BB20 Spoilers/Live Feed

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I can't get into it for some reason. the midget just creeps me the **** out!


Angie rockstar the real MVP. She’s been dragging the Fox News Alliance effortlessly day in and day out

Angie rockstar the real MVP. She’s been dragging the Fox News Alliance effortlessly day in and day out

Too bad she is not HOH. Sad

We finally have a season with an openly racist alliance + a ****** scooper. I'm out. 

Good thing I was never in. Just a matter of time before Swaggy is eliminated for being "agressive".

HonestTea101 wrote:

Are people allowed to be booed when they leave the house

No, they put a stop to that when Christine got booed when she got evicted 

I feel like they'd be cool with it if someone kept being racist or offensive like Aaryn. 

Ok I agree with this, but my problem is them sweeping it under the rug and not even addressing it. 

I haven’t watched feeds, but apparently Scottie and Winston are going up? 

I haven’t watched feeds, but apparently Scottie and Winston are going up? 

its sounding like it. In an attempt to backdoor my boy Swaggy C. Smh

I wouldn't be mat at a Swaggy backdoor only because I want to see how Bayleigh does by herself.

Inb4 Kajun comes on and says 'its just a word'.....

Was she repeating lyrics? Repeating lyrics  doesn’t offend me. If she said it that is disgusting and unacceptable.

Swaggy is getting that power trust he won’t be going anywhere this week

Kaitlyn knew what she was doing when she said the N-word. Ain't nobody that into a song. #AuraOff #CrackheadTeases

As soon as Kaitlyn joins the Maga side she drops the n word lol

A long way to go until she catches Chris and Bayleigh on the n-word tally. A word is wrong or it isn't. Choose one.  Apply it consistently lest you be guilty of bigotry of low expectations. Teaching people that they are victims and personal responsibility CAN'T apply to them. Exactly the opposite of what any human should hear.  It's an undercutting of its own message.

A long way to go until she catches Chris and Bayleigh on the n-word tally. A word is wrong or it isn't. Choose one.  Apply it consistently lest you be guilty of bigotry of low expectations. Teaching people that they are victims and personal responsibility CAN'T apply to them. Exactly the opposite of what any human should hear.  It's an undercutting of its own message.

Bye Felicia.

This is the first time the live feeders and casual fans are siding with the racist people. Is Swaggy and his alliance that bad where fans sympathize with the racists of the house? I mean he is cocky but all the respected white males of this show were just as cocky or worse and I tolerate him more than Winston & Bret. Oh well, Swaggy is more likely gone this week.


This is the first time the live feeders and casual fans are siding with the racist people. Is Swaggy and his alliance that bad where fans sympathize with the racists of the house? I mean he is cocky but all the respected white males of this show were just as cocky or worse and I tolerate him more than Winston & Bret. Oh well, Swaggy is more likely gone this week. 

wym live feeders have always been racist. If you visit the chat rooms you’ll notice it right away lol

Betting on Tyler getting the power and Angela getting the Crap App. 

Betting on Tyler getting the power and Angela getting the Crap App. 

i keep forgetting angela even exists so that seems about right

I sure picked a good time to get into Big Brother....

the only people I like on Swaggy's side are Bayleigh and Hayleigh. Swaggy is annoying as ****, Faysal who, and Angie's SJW *** is also annoying. like Kaitlyn threw out maybe putting up JC and Kaycee and she has to go and make a big deal out of it because how dare Kaitlyn put up the only two gay people up on the block smh. 

the other side has Brett, Kaycee, Tyler and Rachel, all who I really like. they just need to drop Winston and stop ***ociating with JC for me to fully support them. Angela is too there I guess. 

Rachel got the crap app.

Rachel got the crap app.

God is good.

Morris1721 wrote:

Rachel got the crap app.

God is good.

Rachel got the crap app.

wish it was Angela, Kaycee, Winston, or Brett

Everyone’s speculating Tyler has the Power App because of how he’s acting. I hope Swaggy or Bayleigh have it just for drama purposes. A lot of people were voting Bay to get it. 

I get that Trump has his ignorant and disgusting supporters. But liberals have just as many equally prejudice and prob more hateful followers. Everyone was so ready pregame to hate Hayleigh for being a racist southern girl (prejudice) but now that she is aligned with the two black hg we have moved our target to Winston. As soon as CBS forced that gun package on him you guys decided he was your target and anyone associated with him would go down as a bigot as well...and ever since you’ve been ready to over analyze and prove your point. You go out of your way to be hateful and find reasons to bring people down, not even realizing you are the definition of everything you hate about Trump and his supporters. Maybe Angela, Rachel, Kaitlyn, and Winston (even then I have seen no proof from him) have said dumb things but look how you guys attack and treat people. Had Winston’s opening package been him saying he’s a Trump hating liberal and did everything else the same in the house you would hate him. Most of you prob can’t even articulate why you hate Trump, the media sells you something and you guys buy it. Personally I think Trump is an idiot and awful but I have plenty of Republican friends that are great people. You guys are so hypocritical and disgusting with your hate and efforts to try and expose people. Truly pathetic.


Everyone’s speculating Tyler has the Power App because of how he’s acting. I hope Swaggy or Bayleigh have it just for drama purposes. A lot of people were voting Bay to get it. 

he is popular but I see cbs wanting to keep Swaggy/bay safe especially Swaggy. It’s to early for him to go he is a major character 

I get that Trump has his ignorant and disgusting supporters. But liberals have just as many equally prejudice and prob more hateful followers. Everyone was so ready pregame to hate Hayleigh for being a racist southern girl (prejudice) but now that she is aligned with the two black hg we have moved our target to Winston. As soon as CBS forced that gun package on him you guys decided he was your target and anyone associated with him would go down as a bigot as well...and ever since you’ve been ready to over analyze and prove your point. You go out of your way to be hateful and find reasons to bring people down, not even realizing you are the definition of everything you hate about Trump and his supporters. Maybe Angela, Rachel, Kaitlyn, and Winston (even then I have seen no proof from him) have said dumb things but look how you guys attack and treat people. Had Winston’s opening package been him saying he’s a Trump hating liberal and did everything else the same in the house you would hate him. Most of you prob can’t even articulate why you hate Trump, the media sells you something and you guys buy it. Personally I think Trump is an idiot and awful but I have plenty of Republican friends that are great people. You guys are so hypocritical and disgusting with your hate and efforts to try and expose people. Truly pathetic.

U ok?

We finally have a season with an openly racist alliance + a ****** scooper. I'm out. 

I don't watch the show but came here to see what the racist stuff was about, what the **** is this
