The Challenge: Final Reckoning (Spoilers Discussion) - Part II

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Also I’ve seen a lot of people who are saying things like 1 million isn’t a lot after taxes . Well let me remind you the person who won and stole all that money lives in a state / is a resident of a state where they don’t lose that much of the money in taxes considering the state they live in is one of the 7 states in the United States with no income tax which is what reality tv earnings / wins are filed under so that person is richer then anyone else who would have won that money. 


a million after taxes is still more than i make in ayear... BEFORE taxes

why does sylvia in the finale previews/promos has different hair and look in her confessional? also looks like its a different lighting then everyone else's. Did she have to redo her finals confessionals after the season ended and started filming (because i believe thats when she wasnt blonde anymore)

Usually they will do confessionals at the reunion for the last episodes that have not aired yet

How the **** do Hunter/Ashley win this?? they don't deserve this at all.

Time for this season 33 preview at the reunion 
