Did Faith and Davonne switch real quick? Either that or Faith developed a personality.
Faith always had it in her. Watch Ex on the Beach season one. She just is a chill, cool person until tested. Angela, Taylor, Cory, Tor’i, and now Cara knows about her energy.
lol everybody is clapping at Ashley. Ashley went from winning to losing real quick.
But she's clapping back pretty damn good something I did NOT expect. She's had some good comebacks like that Bananas line.
But that's also counterbalanced by the fact that she did indeed make out with Bananas. She may have won the battle but she lost the war. It's 15 minutes in and there's already talk of her hooking up with like 4 people.
KingoftheTrill wrote:lol everybody is clapping at Ashley. Ashley went from winning to losing real quick.
But she's clapping back pretty damn good something I did NOT expect. She's had some good comebacks like that Bananas line.
But that's also counterbalanced by the fact that she did indeed make out with Bananas. She may have won the battle but she lost the war. It's 15 minutes in and there's already talk of her hooking up with like 4 people.
They let Cara's *** know. Marie needs to **** and stay out of it.
Faiths always been like this.
I think she the type to be silent until someone comes for her.
Yeah Marie needs to stop jumping in everything
Y'all turned on Roda real quick xD
I love Marie but IDK how to feel about the constant jumping in for Cara.
Faith always had it in her. Watch Ex on the Beach season one. She just is a chill, cool person until tested. Angela, Taylor, Cory, Tor’i, and now Cara knows about her energy.
But that's also counterbalanced by the fact that she did indeed make out with Bananas. She may have won the battle but she lost the war. It's 15 minutes in and there's already talk of her hooking up with like 4 people.
Hunter conformed that he's ****** guys is the only thing from this that matters
Marie defends who has her back, lavender to gold.
Ashley just looks a mess tonight, gurl you got a million and lookin like that.
**** Faith is so annoying. And that forehead my god you can land a plane on that thing
I'd watch that...
Eh she obviously doesn't seem to care about that.
I'm willing to bet that Ashley hasn't discovered how much money she'd actually receive after taxes.
Davonne looking amazing at this reunion, joing the exlcusive list of women I'd let **** in my face
She hasn't said anything yet but god damn Kam is on fleeeeeek.
Backpack is just as used up and ran through like everyone else so he needs to shut the **** up.
So Bananas **** shamed the hell out of challenge vets and nobody said a word.....
Are you surprised?
Nelson is totally the type of guy who would fly across the world to be with a girl who doesn't want him
I legit forgot faith was on this season.
Kyle, don’t do it lol
Not surprised that Bananas said anything, but surprised at the complete hypocrisy thereafter.
There's Cory's contribution to the reunion...
Nelson seems like a walking "friend zone"
Paulie says that there but he was all pattycake in the redemption house.
Paulie's hair is awful
Hoping Joss is to Kayleigh's right...