Survivor: Edge of Extinction - See The Million Dollars

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Super glad Devens didn't win but I don't mind him as a character anymore, I'm cool with his inevitable return for whatever returnee season follows all winners, especially since there will be a lot less of him with some other big characters in the mix instead of people like Gavin & Julie

Worst final 3 in history, no argument to even be made against it, but at least the best of the 3 won, everyone spent weeks trying to get rid of Rick and Chris threw himself in against him and won. For that alone he deserved to win over Gavin & Julie doing absolutely nothing besides talk about wanting Rick out.

If Lynne was fired during this season it's because the people who made endgame just weren't all that entertaining, even though I like Vic and Lauren. They were almost forced to make it the Rick show after Kelley, David & Wardog left in a row since there just wasn't much left. If new casting means we get better new females instead of reusing only good ones four times each then I'm all for it

As far as 39 goes, it's going to have the opposite effect that it's supposed to. I'm not going to be excited for Sandra & Rob to come back for 40 when I just saw them, and I'll bet anything they're going to be shoved down our throats instead of having a few minutes each episode and then leaving around the merge. I want to see some new players play before we get all the big dogs back for 40, but they're going to be stuck in the shadows it looks like

If you are going to have a "redemptiion/Exile Island" situation every player needs to be isolated. Chris got to befriend every jury member, and let's remeber Reem never actually got to meet Gavin, but still got the vote . Also Chris got to run all the scenariors with the Jury about what it would take for one of them to get back in the game and actually win. And finally he got access to information no one in the real game actually would have, Kelly telling him Lauren had the idol.

I think in an era where juries are pretty much always voting who they believe is the best player, Chris basically had 4 days to come up with a resume to rival 2 people who had been there all game, which seems nearly impossible. Obviously he lucked out by getting two nobodies with him at the end but I still think he did a decent job in the short time he had 

Esquire wrote:

If you are going to have a "redemptiion/Exile Island" situation every player needs to be isolated. Chris got to befriend every jury member, and let's remeber Reem never actually got to meet Gavin, but still got the vote . Also Chris got to run all the scenariors with the Jury about what it would take for one of them to get back in the game and actually win. And finally he got access to information no one in the real game actually would have, Kelly telling him Lauren had the idol.

I think in an era where juries are pretty much always voting who they believe is the best player, Chris basically had 4 days to come up with a resume to rival 2 people who had been there all game, which seems nearly impossible. Obviously he lucked out by getting two nobodies with him at the end but I still think he did a decent job in the short time he had 


No doubt Chris did everything right when he came back in the game but to me that doesn't out weigh the 27 days he didn't have to play. I thought Gavin should have won, he played second fiddle to Victoria but that means he actually made and contributed to moves and was not simply a goat like Julie. And more importantly he never had a vote against him, which is crazy because he actually won immunities and was part of an alliance.

Edit: I don't think Gavin would have been a good winner, but I think he was the best option of the three.

And I think it is even more mind blowing because they literally gave us nothing on him. All I know is dude is a Dad. And he thought about quitting but didn’t. That’s all.

That was Eric, not Chris lol.   Chris isn't a dad.  He got married just like 3 weeks ago though.  His new wife is so lucky lol.  

I'm for one GLAD and happy Chris won he did more in his few little days than Julie and Gavin did I still liked Gavin and wouldn't have mind him winning but people discrediting Chris is annoying.
Everyone sying shit like everybody else on this cast didn't have the opportunity to be in the same position as him, that's why they all went to the edge in the first mf place. Kingie deserved and took out production rat Devens, we stan <33

HHAHAHAHAHAHAH THis is hilarious. Probst twist that was clearly meant to help Joe backfired. All along he envisioned this outcome for Joe not Chris.

Well then my point stands lol If I would have not watched live and either looked or accidentally saw the winner before I watched I would have had to go to google to confirm exactly which of those two he was. Which is in no fault of his own but is mind blowing.

Bacchus wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:He's the worst winner in show history. 

I don't know about that. He did more in one episode than Natalie White did in an entire season.

She wasn't saved twice by twists tho. He lost the first chance to reenter the game and then was handed a free idol. He played hard for the 12 days he was in the game but it's still just 12 days, not 39. He was voted out 3rd. Worst winner in survivor history. 

She was saved by a bitter jury which is much, much worse. Natalie was a player that would have lost to any other player that season and was only in the finale because she was handpicked for being a worthless player who did nothing.  

And the reality is that the twists are part of the game. They are the very definition of the game. They are in the title of the game. The game is literally about the twist. Trying to separate Survivor from the twists is an exercise in futility. In the last decade, Survivor is wholly defined by its twists. Saying a winner is any less deserving because they played the game exactly how it was designed to be played doesn't really make much sense. 

Not to say Chris is a great winner. Just better than Natalie. 

He aced a winner take all reentry into the game. He befriended the person who betrayed him to get a full immunity idol to save himself from elimination. He then won immunity but passed it up to take on the best player remaining in fire making to glide into final 3 with two floaters.  He actually did things. 


I'm for one GLAD and happy Chris won he did more in his few little days than Julie and Gavin did I still liked Gavin and wouldn't have mind him winning but people discrediting Chris is annoying. Everyone sying **** like everybody else on this cast didn't have the opportunity to be in the same position as him, that's why they all went to the edge in the first mf place. Kingie deserved and took out production rat Devens, we stan <33

Morris1721 wrote:

DNC_Empire wrote:

Kajun wrote:This should confirm NO MORE redemption/extinction/returning twist but sadly it'll be back. 

Lynne Spillman the casting director got fired over this. I doubt it ever returns. Clearly they were not happy. With the way they edited the season they wanted everyone to be extremely ****** off and sad that their production pet Ben 2.0 Rick did not win.

Lynne Spillman did not get fired. Her contract simply wasn’t extended and she was going to focus on Amazing Race casting.

Not true but ok.

100% true but ok.

Chris played the game he was given. He deserved the win. Poeple will claim, if edge didn't exist, he'd be eliminated for good; which is very much true, but edge exists. He won within the confineds of the rules of the game and he pulled out the W.

Jeff is ruining this show and he needs replace.

Chris played the game he was given. He deserved the win. Poeple will claim, if edge didn't exist, he'd be eliminated for good; which is very much true, but edge exists. He won within the confineds of the rules of the game and he pulled out the W.


Chris played the game he was given. He deserved the win. Poeple will claim, if edge didn't exist, he'd be eliminated for good; which is very much true, but edge exists. He won within the confineds of the rules of the game and he pulled out the W.

the same people who complain about Chris returning from

edge are the same people who will say that Devena waa robbed lololol

richjoe92 wrote:

Chris played the game he was given. He deserved the win. Poeple will claim, if edge didn't exist, he'd be eliminated for good; which is very much true, but edge exists. He won within the confineds of the rules of the game and he pulled out the W.

the same people who complain about Chris returning fromedge are the same people who will say that Devena waa robbed lololol

No. I hate devins but still think Chris is a terrible winner 

Im more upset with the jury. I expected better from them, but they really were like "**** the 39 days, only 3 days really matter". I'm not a person who screams bitter jury anything someone I don't like wins but this time it's a bitter jury.

flyguy wrote:

richjoe92 wrote:Chris played the game he was given. He deserved the win. Poeple will claim, if edge didn't exist, he'd be eliminated for good; which is very much true, but edge exists. He won within the confineds of the rules of the game and he pulled out the W.

the same people who complain about Chris returning fromedge are the same people who will say that Devena waa robbed lololol

No. I hate devins but still think Chris is a terrible winner 

The point is they both returned from Edge so I dont get hownwhen devens does it hes respected but when Chris does it people call it out

Jeff is ruining this show and he needs replace.


Anyway, the players are no longer on trial- the format is. Chris and Gavin are both fine.

Lets talk about how ******* stupid this show is now

I’m like really dead at the fact that a second or third boot player won survivor after rejoining the game with 5 days left lmaooooooo like WOW anything can happen! 

His win is justified because he made the biggest move which was taking out Devens. That’s honestly how he won let’s be honest. It was him or Devens winning. Gavin and Julia had no chance. Gavin’s played a decent game but his resume wasn’t good enough. He kinda got overshadowed by Victoria and some of the other girls. And Julie I called Monica Culpepper 2.0 lmao. A twist is a twist and some people benefit from it and Chris did on top of the fact that the players this season to me just weren’t that good. As much as I hate him Devens kinda outplayed majority of these people and they knew it and so did Chris so he took him out. He played his cards right! 

Also, Chris winning explains why he may not be on season 40 tho ☕️

Granted I would like to see him play again tho because there’s potential for him to be a really good player. In those last 5 days he was out there he made some moves. 


If anything they should want Chris to play again over some of those other flops on the cast just to see if he can really do it and prove himself 

Im more upset with the jury. I expected better from them, but they really were like "**** the 39 days, only 3 days really matter". I'm not a person who screams bitter jury anything someone I don't like wins but this time it's a bitter jury.

Chris had time to smoother the Jury?but also, the jury probs thought, 'that could've been us' in FTC so I think that was more relateable and therefore more voteable? idk.

Im more upset with the jury. I expected better from them, but they really were like "**** the 39 days, only 3 days really matter". I'm not a person who screams bitter jury anything someone I don't like wins but this time it's a bitter jury.

He did more in three days than Gavin & Julie did the entire post merge. In that final 3, his win was justified. But like someone said yesterday, if he'd won over Vic or Lauren, I'd be a lot more upset

Chris should be on 100% over Nick, Ben, and Adam.

Chris should be on 100% over Nick, Ben, and Adam.

No. They played a full game they are better. 



Chris should be on 100% over Nick, Ben, and Adam.

I'm shocked at some of these comments, that they support Chris winning. I was shocked at the result, I've never seen a bigger robbery than this. The guy was voted out early and I don't even remember him in the game,  he came back and had nothing to lose so he put himself against Rick. I know it's not his fault that the format is stupid but I dont care, the jury should know it's a stupid twist and vote for the player that actually had to survive the vote every week, the guys at the edge of extinction island just sat there and chilled then got brought back right at the end. It's ridiculous to think that's deserving of winning, I don't get it. And Rick is getting hated on which I don't get, he was also voted out but he actually played longer. He got a bunch on idols which look suspicious but he also won immunity a lot and stirred the pot in tribal council

IMO a complete fail of a season, the deserving winner should have been Gavin hands down.  I was shocked to see any votes for Chris and the other lady was a train wreck, acted stupid and lost her shit in tribal council then said that was one of her best moves in the game. Complete joke of a season. Complete bull shit jury 

I really hope there's no more eliminated people coming back crap in the future, there should be only 1 shot.  You get voted out you're done. You want to play again bring them back for another season. Not a good twist
