Kyle’s hookups, ex-girlfriend and challenge partner Brad weigh in on his playboy status and how it affected the game; At the final, Hunter said he would never forgive Ashley for taking his share of the $1 million but has since had time to reflect on the situation; Following their fight in South Africa, Devin and Johnny Bananas reopen old wounds and reach an explosive turning point.
Let's be honest, neither Devin or John are gonna fight. Zzzzz
Why is Kyle on the thread pic ?
Question, I always see comments about a thread pic yet I have never seen any pics on top of any threads. Where is this pic supposed to be?
sounds like a boring start to the reunion. see y’all next week
It's a thumbnail on the front page.
I actually don't pick the thumbnail. I just use whatever MTV has embedded for their sneak peek.
Screenshot 2018-11-27 at 1.19.11 PM.png
That hairline should come with its own trigger warning.
Kyle ew.
Queenleigh looks good tho
Can we get a petition going to have Fake ( sorry PR I am using your name for her LOL) never appear on the shhow again??
Why did they bring Devin and Cory back? They were here for like 2 days.
So Cory almost killed Tony and Bananas hurt Devin's feelings... Bummer.
Let's move on from that.
Because they were in the latter portion of the game and had their own drama the short time they were there.
The real question is why is CT there? He was irrelevant all season & didn't make it far.
Production: B-b-but... CT tried to give Jozea a lapdance!
Faith & Angela showing out & shutting up Cara Maria >>>>
Don't watch if you don't want to unitl it airs.
Faith dragged Cara omfg... I was stunned that came out of her mouth I wasn't expecting her to have a tounge like that LMAOOOOO!!!
Both Faith and Marie SNAPPED. Angela opening her legs for what? Lemme not... lol
Team Angela and Faith tonight. Cara looks like an idiot every reunion. She talks cash shit prereunion but come reunion she gets dragged and/or cries when attacked. First Kailah, now Faith & Angela. Who’s next?
Yeah if Cara wasn't a better competitor than most of the women competing the last few years, she'd literally have nothing. I like her but she needs at least a season off.
Marie is cancelled after defending Cara on her bullshit.
Glad that queen Faith exposed Cara bummy *** !!!
QUEEN FAITH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
"I need to hear you better"
*flips hair*
Queen Faith
& I'm also team Cara but in this situation..I feel like there's no excuse she can give lol, it was a REALLY shady/fake move on her part.
Lol at the Day facial expressions
Facial is censored?? Lol
Nah I love Faith lol She cracks me up. Like Marie but in that clip she was kind of annoying like Cara didn't even say a peep before Marie started yelling at them. That's one of those arguments you just gotta sit back on because Cara was the one at fault.
Wait what was Faith calling her? Couldn't really hear over all the yelling.
"Rufio got it *****" Thats what y'all are calling a drag? I have to laugh
Awww, interfan with his cape lol
Budget LaToya using Cara once again for screentime lmaooo