The Challenge: Vendettas - Reunion (SPOILERS)

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tdstegall wrote:

gamer73 wrote:

KlounV3 wrote:
gamer73 wrote:Wasn’t it said Marie & Kam had a falling out or something? The pictures they took together at reunion etc doesn’t seem that way...

The only thing I've seen people saying is they unfollowed each other on Instagram.


kam unfollowed her for two days but followed her back yesterday and was talking to her on instagram.

That's why I think Brits were kinda in a bad position, cause when people meet for reunion, they often reconcile. Brits even made new enemies. lol It was a bad timing for reunion too, right after this episode..

You mean perfect timing?

The next challenge hasn’t even started and you all are already trying to convince yourself that bananas has no friends lmao....

Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 

Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 


Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 

People like CT and Zach will side with Bananas but won't go to bat for him. I can see them putting him in if the time is right or letting their friends put him in. but if not will stay quiet while others go after him. The thing with Bananas now is after losing the last few times pretty easily people are no longer afraid to call him out. (every elimination he's been in the last few seasons he's lost) I think the only guys that would stay completely loyal to him are Leroy and Derrick. 

So the Brits are determined to be the stars of episodes 1-4 of Final Reckoning, before they are promptly set home, cuz everyone else hates them.

I love Jordan and all, but he was a little extra. He would jump into a lot of convos that didn't involve him. I was like who's talking rn? oh its my man Jordan LOL  he wasn't even part of this season! but I do feel like he feels left out haha which is why he should be on the upcoming one!

Will Jordan ****? He's not even on this challenge as a real castmember. I think he gets off on being mean to girls. So he always goes too far. This is why he had issues with every girl on his season except Averey. Yet interestingly, he's attracted to strong girls (Laurel, Sarah, Tori, Lolo), but he's mean to the strong girls if he's not sleeping with them. He has issues probably related to how he was raised. I've heard his father was mean to women like that.

One of my favorite moments involving Jordan was when LaToya was being voted in and Jordan out of nowhere just to be mean insulted her as a competitor. It was so unnecessary and she shut his *** DOWN. 

Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 

Great point man,most of the people who hate him absolutely suck at missions.the girls who hate him are Kailah/Marie/veronica & Jem,in 3 seasons Kailah has been avg at best.Even though Tony improved this year the dudes that hate him are all scrubs at missions.

For those who went to the reunion, was the Eddie situation mentioned at all?

Tyler3 wrote:

Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 

Great point man,most of the people who hate him absolutely suck at missions.the girls who hate him are Kailah/Marie/veronica & Jem,in 3 seasons Kailah has been avg at best.Even though Tony improved this year the dudes that hate him are all scrubs at missions.

And as we've all seen, John BEEN a scrub at eliminations so it really doesn't matter. He will never win every mission & a new generation is emerging that doesn't give a damn about him & his pathetic "status" that only losers would consider a life accomplishment.

He will never win again unless he whines to his sugar daddies in production about it being "too hard for him" so they make another Rivals 3-esque cast.


Oh and about Natalie unfollowing Johnny... it, like their photo shoot at the restaurant in New York, is fake. She plans on working with him for 32 and only unfollowed him to make the cast think otherwise. This ***** is BEYOND ******* fake ******

Oh and about Natalie unfollowing Johnny... it, like their photo shoot at the restaurant in New York, is fake. She plans on working with him for 32 and only unfollowed him to make the cast think otherwise. This ***** is BEYOND ******* fake ******

That's a very dangerous she lives she lives & something is really wrong with her.....she is a remarkably cunning, sneaky, p***ive-aggressive woman who would seriously get somebody caught up in various ways. I wouldn't be caught nowhere near her ***; she is DEFINITELY the snitch in her friend circle (if she even has one).

For those who went to the reunion, was the Eddie situation mentioned at all?


I warned y'all that the girl is ******* absurdly artificial.

Oh and about Natalie unfollowing Johnny... it, like their photo shoot at the restaurant in New York, is fake. She plans on working with him for 32 and only unfollowed him to make the cast think otherwise. This ***** is BEYOND ******* fake ******


lol, they foreshadowed that on the show talking about a fake fight. another classic BB move. Natalie continues to play hard. 

gamer73 wrote:

Oh and about Natalie unfollowing Johnny... it, like their photo shoot at the restaurant in New York, is fake. She plans on working with him for 32 and only unfollowed him to make the cast think otherwise. This ***** is BEYOND ******* fake ******

That's a very dangerous she lives she lives & something is really wrong with her.....she is a remarkably cunning, sneaky, p***ive-aggressive woman who would seriously get somebody caught up in various ways. I wouldn't be caught nowhere near her ***; she is DEFINITELY the snitch in her friend circle (if she even has one).


I think you're giving her too much credit, but I love how hard she's playing. 

That's a very dangerous she lives she lives & something is really wrong with her.....she is a remarkably cunning, sneaky, p***ive-aggressive woman who would seriously get somebody caught up in various ways. I wouldn't be caught nowhere near her ***; she is DEFINITELY the snitch in her friend circle (if she even has one).

No. It has been very obvious since Big Brother what her gameplay is and only those who choose to be blind like James can't see through her. I wouldn't be caught near her because like Cara she can't function if she isn't the victim.

Oh and about Natalie unfollowing Johnny... it, like their photo shoot at the restaurant in New York, is fake. She plans on working with him for 32 and only unfollowed him to make the cast think otherwise. This ***** is BEYOND ******* fake ******

I seriously can't

Tyler3 wrote:

Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 

Great point man,most of the people who hate him absolutely suck at missions.the girls who hate him are Kailah/Marie/veronica & Jem,in 3 seasons Kailah has been avg at best.Even though Tony improved this year the dudes that hate him are all scrubs at missions.

Maybe they aren't always the best at daily missions but Johnny is terrible at eliminations. Send him in and eventually he's going home...probably the first time. Those people who aren't the best at dailies are way better at eliminations than him (except Corey).

Jfreeze wrote:

Tyler3 wrote:Even if Bananas doesn’t have a big as alliance now he’s still a good player. So is Cara and lol at some of you all trying to convince yourself Zach who didn’t vote for him is against him. Same can be said for CT who will side with him till the very end. These new crop of kids suck at missions so bananas is still gonna succeed. Bye 

Great point man,most of the people who hate him absolutely suck at missions.the girls who hate him are Kailah/Marie/veronica & Jem,in 3 seasons Kailah has been avg at best.Even though Tony improved this year the dudes that hate him are all scrubs at missions.

Maybe they aren't always the best at eliminations but Johnny is terrible at eliminations. Send him in and eventually he's going home...probably the first time. Those people who aren't the best at dailies are way better at eliminations than him (except Corey).

Imnsho the guys who want him out from the start tend to be weaker until closer to the end. Zack and CT want him around for a while to keep the heat off their backs. Then they want him out in the last 3 to 4 rounds. It gives them good coverage throughout, but keeps them from having to run a final against him. It is smart for them to do so. Tony should also want to keep him around in the future. People are going to be gunning for Tony next round where previously no one really cared one way or another about him. The difference with the females is that Nicole is great physically, but when it comes to puzzles, etc she isn't very good. Cara has improved on puzzles, so I think that is why a majority of people go after her before Nicole. 

For anybody who went to the reunion do you know the breakdown of how much each person took home? Look likes there around 121,125 to take home, and the bank account so total up too 143,445. 

The breakdown is

Tony: 39625Zach: 37125Kam: 17125Kyle: 10625Nicole Z:26625Cara: 8750Kailah: 20,695

My prediction is the last four didn't get their money, and the top four got money or Nicole didn't get money and the rest took their bank accounts home. 

For anybody who went to the reunion do you know the breakdown of how much each person took home? Look likes there around 121,125 to take home, and the bank account so total up too 143,445. The breakdown isTony: 39625Zach: 37125Kam: 17125Kyle: 10625Nicole Z:26625Cara: 8750Kailah: 20,695My prediction is the last four didn't get their money, and the top four got money or Nicole didn't get money and the rest took their bank accounts home. 

is leroy going to leave with $0 yikes he better hope 5th place gets a prize

For anybody who went to the reunion do you know the breakdown of how much each person took home? Look likes there around 121,125 to take home, and the bank account so total up too 143,445. The breakdown isTony: 39625Zach: 37125Kam: 17125Kyle: 10625Nicole Z:26625Cara: 8750Kailah: 20,695My prediction is the last four didn't get their money, and the top four got money or Nicole didn't get money and the rest took their bank accounts home. 

i think I saw somewhere last 4 only get here bank,  top 4 get more

So Leroy walks away with nothing *****!

I love Kam but if the bottom 4 dont even get their bank, i would LOL.

mrahmanzai wrote:

For anybody who went to the reunion do you know the breakdown of how much each person took home? Look likes there around 121,125 to take home, and the bank account so total up too 143,445. The breakdown isTony: 39625Zach: 37125Kam: 17125Kyle: 10625Nicole Z:26625Cara: 8750Kailah: 20,695My prediction is the last four didn't get their money, and the top four got money or Nicole didn't get money and the rest took their bank accounts home. 

i think I saw somewhere last 4 only get here bank,  top 4 get more

That's what I heard too but Nicole DQ's and Cara went home with 378,000ish

TJ said theres around 300k left in the final pot. The only way for Cara to get 378k is if the bottom 4 dont get any money.

Theres $200,000 they saved specifically for the final. My guess is 1st place gets 150k, 2nd place gets 35k, 3rd place gets 10k, 4th place gets 5k. Bottom 4 dont get any money and its added to the bonus pot which the first place winner would get. So Cara would get around 380k, Zach gets around 75k, Kyle gets around 20k and Kailah gets around 25k.

TJ said theres around 300k left in the final pot. The only way for Cara to get 378k is if the bottom 4 dont get any money.Theres $200,000 they saved specifically for the final. My guess is 1st place gets 150k, 2nd place gets 35k, 3rd place gets 10k, 4th place gets 5k. Bottom 4 dont get any money and its added to the bonus pot which the first place winner would get. So Cara would get around 380k, Zach gets around 75k, Kyle gets around 20k and Kailah gets around 25k.

I like Kam, but if that is true, all three of her grenades impacted Cara but never really hurt her. And the last one which Kam didn't use on Cara to take the money from Devin helped Cara make more. That is kind of funny.

InterFan wrote:

TJ said theres around 300k left in the final pot. The only way for Cara to get 378k is if the bottom 4 dont get any money.Theres $200,000 they saved specifically for the final. My guess is 1st place gets 150k, 2nd place gets 35k, 3rd place gets 10k, 4th place gets 5k. Bottom 4 dont get any money and its added to the bonus pot which the first place winner would get. So Cara would get around 380k, Zach gets around 75k, Kyle gets around 20k and Kailah gets around 25k.

I like Kam, but if that is true, all three of her grenades impacted Cara but never really hurt her. And the last one which Kam didn't use on Cara to take the money from Devin helped Cara make more. That is kind of funny.


no cuz, if Kam hadn't taken Devin's money, Cara would have gotten it. 

I love Kam but she literally used the worst grenade each time. The first time she shouldve given flippers, the second time she shouldve taken money and the third time she shouldve given the time penalty to Jemmye.
