** him, doesn't mean he's your match. Go after to someone else. Also his whole situation with Basit was just messy. I don't get why Basit is so determined to have Jonathan as their match tho. Doesn't deserve them imo.

Max/Justin stuff was cute and like I figured, it got mostly resolved by the end of this ep anyway. I like how it started with Max curving Justin after picking him at the previous ceremony and then Justin curving Max by not picking him at tonight's matchup cermony lmao. And I like how Max is recognizing his internal issues and trying to work on them unlike Jonathan. Growth>>>>

Surprised that the matchup is gonna be what causes, Jenna/Kai to split but I'm glad their doing it early. Most other couples on other seasons stay in denial and want to be together forver bc they're a "perfect match," but I'm excited for next week. The party episodes are always the messiest. All in all, I like this season so far. It's not as ridiculously drama filled as other seasons but that's fine. I like the stories and the cast overall way better than all other season and how different it feels tbh.

just finished the ep and question why is Jenna so determined that her and Kai aren't a match after the ceremony?

just finished the ep and question why is Jenna so determined that her and Kai aren't a match after the ceremony?

Amber/Nour & Kylie/Kari sat together for both ceremonies so if the house believes they're the two beams than Kai/Jenna should have been a third beam but they weren't...I'm guessing idk


just finished the ep and question why is Jenna so determined that her and Kai aren't a match after the ceremony?

Amber/Nour & Kylie/Kari sat together for both ceremonies so if the house believes they're the two beams than Kai/Jenna should have been a third beam but they weren't...I'm guessing idk

Anybody else think max looks way different in motion than in pictures? I can’t get over it lol. 

Anybody else think max looks way different in motion than in pictures? I can’t get over it lol. 

There’s always that one or two cast members each season that never looks like their pics lol

All I know is I need more Jasmine and Kylie, and less Jonathan.

It sucks that basit's feelings got hurt, i wanna give them a hug. but they need to accept that jonathan isn't into them. and it probably doesn't have much to do with them, more with the way jonathan was raised and his own hang ups about what a "real" man and a "real" woman should look like

I LAUGHED when Jonathan went in for the kiss and Justin wasn't at all interested looooool
