The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars - Face Off, Gloves On

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Ashley Brooke keeping y'all pressed since 2014. Ugh, her mind<3

That really was Smashley at her finest. Only thing that needed to be changed was her in that pink Bikini and sports coat running down the streets

That really was Smashley at her finest. Only thing that needed to be changed was her in that pink Bikini and sports coat running down the streets

Ashley? more like TRASHley

Not one person in the show has Louise pressed and that's a fact.  

Not one person in the show has Louise pressed and that's a fact.  

Ashley Brooke Mitchell, Challenge Champion. 

gr4pefruits wrote:

Not one person in the show has Louise pressed and that's a fact.  

Ashley Brooke Mitchell, Challenge Champion. 

I don't know, if Louise can handle Lolo, I think she can handle Ashley. 

Ashley is probably just trying to get a strong rival

Louise sitting there unbothered and confident while Ashley has a meltdown lmaoo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

That was ******. Louise is what this show needs. Strong competitor, smart, strategic. She didn't had to yell at Ashley or get all crazy to get in Ashsley's head. Just a game move to get under Ashley's skin was enough lol.

Louise sitting there unbothered and confident while Ashley has a meltdown lmaoo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That was ******. Louise is what this show needs. Strong competitor, smart, strategic. She didn't had to yell at Ashley or get all crazy to get in Ashsley's head. Just a game move to get under Ashley's skin was enough lol.

"Can I explain" "No *****!"

I ******* died

Louise sitting there unbothered and confident while Ashley has a meltdown lmaoo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That was ******. Louise is what this show needs. Strong competitor, smart, strategic. She didn't had to yell at Ashley or get all crazy to get in Ashsley's head. Just a game move to get under Ashley's skin was enough lol.

Wonder if Lewis is still terrified of Ashley 4 months later...


Also, it's ******* TRAGIC that she got her *** beat by Wes in her own sport. I SCREAMED. FLOPPP

Wonder if Lewis is still terrified of Ashley 4 months later... Also, it's ******* TRAGIC that she got her *** beat by Wes in her own sport. I SCREAMED. FLOPPP

Seen in race you could tell Wes used to be hurdler at some point because he had technique, then he is male and males have higher testosterone level which gives you huge advantage over female counterpart, started better so he made lead there which he lost after last hurdle and would lose by a lot if it was a full race.

Louise sitting there unbothered and confident while Ashley has a meltdown lmaoo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That was ******. Louise is what this show needs. Strong competitor, smart, strategic. She didn't had to yell at Ashley or get all crazy to get in Ashsley's head. Just a game move to get under Ashley's skin was enough lol.

PREACH!  I'd love her on a full season.  Her actions reminded me of Queen V, Queen Rachel, etc from the golden age and how they could run the game with ease and make the crazy people look even crazier.  She is a mastermind!

I'm loving Louise, Lil' Mama, Drake, Selita, and Brooke.  Great 'stars' this season!  And when did Shane become so extra?  He used to be sweet back in the day then came back and turned into a major you know what.  Oy.  Still happy to see Road Rules being represented! 

Ashley almost lost to Ashley k, let's not act like Louise wouldn't tear her apart

No she didnt lmao.  Once Ashley.M started turning up Ashley k could do nothing with her.

I swear I saw ashley k neck snap as Ms.Mitchell slammed her face into the dirt

Louise reminds me of a rabbit :/

Challenge 17 wrote:

Ashley almost lost to Ashley k, let's not act like Louise wouldn't tear her apart

No she didnt lmao.  Once Ashley.M started turning up Ashley k could do nothing with her.I swear I saw ashley k neck snap as Ms.Mitchell slammed her face into the dirt

Ashley m ONLY won because Ashley k scored on herself honey 


Cochroach wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:Ashley almost lost to Ashley k, let's not act like Louise wouldn't tear her apart

No she didnt lmao.  Once Ashley.M started turning up Ashley k could do nothing with her.I swear I saw ashley k neck snap as Ms.Mitchell slammed her face into the dirt

Ashley m ONLY won because Ashley k scored on herself honey  

? she won because she was the winner wym.

Challenge 17 wrote:

Cochroach wrote:

Challenge 17 wrote:Ashley almost lost to Ashley k, let's not act like Louise wouldn't tear her apart

No she didnt lmao.  Once Ashley.M started turning up Ashley k could do nothing with her.I swear I saw ashley k neck snap as Ms.Mitchell slammed her face into the dirt

Ashley m ONLY won because Ashley k scored on herself honey  

? she won because she was the winner wym.

if Ashley k didn't score on herself that was it. The elimination round would have been over. 

Ashley is tiny, she said it herself, I'd take tori and kailah over her in something physical.  

Challenge17 permanently pressed about Ashley Mitchell >>>

Challenge17 permanently pressed about Ashley Mitchell >>>

I actually like her, I just dont like the delusions of her beating Louise, she's a great competitor, but she'd get her *** kicked. Ashley isn't going to be tossing girls around, but she's better in missions, has great endurance and is good at puzzles. One on one physically? I'd only say she'dbeat seltia and lil mama. Maybe tori 

I dont agree with ashley crying when shes not in the power position tho. 

If Ashley went against Louise in any elimination type (Push Me, Looper, Hall Brawl, Knot So Fast, Balls In, Elevator, Wrecking Wall, Exile, I Can) she would win 9/10, so Louise did make a smart move. I’ll give her that. 

If Ashley went against Louise in any elimination type (Push Me, Looper, Hall Brawl, Knot So Fast, Balls In, Elevator, Wrecking Wall, Exile, I Can) she would win 9/10, so Louise did make a smart move. I’ll give her that. 

You still mad?

gamer73 wrote:

If Ashley went against Louise in any elimination type (Push Me, Looper, Hall Brawl, Knot So Fast, Balls In, Elevator, Wrecking Wall, Exile, I Can) she would win 9/10, so Louise did make a smart move. I’ll give her that. 

You still mad?

Huh? Why would I be mad????

Ashley nearly lost to Ashley k in balls in but she'll beat Louise, sure

Ashley nearly lost to Ashley k in balls in but she'll beat Louise, sure

She also nearly beat LoLo Jones, what have you done?

HonestTea101 wrote:

"Can I explain" "No *****!"

I ******* died
