Well now that Natalie is out I’m no longer watching. I didn’t realize the UK public was so damn sensitive. I hope they have fun with their Brady Bunch show now.
There’s already petitions to bring her back because it’s gonna get boring. I can definitely see production sneaking her back in to mess with them since they made the show all about her.
Well now that Natalie is out I’m no longer watching. I didn’t realize the UK public was so damn sensitive. I hope they have fun with their Brady Bunch show now.
Idk what y’all expected. Natalie thinks she’s entitled to everything so for something like this show it’s very clearly gonna get on the houseguests/the public’s nerves if they don’t already care about her.
Idk what y'all expected. Natalie thinks she's entitled to everything so for something like this show it's very clearly gonna get on the houseguests/the public's nerves if they don't already care about her.
We knew she would get on the houseguests nerves I mean that is why she was cast in the first place. We didn't think the UK viewers would be idiots and evict her first. There are several other people who have behaved like her who lasted longer and even won while she was called a bully for telling a grown *** woman to clean up after herself.
Exactly Kim Woodburn made it to final three and threatened and was extremely aggressive with every housemate that season. She was severely loved but had not one likable trait about her but made it far, Natalie yells a few times and is the first one evicted!
I neeed civilian version to redeem. Probably won’t last few have been terrible, IMO.UGH
I enjoyed last season lol. Chanelle and Raph are friendship goals. Also Sukhvinder left way to early. Lotan and Ellie vs The sister's, Chanelle and Isabelle was amazing until the sister's played the victim card the next day after getting a warning. Raph should have won.
i'm actually quite enjoying this final series so far. pretty fresh cast imho and already 100x better than the previous CBB we just had. I just hope the Anamelia show ends soon haha she just lovvvvvves the sound of her own voice so much.
i'm actually quite enjoying this final series so far. pretty fresh cast imho and already 100x better than the previous CBB we just had. I just hope the Anamelia show ends soon haha she just lovvvvvves the sound of her own voice so much.
Im rooting for Lewis F, Cameron , Thomaz, Akeem ,Sian, and Kenaley for final 6
BBUK incorporating/adapting a Power of Veto twist now every week - Nominees and the richest Big Coin housemate compete with 4 other housemates for the power to save a nominee
Big Brother UK is currently airing a new season: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(British_series_20)
This season premiered on October 8, 2023, and will run for 36 episodes, with the live final taking place on November 17, 2023: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(British_TV_series)
olivia would be a good pick for the challenge. she's young, athletic, bubbly, entertaining, and has a tone that can come off as aggressive / nasty. she'd rub ppl the wrong way for sure
Big Brother UK enjoys biggest launch since 2012 With 2.6 million viewers: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/big-brother-uk-enjoys-biggest-151142481.html
For non-UK people, you can watch new episodes on swatchseries; soap2day was permanently shut down on June 13, 2023.
it's a REAL social experiment unlike American shows. Strategy isn't allowed and they do throw in twists like live face to face nominations to cause drama. It's so good
There’s already petitions to bring her back because it’s gonna get boring. I can definitely see production sneaking her back in to mess with them since they made the show all about her.
Woooowwwww such bs.... baha
The UK Public: sHe Is A bUlLy.
I havent bother watching this lol But why are they so sensitive over someone like Nat
Doesnt the UK produce shows literally around trashy and way more dramatic ppl like ex on the beach/Geordie shore? They even show them *******....
Idk what y’all expected. Natalie thinks she’s entitled to everything so for something like this show it’s very clearly gonna get on the houseguests/the public’s nerves if they don’t already care about her.
We knew she would get on the houseguests nerves I mean that is why she was cast in the first place. We didn't think the UK viewers would be idiots and evict her first. There are several other people who have behaved like her who lasted longer and even won while she was called a bully for telling a grown *** woman to clean up after herself.
Surpised the season was not canceled yet with the snooze fests.
Exactly Kim Woodburn made it to final three and threatened and was extremely aggressive with every housemate that season. She was severely loved but had not one likable trait about her but made it far, Natalie yells a few times and is the first one evicted!
About the non Celebrity BBUK. Starting on Friday. Hopefully it's better then CBBUK
I neeed civilian version to redeem. Probably won’t last few have been terrible, IMO.
I enjoyed last season lol. Chanelle and Raph are friendship goals. Also Sukhvinder left way to early. Lotan and Ellie vs The sister's, Chanelle and Isabelle was amazing until the sister's played the victim card the next day after getting a warning. Raph should have won.
It’d be dope if they play’d US/CANADA style.
But I can already hear the complaining........
It starts tonight!!! Its the last season
(unless its picked up by another channel.)
BBUK production removed a house guest for racist tweeted from 2014. yet BBUS is keeping a sexaul abuser in the house. Yikes.
i'm actually quite enjoying this final series so far. pretty fresh cast imho and already 100x better than the previous CBB we just had. I just hope the Anamelia show ends soon haha she just lovvvvvves the sound of her own voice so much.
Im rooting for Lewis F, Cameron , Thomaz, Akeem ,Sian, and Kenaley for final 6
No wonder the BBUK is cancelled the Public keeps the boring ***** in the house. Yawns
BBUK incorporating/adapting a Power of Veto twist now every week - Nominees and the richest Big Coin housemate compete with 4 other housemates for the power to save a nominee
if big brother uk does return i wonder if it will be like big brother canada and usa style
Big Brother UK is currently airing a new season: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(British_series_20)
This season premiered on October 8, 2023, and will run for 36 episodes, with the live final taking place on November 17, 2023: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_(British_TV_series)
How are ratings doing so far? I know that's why they got cancelled last time
premiere & the first highlights show did great. i didn't check the others but so far so good!! great cast this year
olivia would be a good pick for the challenge. she's young, athletic, bubbly, entertaining, and has a tone that can come off as aggressive / nasty. she'd rub ppl the wrong way for sure
I'm unable to watch this but from the clips I've seen Olivia looks fun
Big Brother UK enjoys biggest launch since 2012 With 2.6 million viewers: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/big-brother-uk-enjoys-biggest-151142481.html
For non-UK people, you can watch new episodes on swatchseries; soap2day was permanently shut down on June 13, 2023.
What is the format for the UK show?
housemates nominate and the public evicts
it's a REAL social experiment unlike American shows. Strategy isn't allowed and they do throw in twists like live face to face nominations to cause drama. It's so good