“Made in Kentucky” is a new docuseries that follows a rowdy group of friends in gorgeous Pike County, Kentucky, deep in Appalachian Coal Country. This diverse gang bucks all convention and makes their own fun through country shenanigans and wild behavior: from Hillbilly Jet Skiing and “Rock Bouncing” to River-Slides, Lawnmower Jousting, and making “Hot Tub Pickups” out of their trucks, there’s never a dull moment when these friends come together. In a group this tight, lives intertwine – so there’s no lack of dramatic love stories and complicated love triangles, but friendship always comes first. And while the recent national focus on Coal has revived hope in this once-thriving Coal Town, the group still questions what comes next: stay in the picturesque home they’ve loved forever…or chase opportunities outside of Coal Country?
Cast members[/b]
Chase Hall
IG: https://www.instagram.com/papawchase
Damicka Este
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mickaestes
Eli Prater
IG: https://www.instagram.com/that.prater.kid
Hannah Cantrell
IG: https://www.instagram.com/_trippy_lil_hippie
Lexi Cotton
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lexiecotton
Jake McCowan
IG: https://www.instagram.com/jakeetheesnake
Nick Jones
IG: https://www.instagram.com/nickjones.nrg
Paul Grigsby
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grigs_4
Samatha Mitchell
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dammmsam
Tyler Berglowe
What the **** is this ? MTV just throws anything together
it’ll go the winter break route tbh
No thx
They legit make carbon copies of the RW and all of them fail.
Floribama shore season 1 says hi lol
Tbh- For some reason I see this doing okay like that show. But this is pointless when they have the other one filming another season.
I'm from Kentucky so I may to watch it but I see it sucking
Another show about the South, smh MTV is turning into cmt
Can we get a Made in Chiraq? Made in Zone 6? Lmaooooo how about something that'll actually be interesting, entertaining & REAL?
Elkhorn city, 99% white. Great diverse choice MTV lol. Maybe they will surprise me and address this since there's a black girl on the cast, but I don't see that happening
According to this, they won't show any fights on the show. Lame
Which one is Jake? Black shirt or Red shirt?
They probably could have made a real world season with the Winter Break and this show's money. I think it's pretty much dead in MTV's eyes
So this is gonna be boring as ****? K.
Sounds like it
Especially with floribama shore, why do we need this many hillbilly shows? They can go ahead and stick britni in this one so she falls off the planet when this show gets cancelled 5 minutes into the first episode.
they seem to really be into filming inbreds getting drunk. all started with that west virginia show
This show was a choice
Laughed out loud at the token black chick. There's no point black folks ain't watching this mess. This is a hard no for me.
Yea issa no
Living for this ❤️
The place it's flimed in has like 3 black people in total lol
Episode 1: 102,000
Y'all really let lurker on a show
Damicka & Hannah>>>>>, but hard pass for this show. Like someone said, Made in Zone 6, or Made in Chiraq would've been a better option. Hell even Made in Compton would've been something interesting to watch.
Now they just throwing shit in the air and hoping it stick. & I love how they conveniently throw black men and women into these hillbilly *** shows thinking they're diverse when they know black folks aint about to watch this mess.