Are You The One?: Come One Come All (Season 8)

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I don't get how people find the same storylines different people every season. Straight people are boring.


Compared to what it was against, I don't think it's that bad. Home and Food will always do better.

MTV doesnt care about that lol The numbers are tragic not only the overall number but the target demographic one too.

If ratings dont increased they are going to either cancelled the show future seasons or if they decide to do another ayto season it will be back to straight ppl.  

boooo... That's sad.

word. Brandon straight gets used as someone else's second choice. He's a ******* fly *** man. Why does it seem to be that noone is noticing that? 

PS: that justin and max closet make out was adorable.

I ship this sixem and their individual pairings.

I don't get how people find the same storylines different people every season. Straight people are boring.


I'd love to see Justin, Basit and Paige on a Challenge, the Challenge NEEDS to cast from this season, bring some much needed diversity.

I doubt anyone on this will be on the challenge. MTV is too busy casting Johnny, Cara, Paulie and Leroy every season and a bunch of random U.K people. Doubt we'll get any American debuts on there anytime soon.


Yeah I'm sure you're right. I like the UK additions, but I don't like that they've stopped casting from this for them. I'll never understand why they keep casting Johnny, Cara and Leroy, we've been watching the same *** for seasons now. This cast could bring a little something new.

Brandon and Jasmine were on LIve today. Basically talked about their lack of camera time/edits, threw some shade at some cast members (but in all fun/jokes, Kai was even in the comments for ex.) and talked about the performances of black people on The Challenge and treatment on BB.

They also hope/d that MTV would show more stories of what the black LGBT community goes through and how they struggled navagating through the house because everyone else was from major cities and so free/open while they come from the south.

It was pretty good/funny. Don't know if he saved it.

Brandon and Jasmine were on LIve today. Basically talked about their lack of camera time/edits, threw some shade at some cast members (but in all fun/jokes, Kai was even in the comments for ex.) and talked about the performances of black people on The Challenge and treatment on BB.

They also hope/d that MTV would show more stories of what the black LGBT community goes through and how they struggled navagating through the house because everyone else was from major cities and so free/open while they come from the south.

It was pretty good/funny. Don't know if he saved it.


I loooooved their live, They need to do it more often. They definitely bumped up to my faves.

I'd love to see Justin, Basit and Paige on a Challenge, the Challenge NEEDS to cast from this season, bring some much needed diversity.

I doubt anyone on this will be on the challenge. MTV is too busy casting Johnny, Cara, Paulie and Leroy every season and a bunch of random U.K people. Doubt we'll get any American debuts on there anytime soon.

We are getting American debuts for 35 but I wouldnt hold my breath for ayto the last person from ayto that debuted was Kam from like season 5. 

AYTO was their it show for like 2 seasons to get rookies but with the show dying little by little since season 5 and this ratings being as bad as they are I wouldnt expect them on the challenge.

I don't get how people find the same storylines different people every season. Straight people are boring.

I finally caught up with the ep and it was amazing and funny yet again, Paige legend *** standing up to Nour>>>>> I still love NOur tho

The two beams again I feel definitely solidifies that Kari/Kylie are a match I think..

Anyways I truly hope atleast 2 get picked for the challenge, I have a love/hate fr Nour cus she was annoying but seeing her personality clash on the challenge would be amazing


I'd love to see Justin, Basit and Paige on a Challenge, the Challenge NEEDS to cast from this season, bring some much needed diversity.

I doubt anyone on this will be on the challenge. MTV is too busy casting Johnny, Cara, Paulie and Leroy every season and a bunch of random U.K people. Doubt we'll get any American debuts on there anytime soon.

We are getting American debuts for 35 but I wouldnt hold my breath for ayto the last person from ayto that debuted was Kam from like season 5. 

AYTO was their it show for like 2 seasons to get rookies but with the show dying little by little since season 5 and this ratings being as bad as they are I wouldnt expect them on the challenge.

Hopefully that means Paradise Hotel cast is coming.



I'd love to see Justin, Basit and Paige on a Challenge, the Challenge NEEDS to cast from this season, bring some much needed diversity.

I doubt anyone on this will be on the challenge. MTV is too busy casting Johnny, Cara, Paulie and Leroy every season and a bunch of random U.K people. Doubt we'll get any American debuts on there anytime soon.

We are getting American debuts for 35 but I wouldnt hold my breath for ayto the last person from ayto that debuted was Kam from like season 5. 

AYTO was their it show for like 2 seasons to get rookies but with the show dying little by little since season 5 and this ratings being as bad as they are I wouldnt expect them on the challenge.

Hopefully that means Paradise Hotel cast is coming.

That was another disaster in ratings lol




I'd love to see Justin, Basit and Paige on a Challenge, the Challenge NEEDS to cast from this season, bring some much needed diversity.

I doubt anyone on this will be on the challenge. MTV is too busy casting Johnny, Cara, Paulie and Leroy every season and a bunch of random U.K people. Doubt we'll get any American debuts on there anytime soon.

We are getting American debuts for 35 but I wouldnt hold my breath for ayto the last person from ayto that debuted was Kam from like season 5. 

AYTO was their it show for like 2 seasons to get rookies but with the show dying little by little since season 5 and this ratings being as bad as they are I wouldnt expect them on the challenge.

Hopefully that means Paradise Hotel cast is coming.

That was another disaster in ratings lol

Is that why they stopped casting from Big Brother?

Why do ratings matter when they’re bringing in people we don’t even know from foreign shows that don’t impact ratings. I don’t get the logic. You can make any nobody willing to compete and stirr drama into SOMEONE.

Favorites so far: Basit, Remy (surprisingly I thought I was going to hate him), Amber, Paige, Kylie 

Love Justin and Max’s dynamic but can’t stand Justin’s voice..

Kai and Jenna are messy af but I’m here for it

Wish they would show more of Danny, Brandon, and Jasmine. 

After this past episode can’t stand Nour or Jonathan

I think this season is one of the thirstiest in terms of wanting to get on the Challenge/more TV shows, and I get why, but it's like everybody has mentioned it except for like two of the cast.

I havent watch this since episode 1 but Nour girl seems extremely annoying on twitter and thirsty

I think this season is one of the thirstiest in terms of wanting to get on the Challenge/more TV shows, and I get why, but it's like everybody has mentioned it except for like two casts.

It should be a wake up call for them that the last rookie from ayto that was cast for the challenge was from season 5 which was 3 seasons ago. 

I havent watch this since episode 1 but Nour girl seems extremely annoying on twitter and thirsty

She was fine until the last episode. Last episode she was a psychopath.. Literally mad because someone talked to the girl she likes, made the girl promise not to kiss someone on her date, then proceeded to make out with someone else while her girl is on the date. Hypocrite, annoying, and crazy.

I havent watch this since episode 1 but Nour girl seems extremely annoying on twitter and thirsty


girl watch. There’s a few you would want to punch their faces in but it’s starting to get real messy and entertaining. 

I finally caught up with the ep and it was amazing and funny yet again, Paige legend *** standing up to Nour>>>>> I still love NOur tho

The two beams again I feel definitely solidifies that Kari/Kylie are a match I think..

Anyways I truly hope atleast 2 get picked for the challenge, I have a love/hate fr Nour cus she was annoying but seeing her personality clash on the challenge would be amazing

Idk why I would see her having a Anastasia debut, just more aggressive


I'd love to see Justin, Basit and Paige on a Challenge, the Challenge NEEDS to cast from this season, bring some much needed diversity.

I doubt anyone on this will be on the challenge. MTV is too busy casting Johnny, Cara, Paulie and Leroy every season and a bunch of random U.K people. Doubt we'll get any American debuts on there anytime soon.

We are getting American debuts for 35 but I wouldnt hold my breath for ayto the last person from ayto that debuted was Kam from like season 5. 

AYTO was their it show for like 2 seasons to get rookies but with the show dying little by little since season 5 and this ratings being as bad as they are I wouldnt expect them on the challenge.

whoa what? they're already looking to cast S35 ?


I havent watch this since episode 1 but Nour girl seems extremely annoying on twitter and thirsty


girl watch. There’s a few you would want to punch their faces in but it’s starting to get real messy and entertaining. 

I am going to binge watch the episodes after the one from this week

I’m liking this season so far but nobody sticks out to me like in the past. Out of everyone I’m enjoying Basit the most Which is shocking me lol

Just saw the preview for tonight, and Max is doing that dumb shit people do every season. He's mad at Justin for kissing Aasha, but him and Max aren't a confirmed match. I'll never understand why people get all pissy when the person they like is trying to build connections with other people like that isn't the premise of the entire game. It's especially more important in this season since literally everybody could be a match smh.

Just saw the preview for tonight, and Max is doing that dumb **** people do every season. He's mad at Justin for kissing Aasha, but him and Max aren't a confirmed match. I'll never understand why people get all pissy when the person they like is trying to build connections with other people like that isn't the premise of the entire game. It's especially more important in this season since literally everybody could be a match smh.

Rightt it's literally dumb as hell they always get mad when they're trying to find they're perfect match as if they are saying they want to **** them lmaoo, I would just tell my no match that Imma pursue you after the show but for now let's try and connect with people to find our perfect match and get this million. 


Just saw the preview for tonight, and Max is doing that dumb **** people do every season. He's mad at Justin for kissing Aasha, but him and Max aren't a confirmed match. I'll never understand why people get all pissy when the person they like is trying to build connections with other people like that isn't the premise of the entire game. It's especially more important in this season since literally everybody could be a match smh.

Rightt it's literally dumb as hell they always get mad when they're trying to find they're perfect match as if they are saying they want to **** them lmaoo, I would just tell my no match that Imma pursue you after the show but for now let's try and connect with people to find our perfect match and get this million. 

It's the same shit Nour was doing last week like y'all need to calm down. It's too early to be this possessive over other people in this game.

Nour is messssssyyyyy... Getting Justin in trouble like that.

i was not expecting that to be the 5some
